Class AbstractStateContextLookup

  extended by org.apache.mina.statemachine.context.AbstractStateContextLookup
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class AbstractStateContextLookup
extends Object
implements StateContextLookup

Abstract StateContextLookup implementation. The lookup(Object[]) method will loop through the event arguments and call the supports(Class) method for each of them. The first argument that this method returns true for will be passed to the abstract lookup(Object) method which should try to extract a StateContext from the argument. If none is found a new StateContext will be created and stored in the event argument using the store(Object, StateContext) method.

Apache MINA Project

Constructor Summary
AbstractStateContextLookup(StateContextFactory contextFactory)
          Creates a new instance which uses the specified StateContextFactory to create StateContext objects.
Method Summary
protected abstract  StateContext lookup(Object eventArg)
          Extracts a StateContext from the specified event argument which is an instance of a class supports(Class) returns true for.
 StateContext lookup(Object[] eventArgs)
          Searches the arguments from an Event and returns a StateContext if any of the arguments holds one.
protected abstract  void store(Object eventArg, StateContext context)
          Stores a new StateContext in the specified event argument which is an instance of a class supports(Class) returns true for.
protected abstract  boolean supports(Class<?> c)
          Must return true for any Class that this StateContextLookup can use to store and lookup StateContext objects.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public AbstractStateContextLookup(StateContextFactory contextFactory)
Creates a new instance which uses the specified StateContextFactory to create StateContext objects.

contextFactory - the factory.
Method Detail


public StateContext lookup(Object[] eventArgs)
Description copied from interface: StateContextLookup
Searches the arguments from an Event and returns a StateContext if any of the arguments holds one. NOTE! This method must create a new StateContext if a compatible object is in the arguments and the next time that same object is passed to this method the same StateContext should be returned.

Specified by:
lookup in interface StateContextLookup


protected abstract StateContext lookup(Object eventArg)
Extracts a StateContext from the specified event argument which is an instance of a class supports(Class) returns true for.

eventArg - the event argument.
the StateContext.


protected abstract void store(Object eventArg,
                              StateContext context)
Stores a new StateContext in the specified event argument which is an instance of a class supports(Class) returns true for.

eventArg - the event argument.
context - the StateContext to be stored.


protected abstract boolean supports(Class<?> c)
Must return true for any Class that this StateContextLookup can use to store and lookup StateContext objects.

c - the class.
true or false.

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