Class TextLineDecoder

  extended by org.apache.mina.filter.codec.textline.TextLineDecoder
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TextLineDecoder
extends Object
implements ProtocolDecoder

A ProtocolDecoder which decodes a text line into a string.

Apache MINA Project

Constructor Summary
          Creates a new instance with the current default Charset and LineDelimiter.AUTO delimiter.
TextLineDecoder(Charset charset)
          Creates a new instance with the spcified charset and LineDelimiter.AUTO delimiter.
TextLineDecoder(Charset charset, LineDelimiter delimiter)
          Creates a new instance with the specified charset and the specified delimiter.
TextLineDecoder(Charset charset, String delimiter)
          Creates a new instance with the spcified charset and the specified delimiter.
TextLineDecoder(LineDelimiter delimiter)
          Creates a new instance with the current default Charset and the specified delimiter.
TextLineDecoder(String delimiter)
          Creates a new instance with the current default Charset and the specified delimiter.
Method Summary
 void decode(IoSession session, IoBuffer in, ProtocolDecoderOutput out)
          Decodes binary or protocol-specific content into higher-level message objects.
 void dispose(IoSession session)
          Releases all resources related with this decoder.
 void finishDecode(IoSession session, ProtocolDecoderOutput out)
          Invoked when the specified session is closed.
 int getBufferLength()
          Returns the allowed buffer size used to store the decoded line in the Context instance.
 int getMaxLineLength()
          Returns the allowed maximum size of the line to be decoded.
 void setBufferLength(int bufferLength)
          Sets the default buffer size.
 void setMaxLineLength(int maxLineLength)
          Sets the allowed maximum size of the line to be decoded.
protected  void writeText(IoSession session, String text, ProtocolDecoderOutput out)
          By default, this method propagates the decoded line of text to ProtocolDecoderOutput#write(Object).
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public TextLineDecoder()
Creates a new instance with the current default Charset and LineDelimiter.AUTO delimiter.


public TextLineDecoder(String delimiter)
Creates a new instance with the current default Charset and the specified delimiter.


public TextLineDecoder(LineDelimiter delimiter)
Creates a new instance with the current default Charset and the specified delimiter.


public TextLineDecoder(Charset charset)
Creates a new instance with the spcified charset and LineDelimiter.AUTO delimiter.


public TextLineDecoder(Charset charset,
                       String delimiter)
Creates a new instance with the spcified charset and the specified delimiter.


public TextLineDecoder(Charset charset,
                       LineDelimiter delimiter)
Creates a new instance with the specified charset and the specified delimiter.

Method Detail


public int getMaxLineLength()
Returns the allowed maximum size of the line to be decoded. If the size of the line to be decoded exceeds this value, the decoder will throw a BufferDataException. The default value is 1024 (1KB).


public void setMaxLineLength(int maxLineLength)
Sets the allowed maximum size of the line to be decoded. If the size of the line to be decoded exceeds this value, the decoder will throw a BufferDataException. The default value is 1024 (1KB).


public void setBufferLength(int bufferLength)
Sets the default buffer size. This buffer is used in the Context to store the decoded line.

bufferLength - The default bufer size


public int getBufferLength()
Returns the allowed buffer size used to store the decoded line in the Context instance.


public void decode(IoSession session,
                   IoBuffer in,
                   ProtocolDecoderOutput out)
            throws Exception
Decodes binary or protocol-specific content into higher-level message objects. MINA invokes ProtocolDecoder.decode(IoSession, IoBuffer, ProtocolDecoderOutput) method with read data, and then the decoder implementation puts decoded messages into ProtocolDecoderOutput.

Specified by:
decode in interface ProtocolDecoder
Exception - if the read data violated protocol specification


public void finishDecode(IoSession session,
                         ProtocolDecoderOutput out)
                  throws Exception
Invoked when the specified session is closed. This method is useful when you deal with the protocol which doesn't specify the length of a message such as HTTP response without content-length header. Implement this method to process the remaining data that ProtocolDecoder.decode(IoSession, IoBuffer, ProtocolDecoderOutput) method didn't process completely.

Specified by:
finishDecode in interface ProtocolDecoder
Exception - if the read data violated protocol specification


public void dispose(IoSession session)
             throws Exception
Releases all resources related with this decoder.

Specified by:
dispose in interface ProtocolDecoder
Exception - if failed to dispose all resources


protected void writeText(IoSession session,
                         String text,
                         ProtocolDecoderOutput out)
By default, this method propagates the decoded line of text to ProtocolDecoderOutput#write(Object). You may override this method to modify the default behavior.

session - the IoSession the received data.
text - the decoded text
out - the upstream ProtocolDecoderOutput.

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