Uses of Interface

Packages that use PCEnhancer.AuxiliaryEnhancer
org.apache.openjpa.enhance OpenJPA Enhancer This package provides a bytecode enhancer used to post-process classes for use in a OpenJPA runtime. 

Uses of PCEnhancer.AuxiliaryEnhancer in org.apache.openjpa.enhance

Methods in org.apache.openjpa.enhance that return PCEnhancer.AuxiliaryEnhancer
 PCEnhancer.AuxiliaryEnhancer[] PCEnhancer.getAuxiliaryEnhancers()
          Gets the auxiliary enhancers registered as services.

Uses of PCEnhancer.AuxiliaryEnhancer in org.apache.openjpa.enhance.stats

Classes in org.apache.openjpa.enhance.stats that implement PCEnhancer.AuxiliaryEnhancer
 class FetchStatisticsAuxEnhancer
          FetchStatisticsAuxEnhancer adds the call back function to each persistent fields in the persistent entity which will invoke the hit method from FetchStatsCollector whenever the field is fetched at runtime.

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