Interface QueryCacheInstrument

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractQueryCacheInstrument, QueryCacheJMXInstrument

public interface QueryCacheInstrument

Interface for providing instrumented data cache metrics and operations.

Method Summary
 long count()
          Returns the number of total entries in the cache.
 long getEvictionCount()
          Returns number of total evictions since last reset
 long getExecutionCount()
          Returns number of total execution requests since last reset
 long getExecutionCount(String queryKey)
          Returns number of total execution requests since last reset for the specified string-ified query key.
 long getHitCount()
          Returns number of total read requests that have been found in cache since last reset.
 long getHitCount(String queryKey)
          Returns number of total read requests that have been found in cache since last reset for the specified string-ified query key.
 long getTotalEvictionCount()
          Returns number of total eviction requests since start.
 long getTotalExecutionCount()
          Returns number of total exec requests since start.
 long getTotalExecutionCount(String queryKey)
          Returns number of total exec requests since start for the specified string-ified query key.
 long getTotalHitCount()
          Returns number of total read requests that has been found since start.
 long getTotalHitCount(String queryKey)
          Returns number of total read requests that has been found since start for the specified string-ified query key.
 Set<String> queryKeys()
          Returns all the string-ified keys for query results in the cache.
 void reset()
          Resets cache statistics
 Date sinceDate()
          Returns date since cache statistics collection were last reset.
 Date startDate()
          Returns date cache statistics collection started.

Method Detail


long getTotalExecutionCount()
Returns number of total exec requests since start.


long getTotalExecutionCount(String queryKey)
Returns number of total exec requests since start for the specified string-ified query key.


long getExecutionCount()
Returns number of total execution requests since last reset


long getExecutionCount(String queryKey)
Returns number of total execution requests since last reset for the specified string-ified query key.


long getHitCount()
Returns number of total read requests that have been found in cache since last reset.


long getHitCount(String queryKey)
Returns number of total read requests that have been found in cache since last reset for the specified string-ified query key.


long getTotalHitCount()
Returns number of total read requests that has been found since start.


long getTotalHitCount(String queryKey)
Returns number of total read requests that has been found since start for the specified string-ified query key.


void reset()
Resets cache statistics


Date sinceDate()
Returns date since cache statistics collection were last reset.


Date startDate()
Returns date cache statistics collection started.


Set<String> queryKeys()
Returns all the string-ified keys for query results in the cache.


long getEvictionCount()
Returns number of total evictions since last reset


long getTotalEvictionCount()
Returns number of total eviction requests since start.


long count()
Returns the number of total entries in the cache.


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