Class AprSocketAcceptor

  extended by org.apache.mina.core.service.AbstractIoService
      extended by org.apache.mina.core.service.AbstractIoAcceptor
          extended by org.apache.mina.core.polling.AbstractPollingIoAcceptor<AprSession,Long>
              extended by org.apache.mina.transport.socket.apr.AprSocketAcceptor
All Implemented Interfaces:
IoAcceptor, IoService, SocketAcceptor

public final class AprSocketAcceptor
extends AbstractPollingIoAcceptor<AprSession,Long>
implements SocketAcceptor

IoAcceptor for APR based socket transport (TCP/IP).

Apache MINA Project

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.apache.mina.core.service.AbstractIoAcceptor
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.apache.mina.core.service.AbstractIoService
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.apache.mina.core.polling.AbstractPollingIoAcceptor
backlog, reuseAddress
Fields inherited from class org.apache.mina.core.service.AbstractIoAcceptor
Fields inherited from class org.apache.mina.core.service.AbstractIoService
Constructor Summary
          Constructor for AprSocketAcceptor using default parameters (multiple thread model).
AprSocketAcceptor(Executor executor, IoProcessor<AprSession> processor)
          Constructor for AprSocketAcceptor with a given Executor for handling connection events and a given AprIoProcessor for handling I/O events, useful for sharing the same processor and executor over multiple IoService of the same type.
AprSocketAcceptor(int processorCount)
          Constructor for AprSocketAcceptor using default parameters, and given number of AprIoProcessor for multithreading I/O operations.
AprSocketAcceptor(IoProcessor<AprSession> processor)
          Constructor for AprSocketAcceptor with default configuration but a specific AprIoProcessor, useful for sharing the same processor over multiple IoService of the same type.
Method Summary
protected  AprSession accept(IoProcessor<AprSession> processor, Long handle)
          Accept a client connection for a server socket and return a new IoSession associated with the given IoProcessor
protected  void close(Long handle)
          Close a server socket.
protected  void destroy()
          Destroy the polling system, will be called when this IoAcceptor implementation will be disposed.
 InetSocketAddress getDefaultLocalAddress()
          Returns the default local address to bind when no argument is specified in IoAcceptor.bind() method.
 InetSocketAddress getLocalAddress()
          Returns the local address which is bound currently.
 SocketSessionConfig getSessionConfig()
          Returns the default configuration of the new IoSessions created by this service.
 TransportMetadata getTransportMetadata()
          Returns the TransportMetadata that this service runs on.
protected  void init()
          Initialize the polling system, will be called at construction time.
protected  SocketAddress localAddress(Long handle)
          Get the local address associated with a given server socket
protected  Long open(SocketAddress localAddress)
          Open a server socket for a given local address.
protected  int select()
          Check for acceptable connections, interrupt when at least a server is ready for accepting.
protected  Iterator<Long> selectedHandles()
          Iterator for the set of server sockets found with acceptable incoming connections during the last call.
 void setDefaultLocalAddress(InetSocketAddress localAddress)
protected  void wakeup()
          Interrupt the method.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.mina.core.polling.AbstractPollingIoAcceptor
bindInternal, dispose0, getBacklog, isReuseAddress, newSession, setBacklog, setReuseAddress, unbind0
Methods inherited from class org.apache.mina.core.service.AbstractIoAcceptor
bind, bind, bind, bind, getDefaultLocalAddresses, getLocalAddresses, isCloseOnDeactivation, setCloseOnDeactivation, setDefaultLocalAddress, setDefaultLocalAddresses, setDefaultLocalAddresses, setDefaultLocalAddresses, toString, unbind, unbind, unbind, unbind
Methods inherited from class org.apache.mina.core.service.AbstractIoService
addListener, broadcast, dispose, dispose, executeWorker, executeWorker, finishSessionInitialization0, getActivationTime, getFilterChain, getFilterChainBuilder, getHandler, getListeners, getManagedSessionCount, getManagedSessions, getScheduledWriteBytes, getScheduledWriteMessages, getSessionDataStructureFactory, getStatistics, initSession, isActive, isDisposed, isDisposing, removeListener, setFilterChainBuilder, setHandler, setSessionDataStructureFactory
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.mina.transport.socket.SocketAcceptor
getBacklog, isReuseAddress, setBacklog, setReuseAddress
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.mina.core.service.IoAcceptor
bind, bind, bind, getDefaultLocalAddresses, getLocalAddresses, isCloseOnDeactivation, newSession, setCloseOnDeactivation, setDefaultLocalAddress, setDefaultLocalAddresses, setDefaultLocalAddresses, setDefaultLocalAddresses, unbind, unbind, unbind, unbind
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.mina.core.service.IoService
addListener, broadcast, dispose, dispose, getActivationTime, getFilterChain, getFilterChainBuilder, getHandler, getManagedSessionCount, getManagedSessions, getScheduledWriteBytes, getScheduledWriteMessages, getSessionDataStructureFactory, getStatistics, isActive, isDisposed, isDisposing, removeListener, setFilterChainBuilder, setHandler, setSessionDataStructureFactory

Constructor Detail


public AprSocketAcceptor()
Constructor for AprSocketAcceptor using default parameters (multiple thread model).


public AprSocketAcceptor(int processorCount)
Constructor for AprSocketAcceptor using default parameters, and given number of AprIoProcessor for multithreading I/O operations.

processorCount - the number of processor to create and place in a SimpleIoProcessorPool


public AprSocketAcceptor(IoProcessor<AprSession> processor)
Constructor for AprSocketAcceptor with default configuration but a specific AprIoProcessor, useful for sharing the same processor over multiple IoService of the same type.

processor - the processor to use for managing I/O events


public AprSocketAcceptor(Executor executor,
                         IoProcessor<AprSession> processor)
Constructor for AprSocketAcceptor with a given Executor for handling connection events and a given AprIoProcessor for handling I/O events, useful for sharing the same processor and executor over multiple IoService of the same type.

executor - the executor for connection
processor - the processor for I/O operations
Method Detail


protected AprSession accept(IoProcessor<AprSession> processor,
                            Long handle)
                     throws Exception
Accept a client connection for a server socket and return a new IoSession associated with the given IoProcessor

Specified by:
accept in class AbstractPollingIoAcceptor<AprSession,Long>
processor - the IoProcessor to associate with the IoSession
handle - the server handle
the created IoSession
Exception - any exception thrown by the underlying systems calls


protected Long open(SocketAddress localAddress)
             throws Exception
Open a server socket for a given local address.

Specified by:
open in class AbstractPollingIoAcceptor<AprSession,Long>
localAddress - the associated local address
the opened server socket
Exception - any exception thrown by the underlying systems calls


protected void init()
             throws Exception
Initialize the polling system, will be called at construction time.

Specified by:
init in class AbstractPollingIoAcceptor<AprSession,Long>
Exception - any exception thrown by the underlying system calls


protected void destroy()
                throws Exception
Destroy the polling system, will be called when this IoAcceptor implementation will be disposed.

Specified by:
destroy in class AbstractPollingIoAcceptor<AprSession,Long>
Exception - any exception thrown by the underlying systems calls


protected SocketAddress localAddress(Long handle)
                              throws Exception
Get the local address associated with a given server socket

Specified by:
localAddress in class AbstractPollingIoAcceptor<AprSession,Long>
handle - the server socket
the local SocketAddress associated with this handle
Exception - any exception thrown by the underlying systems calls


protected int select()
              throws Exception
Check for acceptable connections, interrupt when at least a server is ready for accepting. All the ready server socket descriptors need to be returned by AbstractPollingIoAcceptor.selectedHandles()

Specified by:
select in class AbstractPollingIoAcceptor<AprSession,Long>
The number of sockets having got incoming client
Exception - any exception thrown by the underlying systems calls


protected Iterator<Long> selectedHandles()
Iterator for the set of server sockets found with acceptable incoming connections during the last call.

Specified by:
selectedHandles in class AbstractPollingIoAcceptor<AprSession,Long>
the list of server handles ready


protected void close(Long handle)
              throws Exception
Close a server socket.

Specified by:
close in class AbstractPollingIoAcceptor<AprSession,Long>
handle - the server socket
Exception - any exception thrown by the underlying systems calls


protected void wakeup()
Interrupt the method. Used when the poll set need to be modified.

Specified by:
wakeup in class AbstractPollingIoAcceptor<AprSession,Long>


public InetSocketAddress getLocalAddress()
Returns the local address which is bound currently. If more than one address are bound, only one of them will be returned, but it's not necessarily the firstly bound address.

Specified by:
getLocalAddress in interface IoAcceptor
Specified by:
getLocalAddress in interface SocketAcceptor
getLocalAddress in class AbstractIoAcceptor


public InetSocketAddress getDefaultLocalAddress()
Returns the default local address to bind when no argument is specified in IoAcceptor.bind() method. Please note that the default will not be used if any local address is specified. If more than one address are set, only one of them will be returned, but it's not necessarily the firstly specified address in IoAcceptor.setDefaultLocalAddresses(List).

Specified by:
getDefaultLocalAddress in interface IoAcceptor
Specified by:
getDefaultLocalAddress in interface SocketAcceptor
getDefaultLocalAddress in class AbstractIoAcceptor


public void setDefaultLocalAddress(InetSocketAddress localAddress)

Specified by:
setDefaultLocalAddress in interface SocketAcceptor


public TransportMetadata getTransportMetadata()
Returns the TransportMetadata that this service runs on.

Specified by:
getTransportMetadata in interface IoService


public SocketSessionConfig getSessionConfig()
Returns the default configuration of the new IoSessions created by this service.

Specified by:
getSessionConfig in interface IoService
Specified by:
getSessionConfig in interface SocketAcceptor
getSessionConfig in class AbstractIoService

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