Uses of Interface

Packages that use Session
org.apache.mina.common Common types required for users to use MINA. Low-level protocol implementation layer (I/O layer). Basic IoHandlerFilter implementations. 
org.apache.mina.protocol High-level protocol implementation layer (Protocol layer). 
org.apache.mina.protocol.filter Basic ProtocolHandlerFilter implementations. A wrapper for package to support low-level I/O. 
org.apache.mina.util This package is used by MINA internally. 

Uses of Session in org.apache.mina.common

Classes in org.apache.mina.common that implement Session
 class BaseSession
          Base implementation of Session.

Uses of Session in

Subinterfaces of Session in
 interface IoSession
          A Session that represents low-level I/O connection between two endpoints regardless of underlying transport types.

Uses of Session in

Methods in with parameters of type Session
protected  void IoThreadPoolFilter.processEvent(Object nextFilter0, Session session0, EventType type, Object data)

Uses of Session in org.apache.mina.protocol

Subinterfaces of Session in org.apache.mina.protocol
 interface ProtocolSession
          A Session which represents high-level protocol connection between two endpoints regardless of underlying transport types.

Uses of Session in org.apache.mina.protocol.filter

Methods in org.apache.mina.protocol.filter with parameters of type Session
protected  void ProtocolThreadPoolFilter.processEvent(Object nextFilter0, Session session0, EventType type, Object data)

Uses of Session in

Classes in that implement Session
 class IoProtocolSession
          A ProtocolSession that is backed by IoSession.

Uses of Session in org.apache.mina.util

Methods in org.apache.mina.util with parameters of type Session
protected  void BaseThreadPool.fireEvent(Object nextFilter, Session session, EventType type, Object data)
static Logger SessionLog.getLogger(Session session)
static void SessionUtil.initialize(Session session)
static void SessionLog.log(Level level, Session session, String message)
static void SessionLog.log(Level level, Session session, String message, Throwable cause)
protected abstract  void BaseThreadPool.processEvent(Object nextFilter, Session session, EventType type, Object data)
          Implement this method to forward events to nextFilter.

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