Uses of Class

Packages that use ByteBuffer
org.apache.mina.common Common types required for users to use MINA. Low-level protocol implementation layer (I/O layer). Basic IoHandlerFilter implementations. Useful IoHandler implementations. 
org.apache.mina.protocol High-level protocol implementation layer (Protocol layer). 
org.apache.mina.protocol.codec Useful ProtocolEncoder and ProtocolDecoder implementations. 

Uses of ByteBuffer in org.apache.mina.common

Subclasses of ByteBuffer in org.apache.mina.common
 class ByteBufferProxy
          A ByteBuffer that wraps a buffer and proxies any operations to it.

Fields in org.apache.mina.common declared as ByteBuffer
protected  ByteBuffer ByteBufferProxy.buf
          The buffer proxied by this proxy.

Methods in org.apache.mina.common that return ByteBuffer
static ByteBuffer ByteBuffer.allocate(int capacity)
          Returns the direct or heap buffer which is capable of the specified size.
static ByteBuffer ByteBuffer.allocate(int capacity, boolean direct)
          Returns the buffer which is capable of the specified size.
 ByteBuffer ByteBufferProxy.clear()
abstract  ByteBuffer ByteBuffer.clear()
 ByteBuffer ByteBufferProxy.compact()
abstract  ByteBuffer ByteBuffer.compact()
 ByteBuffer ByteBufferProxy.fill(byte value, int size)
abstract  ByteBuffer ByteBuffer.fill(byte value, int size)
          Fills this buffer with the specified value.
 ByteBuffer ByteBufferProxy.fill(int size)
abstract  ByteBuffer ByteBuffer.fill(int size)
          Fills this buffer with NUL (0x00).
 ByteBuffer ByteBufferProxy.fillAndReset(byte value, int size)
abstract  ByteBuffer ByteBuffer.fillAndReset(byte value, int size)
          Fills this buffer with the specified value.
 ByteBuffer ByteBufferProxy.fillAndReset(int size)
abstract  ByteBuffer ByteBuffer.fillAndReset(int size)
          Fills this buffer with NUL (0x00).
 ByteBuffer ByteBufferProxy.flip()
abstract  ByteBuffer ByteBuffer.flip()
 ByteBuffer ByteBufferProxy.get(byte[] dst)
abstract  ByteBuffer ByteBuffer.get(byte[] dst)
 ByteBuffer ByteBufferProxy.get(byte[] dst, int offset, int length)
abstract  ByteBuffer ByteBuffer.get(byte[] dst, int offset, int length)
 ByteBuffer ByteBufferProxy.limit(int newLimit)
abstract  ByteBuffer ByteBuffer.limit(int newLimit)
 ByteBuffer ByteBufferProxy.mark()
abstract  ByteBuffer ByteBuffer.mark()
 ByteBuffer ByteBufferProxy.order(ByteOrder bo)
abstract  ByteBuffer ByteBuffer.order(ByteOrder bo)
 ByteBuffer ByteBufferProxy.position(int newPosition)
abstract  ByteBuffer ByteBuffer.position(int newPosition)
 ByteBuffer ByteBufferProxy.put(byte b)
abstract  ByteBuffer ByteBuffer.put(byte b)
 ByteBuffer ByteBufferProxy.put(byte[] src)
abstract  ByteBuffer ByteBuffer.put(byte[] src)
 ByteBuffer ByteBufferProxy.put(byte[] src, int offset, int length)
abstract  ByteBuffer ByteBuffer.put(byte[] src, int offset, int length)
 ByteBuffer ByteBufferProxy.put(ByteBuffer src)
 ByteBuffer ByteBufferProxy.put(ByteBuffer src)
abstract  ByteBuffer ByteBuffer.put(ByteBuffer src)
abstract  ByteBuffer ByteBuffer.put(ByteBuffer src)
 ByteBuffer ByteBufferProxy.put(int index, byte b)
abstract  ByteBuffer ByteBuffer.put(int index, byte b)
 ByteBuffer ByteBufferProxy.putChar(char value)
abstract  ByteBuffer ByteBuffer.putChar(char value)
 ByteBuffer ByteBufferProxy.putChar(int index, char value)
abstract  ByteBuffer ByteBuffer.putChar(int index, char value)
 ByteBuffer ByteBufferProxy.putDouble(double value)
abstract  ByteBuffer ByteBuffer.putDouble(double value)
 ByteBuffer ByteBufferProxy.putDouble(int index, double value)
abstract  ByteBuffer ByteBuffer.putDouble(int index, double value)
 ByteBuffer ByteBufferProxy.putFloat(float value)
abstract  ByteBuffer ByteBuffer.putFloat(float value)
 ByteBuffer ByteBufferProxy.putFloat(int index, float value)
abstract  ByteBuffer ByteBuffer.putFloat(int index, float value)
 ByteBuffer ByteBufferProxy.putInt(int value)
abstract  ByteBuffer ByteBuffer.putInt(int value)
 ByteBuffer ByteBufferProxy.putInt(int index, int value)
abstract  ByteBuffer ByteBuffer.putInt(int index, int value)
 ByteBuffer ByteBufferProxy.putLong(int index, long value)
abstract  ByteBuffer ByteBuffer.putLong(int index, long value)
 ByteBuffer ByteBufferProxy.putLong(long value)
abstract  ByteBuffer ByteBuffer.putLong(long value)
 ByteBuffer ByteBufferProxy.putShort(int index, short value)
abstract  ByteBuffer ByteBuffer.putShort(int index, short value)
 ByteBuffer ByteBufferProxy.putShort(short value)
abstract  ByteBuffer ByteBuffer.putShort(short value)
 ByteBuffer ByteBufferProxy.putString(CharSequence in, CharsetEncoder encoder)
abstract  ByteBuffer ByteBuffer.putString(CharSequence in, CharsetEncoder encoder)
          Writes the content of in into this buffer using the specified encoder.
 ByteBuffer ByteBufferProxy.putString(CharSequence in, int fieldSize, CharsetEncoder encoder)
abstract  ByteBuffer ByteBuffer.putString(CharSequence in, int fieldSize, CharsetEncoder encoder)
          Writes the content of in into this buffer as a NUL-terminated string using the specified encoder.
 ByteBuffer ByteBufferProxy.reset()
abstract  ByteBuffer ByteBuffer.reset()
 ByteBuffer ByteBufferProxy.rewind()
abstract  ByteBuffer ByteBuffer.rewind()
 ByteBuffer ByteBufferProxy.setAutoExpand(boolean autoExpand)
abstract  ByteBuffer ByteBuffer.setAutoExpand(boolean autoExpand)
          Turns on or off autoExpand.
 ByteBuffer ByteBufferProxy.skip(int size)
abstract  ByteBuffer ByteBuffer.skip(int size)
          Forwards the position of this buffer as the specified size bytes.
static ByteBuffer ByteBuffer.wrap(byte[] byteArray)
          Wraps the specified byte array into MINA heap buffer.
static ByteBuffer ByteBuffer.wrap(byte[] byteArray, int offset, int length)
          Wraps the specified byte array into MINA heap buffer.
static ByteBuffer ByteBuffer.wrap(ByteBuffer nioBuffer)
          Wraps the specified NIO ByteBuffer into MINA buffer.

Methods in org.apache.mina.common with parameters of type ByteBuffer
 int ByteBufferProxy.compareTo(ByteBuffer that)
abstract  int ByteBuffer.compareTo(ByteBuffer that)
 ByteBuffer ByteBufferProxy.put(ByteBuffer src)
abstract  ByteBuffer ByteBuffer.put(ByteBuffer src)

Constructors in org.apache.mina.common with parameters of type ByteBuffer
ByteBufferProxy(ByteBuffer buf)
          Create a new instance.

Uses of ByteBuffer in

Methods in with parameters of type ByteBuffer
 void IoFilterAdapter.dataRead(IoFilter.NextFilter nextFilter, IoSession session, ByteBuffer buf)
 void IoFilter.dataRead(IoFilter.NextFilter nextFilter, IoSession session, ByteBuffer buf)
          Filters IoHandler.dataRead(IoSession, ByteBuffer) event.
 void IoHandlerAdapter.dataRead(IoSession session, ByteBuffer buf)
 void IoHandler.dataRead(IoSession session, ByteBuffer buf)
          Invoked when data is read from the connection.
 void IoFilter.NextFilter.dataRead(IoSession session, ByteBuffer buf)
 void AbstractIoFilterChain.dataRead(IoSession session, ByteBuffer buf)
protected  void IoSessionFilterChain.doWrite(IoSession session, ByteBuffer buf, Object marker)
protected abstract  void AbstractIoFilterChain.doWrite(IoSession session, ByteBuffer buffer, Object marker)
 void IoFilterAdapter.filterWrite(IoFilter.NextFilter nextFilter, IoSession session, ByteBuffer buf, Object marker)
 void IoFilter.filterWrite(IoFilter.NextFilter nextFilter, IoSession session, ByteBuffer buf, Object marker)
          Filters IoSession.write(ByteBuffer, Object) method invocation.
 void IoFilter.NextFilter.filterWrite(IoSession session, ByteBuffer buf, Object marker)
 void AbstractIoFilterChain.filterWrite(IoSession session, ByteBuffer buf, Object marker)
 void IoSession.write(ByteBuffer buf, Object marker)
          Writes the content of the specified buf.

Uses of ByteBuffer in

Methods in with parameters of type ByteBuffer
 void SSLFilter.dataRead(IoFilter.NextFilter nextFilter, IoSession session, ByteBuffer buf)
 void IoThreadPoolFilter.dataRead(IoFilter.NextFilter nextFilter, IoSession session, ByteBuffer buf)
 void IoLoggingFilter.dataRead(IoFilter.NextFilter nextFilter, IoSession session, ByteBuffer buf)
 void BlacklistFilter.dataRead(IoFilter.NextFilter nextFilter, IoSession session, ByteBuffer buf)
          Forwards event if and if only the remote address of session is not blacklisted.
 void SSLFilter.filterWrite(IoFilter.NextFilter nextFilter, IoSession session, ByteBuffer buf, Object marker)
 void IoThreadPoolFilter.filterWrite(IoFilter.NextFilter nextFilter, IoSession session, ByteBuffer buf, Object marker)
 void IoLoggingFilter.filterWrite(IoFilter.NextFilter nextFilter, IoSession session, ByteBuffer buf, Object marker)

Uses of ByteBuffer in

Methods in with parameters of type ByteBuffer
 void StreamIoHandler.dataRead(IoSession session, ByteBuffer buf)
          Forwards read data to input stream.

Uses of ByteBuffer in org.apache.mina.protocol

Methods in org.apache.mina.protocol that return ByteBuffer
 ByteBuffer ProtocolViolationException.getBuffer()
          Returns unknown message part.

Methods in org.apache.mina.protocol with parameters of type ByteBuffer
 void ProtocolDecoder.decode(ProtocolSession session, ByteBuffer in, ProtocolDecoderOutput out)
          Decodes binary or protocol-specific content into higher-level message objects.
 void ProtocolViolationException.setBuffer(ByteBuffer buffer)
          Sets unknown message part.
 void SimpleProtocolEncoderOutput.write(ByteBuffer buf)
 void ProtocolEncoderOutput.write(ByteBuffer buf)
          Callback for ProtocolEncoder to generate encoded ByteBuffers.

Uses of ByteBuffer in org.apache.mina.protocol.codec

Methods in org.apache.mina.protocol.codec with parameters of type ByteBuffer
 MessageDecoderResult MessageDecoder.decodable(ProtocolSession session, ByteBuffer in)
          Checks the specified buffer is decodable by this decoder.
 MessageDecoderResult MessageDecoder.decode(ProtocolSession session, ByteBuffer in, ProtocolDecoderOutput out)
          Decodes binary or protocol-specific content into higher-level message objects.
 void CumulativeProtocolDecoder.decode(ProtocolSession session, ByteBuffer in, ProtocolDecoderOutput out)
          Cumulates content of in into internal buffer and forwards decoding request to CumulativeProtocolDecoder.doDecode(ProtocolSession, ByteBuffer, ProtocolDecoderOutput).
protected abstract  boolean CumulativeProtocolDecoder.doDecode(ProtocolSession session, ByteBuffer in, ProtocolDecoderOutput out)
          Implement this method to consume the specified cumulative buffer and decode its content into message(s).

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