org.apache.mina.core |
Common types required for users to use MINA.
org.apache.mina.core.buffer |
org.apache.mina.core.file |
org.apache.mina.core.filterchain |
org.apache.mina.core.future |
org.apache.mina.core.polling |
Base class for implementing transport based on active polling strategies like NIO select call, or any API
based on I/O polling system calls (epoll, poll, select, kqueue, etc).
org.apache.mina.core.service |
org.apache.mina.core.session |
org.apache.mina.core.write |
| |
Chat server which demonstates using the text line codec and Spring integration.
| |
Swing based chat client.
org.apache.mina.example.echoserver |
Echo server which demonstates low-level I/O layer and SSL support.
org.apache.mina.example.echoserver.ssl |
SSL support classes.
org.apache.mina.example.gettingstarted.timeserver |
org.apache.mina.example.haiku |
org.apache.mina.example.imagine.step1 |
org.apache.mina.example.imagine.step1.client |
org.apache.mina.example.imagine.step1.codec |
org.apache.mina.example.imagine.step1.server |
org.apache.mina.example.imagine.step2.server |
org.apache.mina.example.imagine.step3.server |
org.apache.mina.example.netcat |
NetCat client (Network + Unix cat command) which demonstates low-level I/O layer.
org.apache.mina.example.proxy |
A TCP/IP tunneling proxy example.
org.apache.mina.example.reverser |
Reverser server which reverses all text lines demonstating high-level protocol layer.
org.apache.mina.example.sumup |
SumUp Server and Client which sums up all ADD requests.
org.apache.mina.example.sumup.codec |
Protocol codec implementation for SumUp protocol.
org.apache.mina.example.sumup.message |
Protocol mmessage classes for SumUp protocol.
org.apache.mina.example.tapedeck |
org.apache.mina.example.tcp.perf |
| |
Two tennis players play a game which demonstates in-VM pipes.
org.apache.mina.example.udp |
org.apache.mina.example.udp.client |
org.apache.mina.example.udp.perf |
org.apache.mina.filter.buffer |
org.apache.mina.filter.codec |
Filter implementations that helps you to implement complex protocols
via 'codec' concept.
org.apache.mina.filter.codec.demux |
Protocol codecs that helps you to implement even more complex protocols by
splitting a codec into multiple sub-codecs.
org.apache.mina.filter.codec.prefixedstring |
org.apache.mina.filter.codec.serialization |
Protocol codecs which uses Java object serilization and leads to rapid protocol
org.apache.mina.filter.codec.statemachine |
org.apache.mina.filter.codec.textline |
A protocol codec for text-based protocols.
org.apache.mina.filter.compression |
org.apache.mina.filter.errorgenerating |
An IoFilter that provides flexible error generation facilities.
org.apache.mina.filter.executor |
IoFilters that provide flexible thread model and event queue
monitoring interface.
org.apache.mina.filter.firewall |
Classes that implement IoFilter and provide host blocking and throttling.
org.apache.mina.filter.keepalive |
IoFilter that provides the ability for connections to remain open when data is not being transferred.
org.apache.mina.filter.logging |
Classes that implement IoFilter and provide logging of the events and data that flows through a MINA-based system.
org.apache.mina.filter.ssl |
Classes that implement IoFilter and provide Secure Sockets Layer functionality.
org.apache.mina.filter.statistic |
Classes that implement IoFilter and provide the ability for filters to be timed on their performance.
| |
Stream based IoFilter implementation.
org.apache.mina.filter.util |
Utility classes for the MINA filtering portion of the library.
org.apache.mina.handler.chain |
A handler implementation that helps you implement sequentially layered protocols
using Chains of Responsibility pattern.
org.apache.mina.handler.demux |
A handler implementation that helps you implement complex protocols
by splitting messageReceived handlers into multiple sub-handlers.
org.apache.mina.handler.multiton |
Enables creating a handler per session instead of having one handler for many
sessions, using
Multiton pattern.
| |
org.apache.mina.http |
org.apache.mina.http.api |
org.apache.mina.integration.beans |
org.apache.mina.integration.jmx |
JMX (Java Management eXtension) integration.
org.apache.mina.integration.ognl |
org.apache.mina.integration.xbean |
org.apache.mina.proxy |
org.apache.mina.proxy.event |
org.apache.mina.proxy.filter |
org.apache.mina.proxy.handlers |
org.apache.mina.proxy.handlers.http |
org.apache.mina.proxy.handlers.http.basic |
org.apache.mina.proxy.handlers.http.digest |
org.apache.mina.proxy.handlers.http.ntlm |
org.apache.mina.proxy.handlers.socks |
org.apache.mina.proxy.session |
org.apache.mina.proxy.utils |
org.apache.mina.statemachine |
org.apache.mina.statemachine.annotation |
org.apache.mina.statemachine.context |
org.apache.mina.statemachine.event |
org.apache.mina.statemachine.transition |
org.apache.mina.transport.serial |
org.apache.mina.transport.socket |
org.apache.mina.transport.socket.apr |
org.apache.mina.transport.socket.nio |
org.apache.mina.transport.vmpipe |
In-VM pipe support which removes the overhead of local loopback communication.
org.apache.mina.util |
Miscellaneous utility classes
org.apache.mina.util.byteaccess |