Interface CompositeByteArray.CursorListener

Enclosing class:

public static interface CompositeByteArray.CursorListener

Allows for efficient detection of component boundaries when using a cursor. TODO: Is this interface right?

Method Summary
 void enteredFirstComponent(int componentIndex, ByteArray component)
          Called when the first component in the composite is entered by the cursor.
 void enteredLastComponent(int componentIndex, ByteArray component)
          Called when the last component in the composite is entered by the cursor.
 void enteredNextComponent(int componentIndex, ByteArray component)
          Called when the next component in the composite is entered by the cursor.
 void enteredPreviousComponent(int componentIndex, ByteArray component)
          Called when the previous component in the composite is entered by the cursor.

Method Detail


void enteredFirstComponent(int componentIndex,
                           ByteArray component)
Called when the first component in the composite is entered by the cursor.


void enteredNextComponent(int componentIndex,
                          ByteArray component)
Called when the next component in the composite is entered by the cursor.


void enteredPreviousComponent(int componentIndex,
                              ByteArray component)
Called when the previous component in the composite is entered by the cursor.


void enteredLastComponent(int componentIndex,
                          ByteArray component)
Called when the last component in the composite is entered by the cursor.

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