Package org.apache.mina.filter.codec.statemachine

Interface Summary
DecodingState Represents a state in a decoder state machine used by DecodingStateMachine.

Class Summary
ConsumeToCrLfDecodingState DecodingState which consumes all bytes until a CRLF has been encountered.
ConsumeToDynamicTerminatorDecodingState DecodingState which consumes all bytes until a fixed (ASCII) character is reached.
ConsumeToEndOfSessionDecodingState DecodingState which consumes all received bytes until the session is closed.
ConsumeToLinearWhitespaceDecodingState DecodingState which consumes all bytes until a space (0x20) or tab (0x09) character is reached.
ConsumeToTerminatorDecodingState DecodingState which consumes all bytes until a fixed (ASCII) character is reached.
CrLfDecodingState DecodingState which decodes a single CRLF.
DecodingStateMachine Abstract base class for decoder state machines.
DecodingStateProtocolDecoder ProtocolDecoder which uses a DecodingState to decode data.
FixedLengthDecodingState DecodingState which consumes all received bytes until a configured number of read bytes has been reached.
IntegerDecodingState DecodingState which decodes int values in big-endian order (high bytes come first).
LinearWhitespaceSkippingState DecodingState which skips space (0x20) and tab (0x09) characters.
ShortIntegerDecodingState DecodingState which decodes short values in big-endian order (high bytes come first).
SingleByteDecodingState DecodingState which decodes byte values.
SkippingState DecodingState which skips data until SkippingState.canSkip(byte) returns false.

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