Class VmPipeAcceptor

  extended by org.apache.mina.common.BaseSessionManager
      extended by org.apache.mina.protocol.vmpipe.VmPipeAcceptor
All Implemented Interfaces:
SessionManager, ProtocolAcceptor, ProtocolSessionManager

public class VmPipeAcceptor
extends BaseSessionManager
implements ProtocolAcceptor

Binds the specified ProtocolProvider to the specified VmPipeAddress.

$Rev: 357871 $, $Date: 2005-12-20 10:56:40 +0900 (Tue, 20 Dec 2005) $
The Apache Directory Project (

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.apache.mina.common.BaseSessionManager
Constructor Summary
          Creates a new instance.
Method Summary
 void bind(SocketAddress address, ProtocolProvider protocolProvider)
          Binds to the specified address and handles incoming connections with the specified protocolProvider.
 ProtocolFilterChain getFilterChain()
          Returns the filter chain that filters all events which is related with sessions this manager manages.
 ProtocolSession newSession(SocketAddress remoteAddress, SocketAddress localAddress)
          (Optional) Returns a ProtocolSession that is bound to the specified localAddress and remoteAddress which reuses the localAddress that is already bound by ProtocolAcceptor via ProtocolAcceptor.bind(SocketAddress, ProtocolProvider).
 void unbind(SocketAddress address)
          Unbinds from the specified address.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.mina.common.BaseSessionManager
getExceptionMonitor, setExceptionMonitor
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.mina.common.SessionManager
getExceptionMonitor, setExceptionMonitor

Constructor Detail


public VmPipeAcceptor()
Creates a new instance.

Method Detail


public void bind(SocketAddress address,
                 ProtocolProvider protocolProvider)
          throws IOException
Description copied from interface: ProtocolAcceptor
Binds to the specified address and handles incoming connections with the specified protocolProvider.

Specified by:
bind in interface ProtocolAcceptor
IOException - if failed to bind


public void unbind(SocketAddress address)
Description copied from interface: ProtocolAcceptor
Unbinds from the specified address.

Specified by:
unbind in interface ProtocolAcceptor


public ProtocolFilterChain getFilterChain()
Description copied from interface: ProtocolSessionManager
Returns the filter chain that filters all events which is related with sessions this manager manages.

Specified by:
getFilterChain in interface ProtocolSessionManager


public ProtocolSession newSession(SocketAddress remoteAddress,
                                  SocketAddress localAddress)
Description copied from interface: ProtocolAcceptor
(Optional) Returns a ProtocolSession that is bound to the specified localAddress and remoteAddress which reuses the localAddress that is already bound by ProtocolAcceptor via ProtocolAcceptor.bind(SocketAddress, ProtocolProvider).

This operation is optional. Please throw UnsupportedOperationException if the transport type doesn't support this operation. This operation is usually implemented for connectionless transport types.

Specified by:
newSession in interface ProtocolAcceptor

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