Annotation Type IoFilterTransition

public @interface IoFilterTransition

Annotation used on methods to indicate that the method handles a specific kind of IoFilterEvents event when in a specific state. This should be used when creating StateMachines for MINA's IoFilter interface.

Apache MINA Project

Required Element Summary
 java.lang.String[] in
          The id of the state or states that this handler applies to.
Optional Element Summary
 java.lang.String next
          The id of the state the StateMachine should move to next after executing the annotated method.
 IoFilterEvents[] on
          Specifies the ids of one or more events handled by the annotated method.
 int weight
          The weight used to order handler annotations which match the same event in the same state.

Element Detail


public abstract java.lang.String[] in
The id of the state or states that this handler applies to. Must be specified.


public abstract IoFilterEvents[] on
Specifies the ids of one or more events handled by the annotated method. If not specified the handler method will be executed for any event.



public abstract java.lang.String next
The id of the state the StateMachine should move to next after executing the annotated method. If not specified the StateMachine will remain in the same state.



public abstract int weight
The weight used to order handler annotations which match the same event in the same state. Transitions with lower weight will be matched first. The default weight is 0.


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