Uses of Class

Packages that use PCEnhancer.Flags
org.apache.openjpa.ant OpenJPA Ant Tasks Ant tasks for OpenJPA tools. 
org.apache.openjpa.enhance OpenJPA Enhancer This package provides a bytecode enhancer used to post-process classes for use in a OpenJPA runtime. 

Uses of PCEnhancer.Flags in org.apache.openjpa.ant

Fields in org.apache.openjpa.ant declared as PCEnhancer.Flags
protected  PCEnhancer.Flags PCEnhancerTask.flags

Uses of PCEnhancer.Flags in org.apache.openjpa.enhance

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.enhance with parameters of type PCEnhancer.Flags
static boolean conf, String[] args, PCEnhancer.Flags flags, MetaDataRepository repos, BytecodeWriter writer, ClassLoader loader)
          Enhance the given classes.

Constructors in org.apache.openjpa.enhance with parameters of type PCEnhancer.Flags
PCClassFileTransformer(MetaDataRepository repos, PCEnhancer.Flags flags, ClassLoader tmpLoader, boolean devscan)

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