OOoRunner test harness

Uses of Class

Packages that use DescEntry

Uses of DescEntry in base

Methods in base with parameters of type DescEntry
protected  TestEnvironment java_fat_service.getEnv(DescEntry entry, TestParameters param)
protected  TestEnvironment java_fat.getEnv(DescEntry entry, TestParameters param)

Uses of DescEntry in basicrunner

Methods in basicrunner with parameters of type DescEntry
 TestResult xTestedEntry, TestEnvironment tEnv, TestParameters tParam)
          Let the test run.

Constructors in basicrunner with parameters of type DescEntry
BasicTestCase(DescEntry entry)
          Constructor with the entry which is to test.

Uses of DescEntry in complexlib

Fields in complexlib declared as DescEntry
protected  DescEntry ComplexTestCase.subEntry
          Description entry

Methods in complexlib with parameters of type DescEntry
 void ComplexTestCase.executeMethods(DescEntry entry, TestParameters environment)
          Call test.

Uses of DescEntry in helper

Methods in helper that return DescEntry
 DescEntry[] ComplexDescGetter.getDescriptionFor(String entry, String DescPath, boolean debug)
protected  DescEntry ComplexDescGetter.getDescriptionForSingleJob(String className, String descPath, boolean debug)
 DescEntry[] APIDescGetter.getDescriptionFor(String job, String descPath, boolean debug)
protected  DescEntry APIDescGetter.getDescriptionForSingleJob(String job, String descPath, boolean debug)
protected static DescEntry[] APIDescGetter.getSubEntries(BufferedReader cvsFile, DescEntry parent, boolean debug)
protected static DescEntry APIDescGetter.setErrorDescription(DescEntry entry, String ErrorMsg)
protected static DescEntry[] APIDescGetter.getDescArray(Object[] list)
protected  DescEntry APIDescGetter.getFromClassPath(String aEntry, boolean debug)
protected static DescEntry APIDescGetter.getFromDirectory(String descPath, String entry, boolean debug)

Methods in helper with parameters of type DescEntry
protected static DescEntry[] APIDescGetter.getSubEntries(BufferedReader cvsFile, DescEntry parent, boolean debug)
protected static DescEntry APIDescGetter.setErrorDescription(DescEntry entry, String ErrorMsg)

Uses of DescEntry in lib

Fields in lib declared as DescEntry
protected  DescEntry MultiMethodTest.entry
          Contains the Description for the test it.

Methods in lib with parameters of type DescEntry
 TestResult entry, TestEnvironment tEnv, TestParameters tParam)
          Runs the interface test: its method tests.

Uses of DescEntry in share

Fields in share declared as DescEntry
 DescEntry[] DescEntry.SubEntries
          Contains the SubEntries

Methods in share that return DescEntry
abstract  DescEntry[] DescGetter.getDescriptionFor(String entry, String DescPath, boolean debug)
protected abstract  DescEntry DescGetter.getDescriptionForSingleJob(String job, String descPath, boolean debug)
protected  DescEntry[] DescGetter.getScenario(String url, String descPath, boolean debug)

Methods in share with parameters of type DescEntry
 boolean LogWriter.initialize(DescEntry entry, boolean active)
 boolean LogWriter.summary(DescEntry entry)
          will mostly be used by outproducers to sum up the information, maybe write them to a db

Uses of DescEntry in stats

Methods in stats with parameters of type DescEntry
 boolean SimpleFileOutProducer.initialize(DescEntry entry, boolean active)
          initialization, here a filename might be given or a dbUrL
 boolean SimpleFileOutProducer.summary(DescEntry entry)
          will mostly be used by outproducers to sum up the information, maybe write them to a db
 boolean SimpleFileOutProducer.summary_default(DescEntry entry)
 boolean InternalLogWriter.initialize(DescEntry entry, boolean active)
 boolean InternalLogWriter.summary(DescEntry entry)
          Is used to sum up the information.
 boolean SimpleLogWriter.initialize(DescEntry entry, boolean logging)
 boolean SimpleLogWriter.summary(DescEntry entry)
 boolean SimpleOutProducer.initialize(DescEntry entry, boolean active)
          initialization, here a filename might be given or a dbUrL
 boolean SimpleOutProducer.summary(DescEntry entry)
          will mostly be used by outproducers to sum up the information, maybe write them to a db
 boolean DataBaseOutProducer.initialize(DescEntry entry, boolean active)
 boolean DataBaseOutProducer.summary(DescEntry entry)
protected  boolean DataBaseOutProducer.findTypeInEntryTree(DescEntry entry, LogWriter log)
          Step recursively through the entry tree: write all entries of the defined types to the database.
protected  boolean DataBaseOutProducer.insertEntry(DescEntry entry, LogWriter log)
          Insert this entrry to the database.
protected  boolean DataBaseOutProducer.isWriteableEntryType(DescEntry entry)
          Is the entry of the writeable entry type?
 boolean FileLogWriter.initialize(DescEntry entry, boolean logging)
 boolean FileLogWriter.summary(DescEntry entry)
 void Summarizer.summarizeUp(DescEntry entry)
          gets the state for a SuperEntry according to its subentries
static void Summarizer.summarizeDown(DescEntry entry, String state)

OOoRunner test harness