Interface ProtocolEncoderOutput

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ProtocolEncoderOutput

Callback for ProtocolEncoder to generate encoded messages such as IoBuffers. ProtocolEncoder must call write(Object) for each encoded message.

Apache MINA Project

Method Summary
 WriteFuture flush()
          Flushes all buffers you wrote via write(Object) to the session.
 void mergeAll()
          Merges all buffers you wrote via write(Object) into one IoBuffer and replaces the old fragmented ones with it.
 void write(java.lang.Object encodedMessage)
          Callback for ProtocolEncoder to generate an encoded message such as an IoBuffer.

Method Detail


void write(java.lang.Object encodedMessage)
Callback for ProtocolEncoder to generate an encoded message such as an IoBuffer. ProtocolEncoder must call write(Object) for each encoded message.

encodedMessage - the encoded message, typically an IoBuffer or a FileRegion.


void mergeAll()
Merges all buffers you wrote via write(Object) into one IoBuffer and replaces the old fragmented ones with it. This method is useful when you want to control the way MINA generates network packets. Please note that this method only works when you called write(Object) method with only IoBuffers.

java.lang.IllegalStateException - if you wrote something else than IoBuffer


WriteFuture flush()
Flushes all buffers you wrote via write(Object) to the session. This operation is asynchronous; please wait for the returned WriteFuture if you want to wait for the buffers flushed.

null if there is nothing to flush at all.

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