Interface MessageHandler

public interface MessageHandler

A handler interface that DemuxingProtocolHandler forwards messageReceived events to. You have to register your handler with the type of message you want to get notified using DemuxingProtocolHandler.registerMessageType(Class, MessageHandler).

$Rev: 210062 $, $Date: 2005-07-11 12:52:38 +0900 $
The Apache Directory Project

Field Summary
static MessageHandler NOOP
          A MessageHandler that does nothing.
Method Summary
 void messageReceived(ProtocolSession session, Object message)
          Invoked when the specific type of message is received from the specified session.

Field Detail


static final MessageHandler NOOP
A MessageHandler that does nothing. This is usefule when you want to ignore messages of the specific type silently.

Method Detail


void messageReceived(ProtocolSession session,
                     Object message)
Invoked when the specific type of message is received from the specified session.

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