Interface ProtocolDecoder

All Known Implementing Classes:
CumulativeProtocolDecoder, NettyDecoder, ObjectSerializationDecoder, ProtocolDecoderAdapter, SynchronizedProtocolDecoder, TextLineDecoder

public interface ProtocolDecoder

Decodes binary or protocol-specific data into higher-level message objects. MINA invokes decode(IoSession, ByteBuffer, ProtocolDecoderOutput) method with read data, and then the decoder implementation puts decoded messages into ProtocolDecoderOutput by calling ProtocolDecoderOutput.write(Object).

Please refer to TextLineDecoder example.

$Rev: 451854 $, $Date: 2006-10-02 11:30:11 +0900 (월, 02 10월 2006) $
The Apache Directory Project (

Method Summary
 void decode(IoSession session, ByteBuffer in, ProtocolDecoderOutput out)
          Decodes binary or protocol-specific content into higher-level message objects.
 void dispose(IoSession session)
          Releases all resources related with this decoder.
 void finishDecode(IoSession session, ProtocolDecoderOutput out)
          Invoked when the specified session is closed.

Method Detail


void decode(IoSession session,
            ByteBuffer in,
            ProtocolDecoderOutput out)
            throws Exception
Decodes binary or protocol-specific content into higher-level message objects. MINA invokes decode(IoSession, ByteBuffer, ProtocolDecoderOutput) method with read data, and then the decoder implementation puts decoded messages into ProtocolDecoderOutput.

Exception - if the read data violated protocol specification


void finishDecode(IoSession session,
                  ProtocolDecoderOutput out)
                  throws Exception
Invoked when the specified session is closed. This method is useful when you deal with the protocol which doesn't specify the length of a message such as HTTP response without content-length header. Implement this method to process the remaining data that decode(IoSession, ByteBuffer, ProtocolDecoderOutput) method didn't process completely.

Exception - if the read data violated protocol specification


void dispose(IoSession session)
             throws Exception
Releases all resources related with this decoder.

Exception - if failed to dispose all resources