OOoRunner test harness

Uses of Class

Packages that use TestParameters

Uses of TestParameters in base

Methods in base with parameters of type TestParameters
 boolean java_complex.executeTest(TestParameters param)
          Execute a test.
 boolean basic_fat.executeTest(TestParameters param)
          Execute a test.
 boolean java_fat_service.executeTest(TestParameters param)
protected  TestEnvironment java_fat_service.getEnv(DescEntry entry, TestParameters param)
 boolean java_fat.executeTest(TestParameters param)
protected  TestEnvironment java_fat.getEnv(DescEntry entry, TestParameters param)
 boolean TestBase.executeTest(TestParameters param)
 boolean java_cmp.executeTest(TestParameters param)

Uses of TestParameters in basicrunner

Methods in basicrunner with parameters of type TestParameters
 void BasicHandler.Connect(String sBasicBridgeURL, TestParameters tParam, XMultiServiceFactory xMSF, LogWriter log)
          Establishes a connection between BASIC and Java.
protected  void BasicTestCase.initialize(TestParameters tParam, PrintWriter pLog)
          Initialize the test case.
protected  TestEnvironment BasicTestCase.createTestEnvironment(TestParameters tParam, PrintWriter log)
          Create the environment for the test.
protected  void BasicTestCase.cleanupTestEnvironment(TestParameters tParam, TestEnvironment tEnv, LogWriter log)
 void BasicTestCase.cleanupTestCase(TestParameters tParam)
          BASIC is told to dispose the test object.
static BasicHandler BasicHandlerProvider.getHandler(TestParameters tParam, LogWriter log)
          Get a BasicHandler
 TestResult xTestedEntry, TestEnvironment tEnv, TestParameters tParam)
          Let the test run.

Constructors in basicrunner with parameters of type TestParameters
BasicHandler(TestParameters tParam)
          Creates an instance of a HandlerContainer.

Uses of TestParameters in complexlib

Fields in complexlib declared as TestParameters
protected static TestParameters ComplexTestCase.param
          The test parameters

Methods in complexlib with parameters of type TestParameters
 void ComplexTestCase.executeMethods(DescEntry entry, TestParameters environment)
          Call test.

Uses of TestParameters in helper

Methods in helper with parameters of type TestParameters
 boolean OfficeProvider.disposeManager(TestParameters param)
          Dispose the office.
 Object OfficeProvider.getManager(TestParameters param)
          Method to get the ServiceManager of an Office
 boolean OfficeProvider.closeExistingOffice(TestParameters param, boolean closeIfPossible)
          Close an office.
static boolean InetTools.setHTTPProxy(TestParameters param)
          Helper method: sets the HTTP-Proxy to values from lib.TestParameters
 void CfgParser.getIniParameters(TestParameters param)
 boolean UnoProvider.closeExistingOffice(TestParameters param, boolean closeIfPossible)
          Close existing office: calls disposeManager()
 boolean UnoProvider.disposeManager(TestParameters param)
          Dispose the UNO environment: just clears the bootstrapped MultiServiceFactory
 Object UnoProvider.getManager(TestParameters param)
          Bootstrap UNO and return the created MultiServiceFactory.
 void ClParser.getCommandLineParameter(TestParameters param, String[] args)
 Object AppProvider.getManager(TestParameters param)
          Method to get the desired Manager
 boolean AppProvider.disposeManager(TestParameters param)
          Method to dispose the desired Manager
 boolean AppProvider.closeExistingOffice(TestParameters param, boolean closeIfPossible)
          Close an office.

Constructors in helper with parameters of type TestParameters
StreamSimulator(String sFileName, boolean bInput, TestParameters param)
          construct a new instance of this class It set the name of the correspojnding file on disk, which should be source or target for the following operations on this object.
OfficeWatcher(TestParameters param)
          Creates new OfficeWatcher

Uses of TestParameters in lib

Fields in lib declared as TestParameters
protected  TestParameters MultiMethodTest.tParam
          Contains the TestParameters for the tests, to allow for tests to access it.

Methods in lib with parameters of type TestParameters
 void TestCase.initializeTestCase(TestParameters tParam)
          Initializes the TestCase.
protected  void TestCase.initialize(TestParameters tParam, PrintWriter log)
          Called while the TestCase initialization.
 void TestCase.cleanupTestCase(TestParameters tParam)
          Cleans up the TestCase.
protected  void TestCase.cleanup(TestParameters tParam, PrintWriter log)
          Called while the TestCase cleanup.
 TestEnvironment TestCase.getTestEnvironment(TestParameters tParam)
          Creates a TestEnvironment containing an instance of the implementation object and related objects needed to perform test.
 void TestCase.disposeTestEnvironment(TestEnvironment tEnv, TestParameters tParam)
          Disposes the TestEnvironment when it is not needed anymore.
protected abstract  TestEnvironment TestCase.createTestEnvironment(TestParameters tParam, PrintWriter log)
          Called to create an instance of TestEnvironment with an object to test and related objects.
protected  void TestCase.cleanupTestEnvironment(TestParameters Param, TestEnvironment tEnv, PrintWriter log)
          Called while disposing a TestEnvironment.
 TestResult entry, TestEnvironment tEnv, TestParameters tParam)
          Runs the interface test: its method tests.

OOoRunner test harness