Interface ProtocolDecoder

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ProtocolDecoder

Decodes binary or protocol-specific data into higher-level message objects. MINA invokes decode(ProtocolSession, ByteBuffer, ProtocolDecoderOutput) method with read data, and then the decoder implementation puts decoded messages into ProtocolDecoderOutput by calling ProtocolDecoderOutput.write(Object).

Please refer to TextLineDecoder example.

$Rev: 161421 $, $Date: 2005-04-15 16:42:41 +0900 (?, 15 4? 2005) $
Trustin Lee (

Method Summary
 void decode(ProtocolSession session, ByteBuffer in, ProtocolDecoderOutput out)
          Decodes binary or protocol-specific content into higher-level message objects.

Method Detail


void decode(ProtocolSession session,
            ByteBuffer in,
            ProtocolDecoderOutput out)
            throws ProtocolViolationException
Decodes binary or protocol-specific content into higher-level message objects. MINA invokes decode(ProtocolSession, ByteBuffer, ProtocolDecoderOutput) method with read data, and then the decoder implementation puts decoded messages into ProtocolDecoderOutput.

ProtocolViolationException - if the read data violated protocol specification

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