Uses of Class

Packages that use DBIdentifier.DBIdentifierType
org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql OpenJPA-JDBC SQL Abstraction Utilities for generating SQL. 

Uses of DBIdentifier.DBIdentifierType in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.identifier

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.identifier that return DBIdentifier.DBIdentifierType
 DBIdentifier.DBIdentifierType DBIdentifier.getType()
          Get the identifier type
static DBIdentifier.DBIdentifierType DBIdentifier.DBIdentifierType.valueOf(String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static DBIdentifier.DBIdentifierType[] DBIdentifier.DBIdentifierType.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.identifier with parameters of type DBIdentifier.DBIdentifierType
 DBIdentifier DBIdentifierUtilImpl.append(DBIdentifier.DBIdentifierType resultId, DBIdentifier... names)
 DBIdentifier DBIdentifierUtil.append(DBIdentifier.DBIdentifierType resultId, DBIdentifier... names)
          Appends multiple names together using the appropriate name delimiter.
static DBIdentifier DBIdentifier.combine(DBIdentifier.DBIdentifierType id, String... names)
          Combines an array of names names using standard combining rules and returns an identifier of the specified type.
 DBIdentifier DBIdentifierUtilImpl.fromDBName(String name, DBIdentifier.DBIdentifierType id)
          Creates a new identifier of a given type based upon the name returned from the database.
 DBIdentifier DBIdentifierUtil.fromDBName(String name, DBIdentifier.DBIdentifierType id)
          Converts the name returned by the database to an identifier of the specified type.
protected static DBIdentifier DBIdentifier.newIdentifier(String name, DBIdentifier.DBIdentifierType id)
          Constructs a new identifier with the provided name and type
static DBIdentifier DBIdentifier.newIdentifier(String name, DBIdentifier.DBIdentifierType id, boolean toUpper)
          Constructs a new identifier with the provided name an type.
protected static DBIdentifier DBIdentifier.newIdentifier(String name, DBIdentifier.DBIdentifierType id, boolean toUpper, boolean delimit)
          Constructs a new identifier (potentially a compound QualifiedDBIdentifier) with the provided name an type.
protected static DBIdentifier DBIdentifier.newIdentifier(String name, DBIdentifier.DBIdentifierType id, boolean toUpper, boolean delimit, boolean ignoreCase)
          Constructs a new identifier (potentially a compound QualifiedDBIdentifier) with the provided name an type.
protected  void DBIdentifier.setType(DBIdentifier.DBIdentifierType type)
          Set the type of the identifier
static DBIdentifier[] DBIdentifier.split(DBIdentifier.DBIdentifierType resultType, String name)
          Splits a given DBIdentifier into multiple DBIdentifiers.
static DBIdentifier[] DBIdentifier.split(String name, DBIdentifier.DBIdentifierType id, String delim)
          Splits a string delimited by the specified delimiter of a given name type into an array of DBIdentifier objects.
static DBIdentifier[] DBIdentifier.toArray(String[] columnNames, DBIdentifier.DBIdentifierType id)
          Converts the provided set of names to an array of identifiers of the provided type
static DBIdentifier[] DBIdentifier.toArray(String[] names, DBIdentifier.DBIdentifierType id, boolean delimit)
          Converts the provided set of names to an array of identifiers of the provided type, optionally delimiting the names.

Constructors in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.identifier with parameters of type DBIdentifier.DBIdentifierType
DBIdentifier(String name, DBIdentifier.DBIdentifierType type)
DBIdentifier(String name, DBIdentifier.DBIdentifierType type, boolean delimit)
DBIdentifierRule(DBIdentifier.DBIdentifierType id, Set<String> reservedWords)

Uses of DBIdentifier.DBIdentifierType in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql with parameters of type DBIdentifier.DBIdentifierType
 DBIdentifier DBDictionary.fromDBName(String name, DBIdentifier.DBIdentifierType id)

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