Class ContainerFieldStrategy

  extended by org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.strats.AbstractStrategy
      extended by org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.strats.AbstractFieldStrategy
          extended by org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.strats.ContainerFieldStrategy
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, FieldStrategy, Strategy
Direct Known Subclasses:
MapTableFieldStrategy, StoreCollectionFieldStrategy

public abstract class ContainerFieldStrategy
extends AbstractFieldStrategy

An abstract container mapping that handles traversing the join to examine the size of the relation.

Marc Prud'hommeaux
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.strats.AbstractFieldStrategy
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void appendIndex(SQLBuffer sql, Select sel, Joins joins)
          Append the ordered column alias to the given statement.
 void appendIsEmpty(SQLBuffer sql, Select sel, Joins joins)
          Append a where clause to the given statement checking if this value is empty.
 void appendIsNotEmpty(SQLBuffer sql, Select sel, Joins joins)
          Append a where clause to the given statement checking if this value is not empty.
 void appendIsNotNull(SQLBuffer sql, Select sel, Joins joins)
          Append a where clause to the given statement checking if this value is not null.
 void appendIsNull(SQLBuffer sql, Select sel, Joins joins)
          Append a where clause to the given statement checking if this value is null.
protected static void appendJoinCount(SQLBuffer sql, Select sel, Joins joins, DBDictionary dict, FieldMapping field, ForeignKey fk)
 void appendSize(SQLBuffer sql, Select sel, Joins joins)
          Append a where clause to the given statement checking the size of the value.
static void appendUnaliasedJoin(SQLBuffer sql, Select sel, Joins joins, DBDictionary dict, FieldMapping field, ForeignKey fk)
protected abstract  ClassMapping[] getIndependentElementMappings(boolean traverse)
          Return all independent mappings to which this strategy must join in order to access collection elements, or empty array if none.
abstract  ForeignKey getJoinForeignKey()
Methods inherited from class org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.strats.AbstractFieldStrategy
appendType, assertNotMappedBy, isEagerSelectToMany, isVersionable, join, joinKey, joinKeyRelation, joinRelation, load, load, loadEagerJoin, loadEagerParallel, loadKeyProjection, loadProjection, select, selectEagerJoin, selectEagerParallel, setFieldMapping, supportsSelect, toDataStoreValue, toKeyDataStoreValue, where
Methods inherited from class org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.strats.AbstractStrategy
customDelete, customInsert, customUpdate, delete, getAlias, initialize, insert, isCustomDelete, isCustomInsert, isCustomUpdate, map, update
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.meta.Strategy
customDelete, customInsert, customUpdate, delete, getAlias, initialize, insert, isCustomDelete, isCustomInsert, isCustomUpdate, map, update

Constructor Detail


public ContainerFieldStrategy()
Method Detail


protected abstract ClassMapping[] getIndependentElementMappings(boolean traverse)
Return all independent mappings to which this strategy must join in order to access collection elements, or empty array if none.

traverse - whether we're traversing through to the related type
See Also:
ValueMapping.getIndependentTypeMappings(), ClassMapping.EMPTY_MAPPINGS


public void appendIsEmpty(SQLBuffer sql,
                          Select sel,
                          Joins joins)
Description copied from interface: FieldStrategy
Append a where clause to the given statement checking if this value is empty. Appends impossible-to-satisfy SQL by default.

Specified by:
appendIsEmpty in interface FieldStrategy
appendIsEmpty in class AbstractFieldStrategy


public void appendIsNotEmpty(SQLBuffer sql,
                             Select sel,
                             Joins joins)
Description copied from interface: FieldStrategy
Append a where clause to the given statement checking if this value is not empty. Appends always-satisfied SQL by default.

Specified by:
appendIsNotEmpty in interface FieldStrategy
appendIsNotEmpty in class AbstractFieldStrategy


public void appendIsNull(SQLBuffer sql,
                         Select sel,
                         Joins joins)
Description copied from interface: FieldStrategy
Append a where clause to the given statement checking if this value is null.

Specified by:
appendIsNull in interface FieldStrategy
appendIsNull in class AbstractFieldStrategy


public void appendIsNotNull(SQLBuffer sql,
                            Select sel,
                            Joins joins)
Description copied from interface: FieldStrategy
Append a where clause to the given statement checking if this value is not null.

Specified by:
appendIsNotNull in interface FieldStrategy
appendIsNotNull in class AbstractFieldStrategy


public abstract ForeignKey getJoinForeignKey()


public void appendSize(SQLBuffer sql,
                       Select sel,
                       Joins joins)
Description copied from interface: FieldStrategy
Append a where clause to the given statement checking the size of the value.

Specified by:
appendSize in interface FieldStrategy
appendSize in class AbstractFieldStrategy


public void appendIndex(SQLBuffer sql,
                        Select sel,
                        Joins joins)
Description copied from interface: FieldStrategy
Append the ordered column alias to the given statement.

Specified by:
appendIndex in interface FieldStrategy
appendIndex in class AbstractFieldStrategy


protected static void appendJoinCount(SQLBuffer sql,
                                      Select sel,
                                      Joins joins,
                                      DBDictionary dict,
                                      FieldMapping field,
                                      ForeignKey fk)


public static void appendUnaliasedJoin(SQLBuffer sql,
                                       Select sel,
                                       Joins joins,
                                       DBDictionary dict,
                                       FieldMapping field,
                                       ForeignKey fk)

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