Interface IoEventQueueHandler

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public interface IoEventQueueHandler
extends EventListener

Listens and filters all event queue operations occurring in OrderedThreadPoolExecutor and UnorderedThreadPoolExecutor.

Apache MINA Project

Field Summary
static IoEventQueueHandler NOOP
          A dummy handler which always accepts event doing nothing particular.
Method Summary
 boolean accept(Object source, IoEvent event)
          Returns true if and only if the specified event is allowed to be offered to the event queue.
 void offered(Object source, IoEvent event)
          Invoked after the specified event has been offered to the event queue.
 void polled(Object source, IoEvent event)
          Invoked after the specified event has been polled from the event queue.

Field Detail


static final IoEventQueueHandler NOOP
A dummy handler which always accepts event doing nothing particular.

Method Detail


boolean accept(Object source,
               IoEvent event)
Returns true if and only if the specified event is allowed to be offered to the event queue. The event is dropped if false is returned.


void offered(Object source,
             IoEvent event)
Invoked after the specified event has been offered to the event queue.


void polled(Object source,
            IoEvent event)
Invoked after the specified event has been polled from the event queue.

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