Class CompositeByteArrayRelativeReader

  extended by org.apache.mina.util.byteaccess.CompositeByteArrayRelativeReader
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class CompositeByteArrayRelativeReader
extends Object
implements IoRelativeReader

Provides restricted, relative, read-only access to the bytes in a CompositeByteArray. Using this interface has the advantage that it can be automatically determined when a component ByteArray can no longer be read, and thus components can be automatically freed. This makes it easier to use pooling for underlying ByteArrays.

Apache MINA Project

Field Summary
protected  CompositeByteArray cba
          The underlying CompositeByteArray.
protected  ByteArray.Cursor cursor
          A cursor of the underlying CompositeByteArray.
Constructor Summary
CompositeByteArrayRelativeReader(CompositeByteArray cba, boolean autoFree)
          Creates a new instance of CompositeByteArrayRelativeReader.
Method Summary
 void append(ByteArray ba)
          Make a ByteArray available for access at the end of this object.
protected  void cursorPassedFirstComponent()
          Called whenever the cursor has passed from the cba's first component.
 void free()
          Free all resources associated with this object.
 byte get()
          Returns the byte at the current position in the buffer
 void get(IoBuffer bb)
          places the data starting at current position into the supplied IoBuffer
 char getChar()
          Gets a char and advances the reader.
 double getDouble()
          Gets a double and advances the reader.
 float getFloat()
          Gets a float and advances the reader.
 int getIndex()
          Get the index that will be used for the next access.
 int getInt()
          Gets an int and advances the reader.
 long getLong()
          Gets a long and advances the reader.
 int getRemaining()
 short getShort()
          Gets a short and advances the reader.
 boolean hasRemaining()
 int last()
          Get the index after the last byte that can be accessed.
 ByteOrder order()
 void skip(int length)
          Advances the reader by the given number of bytes.
 ByteArray slice(int length)
          Creates an array with a view of part of this array.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.mina.util.byteaccess.IoRelativeReader
getRemaining, hasRemaining, order

Field Detail


protected final CompositeByteArray cba
The underlying CompositeByteArray.


protected final ByteArray.Cursor cursor
A cursor of the underlying CompositeByteArray. This cursor is never moved directly; its position only changes through calls to relative read or write methods.

Constructor Detail


public CompositeByteArrayRelativeReader(CompositeByteArray cba,
                                        boolean autoFree)
Creates a new instance of CompositeByteArrayRelativeReader.

cba - The backing ByteArray
autoFree - If data should be freed once it has been passed in the list
Method Detail


protected void cursorPassedFirstComponent()
Called whenever the cursor has passed from the cba's first component. As the first component is no longer used, this provides a good opportunity for subclasses to perform some action on it (such as freeing it).


public void skip(int length)
Description copied from interface: IoRelativeReader
Advances the reader by the given number of bytes.

Specified by:
skip in interface IoRelativeReader


public ByteArray slice(int length)
Description copied from interface: IoRelativeReader
Creates an array with a view of part of this array.

Specified by:
slice in interface IoRelativeReader


public byte get()
Returns the byte at the current position in the buffer

Specified by:
get in interface IoRelativeReader


public void get(IoBuffer bb)
places the data starting at current position into the supplied IoBuffer

Specified by:
get in interface IoRelativeReader


public short getShort()
Description copied from interface: IoRelativeReader
Gets a short and advances the reader.

Specified by:
getShort in interface IoRelativeReader


public int getInt()
Description copied from interface: IoRelativeReader
Gets an int and advances the reader.

Specified by:
getInt in interface IoRelativeReader


public long getLong()
Description copied from interface: IoRelativeReader
Gets a long and advances the reader.

Specified by:
getLong in interface IoRelativeReader


public float getFloat()
Description copied from interface: IoRelativeReader
Gets a float and advances the reader.

Specified by:
getFloat in interface IoRelativeReader


public double getDouble()
Description copied from interface: IoRelativeReader
Gets a double and advances the reader.

Specified by:
getDouble in interface IoRelativeReader


public char getChar()
Description copied from interface: IoRelativeReader
Gets a char and advances the reader.

Specified by:
getChar in interface IoRelativeReader


public final int getRemaining()


public final boolean hasRemaining()


public ByteOrder order()


public final void append(ByteArray ba)
Make a ByteArray available for access at the end of this object.


public final void free()
Free all resources associated with this object.


public final int getIndex()
Get the index that will be used for the next access.


public final int last()
Get the index after the last byte that can be accessed.

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