Class CrLfDecodingState

  extended by org.apache.mina.filter.codec.statemachine.CrLfDecodingState
All Implemented Interfaces:

public abstract class CrLfDecodingState
extends Object
implements DecodingState

DecodingState which decodes a single CRLF. If it is found, the bytes are consumed and true is provided as the product. Otherwise, read bytes are pushed back to the stream, and false is provided as the product. Note that if we find a CR but do not find a following LF, we raise an error.

Apache MINA Project

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 DecodingState decode(IoBuffer in, ProtocolDecoderOutput out)
          Invoked when data is available for this state.
protected abstract  DecodingState finishDecode(boolean foundCRLF, ProtocolDecoderOutput out)
          Invoked when this state has found a CRLF.
 DecodingState finishDecode(ProtocolDecoderOutput out)
          Invoked when the associated IoSession is closed.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public CrLfDecodingState()
Method Detail


public DecodingState decode(IoBuffer in,
                            ProtocolDecoderOutput out)
                     throws Exception
Invoked when data is available for this state.

Specified by:
decode in interface DecodingState
in - the data to be decoded.
out - used to write decoded objects.
the next state if a state transition was triggered (use this for loop transitions) or null if the state machine has reached its end.
Exception - if the read data violated protocol specification.


public DecodingState finishDecode(ProtocolDecoderOutput out)
                           throws Exception
Invoked when the associated IoSession is closed. This method is useful when you deal with protocols which don't specify the length of a message (e.g. HTTP responses without content-length header). Implement this method to process the remaining data that DecodingState.decode(IoBuffer, ProtocolDecoderOutput) method didn't process completely.

Specified by:
finishDecode in interface DecodingState
out - used to write decoded objects.
the next state if a state transition was triggered (use this for loop transitions) or null if the state machine has reached its end.
Exception - if the read data violated protocol specification.


protected abstract DecodingState finishDecode(boolean foundCRLF,
                                              ProtocolDecoderOutput out)
                                       throws Exception
Invoked when this state has found a CRLF.

foundCRLF - true if CRLF was found.
out - the current ProtocolDecoderOutput used to write decoded messages.
the next state if a state transition was triggered (use this for loop transitions) or null if the state machine has reached its end.
Exception - if the read data violated protocol specification.

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