Interface IoConnector

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
DatagramConnector, SocketConnector
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractIoConnector, AbstractPollingIoConnector, AprSocketConnector, NioDatagramConnector, NioSocketConnector, ProxyConnector, SerialConnector, VmPipeConnector

public interface IoConnector
extends IoService

Connects to endpoint, communicates with the server, and fires events to IoHandlers.

Please refer to NetCat example.

You should connect to the desired socket address to start communication, and then events for incoming connections will be sent to the specified default IoHandler.

Threads connect to endpoint start automatically when connect(SocketAddress) is invoked, and stop when all connection attempts are finished.

Apache MINA Project

Method Summary
 ConnectFuture connect()
          Connects to the default remote address.
 ConnectFuture connect(IoSessionInitializer<? extends ConnectFuture> sessionInitializer)
          Connects to the default remote address and invokes the ioSessionInitializer when the IoSession is created but before IoHandler.sessionCreated(IoSession) is invoked.
 ConnectFuture connect( remoteAddress)
          Connects to the specified remote address.
 ConnectFuture connect( remoteAddress, IoSessionInitializer<? extends ConnectFuture> sessionInitializer)
          Connects to the specified remote address and invokes the ioSessionInitializer when the IoSession is created but before IoHandler.sessionCreated(IoSession) is invoked.
 ConnectFuture connect( remoteAddress, localAddress)
          Connects to the specified remote address binding to the specified local address.
 ConnectFuture connect( remoteAddress, localAddress, IoSessionInitializer<? extends ConnectFuture> sessionInitializer)
          Connects to the specified remote address binding to the specified local address and and invokes the ioSessionInitializer when the IoSession is created but before IoHandler.sessionCreated(IoSession) is invoked.
 int getConnectTimeout()
 long getConnectTimeoutMillis()
          Returns the connect timeout in milliseconds. getDefaultRemoteAddress()
          Returns the default remote address to connect to when no argument is specified in connect() method.
 void setConnectTimeout(int connectTimeout)
 void setConnectTimeoutMillis(long connectTimeoutInMillis)
          Sets the connect timeout in milliseconds.
 void setDefaultRemoteAddress( defaultRemoteAddress)
          Sets the default remote address to connect to when no argument is specified in connect() method.
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.mina.core.service.IoService
addListener, broadcast, dispose, dispose, getActivationTime, getFilterChain, getFilterChainBuilder, getHandler, getManagedSessionCount, getManagedSessions, getScheduledWriteBytes, getScheduledWriteMessages, getSessionConfig, getSessionDataStructureFactory, getStatistics, getTransportMetadata, isActive, isDisposed, isDisposing, removeListener, setFilterChainBuilder, setHandler, setSessionDataStructureFactory

Method Detail


int getConnectTimeout()

Returns the connect timeout in seconds. The default value is 1 minute.

See Also:


long getConnectTimeoutMillis()
Returns the connect timeout in milliseconds. The default value is 1 minute.


void setConnectTimeout(int connectTimeout)

Sets the connect timeout in seconds. The default value is 1 minute.

See Also:


void setConnectTimeoutMillis(long connectTimeoutInMillis)
Sets the connect timeout in milliseconds. The default value is 1 minute.

getDefaultRemoteAddress getDefaultRemoteAddress()
Returns the default remote address to connect to when no argument is specified in connect() method.


void setDefaultRemoteAddress( defaultRemoteAddress)
Sets the default remote address to connect to when no argument is specified in connect() method.


ConnectFuture connect()
Connects to the default remote address.

java.lang.IllegalStateException - if no default remoted address is set.


ConnectFuture connect(IoSessionInitializer<? extends ConnectFuture> sessionInitializer)
Connects to the default remote address and invokes the ioSessionInitializer when the IoSession is created but before IoHandler.sessionCreated(IoSession) is invoked. There is no guarantee that the ioSessionInitializer will be invoked before this method returns.

sessionInitializer - the callback to invoke when the IoSession object is created
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if no default remote address is set.


ConnectFuture connect( remoteAddress)
Connects to the specified remote address.

the ConnectFuture instance which is completed when the connection attempt initiated by this call succeeds or fails.


ConnectFuture connect( remoteAddress,
                      IoSessionInitializer<? extends ConnectFuture> sessionInitializer)
Connects to the specified remote address and invokes the ioSessionInitializer when the IoSession is created but before IoHandler.sessionCreated(IoSession) is invoked. There is no guarantee that the ioSessionInitializer will be invoked before this method returns.

remoteAddress - the remote address to connect to
sessionInitializer - the callback to invoke when the IoSession object is created
the ConnectFuture instance which is completed when the connection attempt initiated by this call succeeds or fails.


ConnectFuture connect( remoteAddress,
Connects to the specified remote address binding to the specified local address.

the ConnectFuture instance which is completed when the connection attempt initiated by this call succeeds or fails.


ConnectFuture connect( remoteAddress,
                      IoSessionInitializer<? extends ConnectFuture> sessionInitializer)
Connects to the specified remote address binding to the specified local address and and invokes the ioSessionInitializer when the IoSession is created but before IoHandler.sessionCreated(IoSession) is invoked. There is no guarantee that the ioSessionInitializer will be invoked before this method returns.

remoteAddress - the remote address to connect to
localAddress - the local interface to bind to
sessionInitializer - the callback to invoke when the IoSession object is created
the ConnectFuture instance which is completed when the connection attempt initiated by this call succeeds or fails.

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