OOoRunner test harness

Uses of Class

Packages that use Status

Uses of Status in lib

Subclasses of Status in lib
 class TestResult
          The class supports interface tests development and Status calculation.

Fields in lib declared as Status
protected  Status StatusException.status
          The Status contained in the StatusException.

Methods in lib that return Status
static Status Status.passed(boolean state)
          This is a factory method for creating a Status representing normal actibity termination.
static Status Status.exception(Throwable t)
          This is a factory method for creating a Status representing an exception activity termination.
static Status Status.skipped(boolean state)
          This is a factory method for creating a Status representing a skipped activity.
static Status Status.excluded()
          This is a factory method for creating a Status representing that the result of the activity was excluded.
static Status Status.failed(String reason)
          Creates a Status representing an activity failed for an arbitrary reason.
 Status TestResult.getStatusFor(String method)
protected  Status MultiMethodTest.getStatusFor(String method)
protected  Status MultiMethodTest.setField(String fieldName, Object value)
          Initializes fieldName of the subclass with value.
 Status StatusException.getStatus()

Methods in lib with parameters of type Status
 boolean TestResult.tested(String method, Status status)
          The method makes the method tested with the status, i.e.
protected  void MultiMethodTest.setStatus(String methName, Status methStatus)
          Sets a method status.

Constructors in lib with parameters of type Status
StatusException(Status st)
          Creates a StatusException containing a Status.

OOoRunner test harness