Coverage Report - org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.MultiStatus
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  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
  * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
  * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
  * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
  * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
 package org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav;
 import org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.xml.DomUtil;
 import org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.xml.ElementIterator;
 import org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.xml.XmlSerializable;
 import org.w3c.dom.Document;
 import org.w3c.dom.Element;
 import java.util.Iterator;
 import java.util.Map;
 import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
  * MultiStatus representing the content of a multistatus response body and
  * allows to retrieve the Xml representation.
 34  20
 public class MultiStatus implements DavConstants, XmlSerializable
      * Map collecting the responses for this multistatus, where every href must
      * only occure one single time.
 41  20
     private Map responses = new LinkedHashMap();
      * A general response description at the multistatus top level is used to
      * provide a general message describing the overarching nature of the response.
      * If this value is available an application may use it instead of
      * presenting the individual response descriptions contained within the
      * responses.
     private String responseDescription;
      * Add response(s) to this multistatus, in order to build a multistatus for
      * responding to a PROPFIND request.
      * @param resource The resource to add property from
      * @param propNameSet The requested property names of the PROPFIND request
      * @param propFindType
      * @param depth
     public void addResourceProperties( DavResource resource, DavPropertyNameSet propNameSet, int propFindType,
                                        int depth )
 64  0
         addResponse( new MultiStatusResponse( resource, propNameSet, propFindType ) );
 65  0
         if ( depth > 0 && resource.isCollection() )
 67  0
             DavResourceIterator iter = resource.getMembers();
 68  0
             while ( iter.hasNext() )
 70  0
                 addResourceProperties( iter.nextResource(), propNameSet, propFindType, depth - 1 );
 73  0
      * Add response(s) to this multistatus, in order to build a multistatus e.g.
      * in order to respond to a PROPFIND request. Please note, that in terms
      * of PROPFIND, this method would correspond to a
      * {@link DavConstants#PROPFIND_BY_PROPERTY} propfind type.
      * @param resource The resource to add property from
      * @param propNameSet The requested property names of the PROPFIND request
      * @param depth
      * @see #addResourceProperties(DavResource, DavPropertyNameSet, int, int) for
      * the corresponding method that allows to specify the type explicitly.
     public void addResourceProperties( DavResource resource, DavPropertyNameSet propNameSet, int depth )
 89  0
         addResourceProperties( resource, propNameSet, PROPFIND_BY_PROPERTY, depth );
 90  0
      * Add response(s) to this multistatus, in order to build a multistatus
      * as returned for COPY, MOVE, LOCK or DELETE requests resulting in an error
      * with a resource other than the resource identified in the Request-URI.
      * @param resource
      * @param status
      * @param depth
     public void addResourceStatus( DavResource resource, int status, int depth )
 103  0
         addResponse( new MultiStatusResponse( resource.getHref(), status ) );
 104  0
         if ( depth > 0 && resource.isCollection() )
 106  0
             DavResourceIterator iter = resource.getMembers();
 107  0
             while ( iter.hasNext() )
 109  0
                 addResourceStatus( iter.nextResource(), status, depth - 1 );
 112  0
      * Add a <code>MultiStatusResponse</code> element to this <code>MultiStatus</code>
      * @param response
     public void addResponse( MultiStatusResponse response )
 121  46
         responses.put( response.getHref(), response );
 122  46
      * Returns the multistatus responses present as array.
      * @return array of all {@link MultiStatusResponse responses} present in this
      * multistatus.
     public MultiStatusResponse[] getResponses()
 132  92
         return (MultiStatusResponse[]) responses.values().toArray( new MultiStatusResponse[responses.size()] );
      * Set the response description.
      * @param responseDescription
     public void setResponseDescription( String responseDescription )
 142  20
         this.responseDescription = responseDescription;
 143  20
      * Returns the response description.
      * @return responseDescription
     public String getResponseDescription()
 152  0
         return responseDescription;
      * Return the Xml representation of this <code>MultiStatus</code>.
      * @return Xml document
      * @param document
     public Element toXml( Document document )
 163  0
         Element multistatus = DomUtil.createElement( document, XML_MULTISTATUS, NAMESPACE );
 164  0
         Iterator it = responses.values().iterator();
 165  0
         while ( it.hasNext() )
 167  0
             multistatus.appendChild( ( (MultiStatusResponse) ).toXml( document ) );
 169  0
         if ( responseDescription != null )
 171  0
             Element respDesc =
                 DomUtil.createElement( document, XML_RESPONSEDESCRIPTION, NAMESPACE, responseDescription );
 173  0
             multistatus.appendChild( respDesc );
 175  0
         return multistatus;
      * Build a <code>MultiStatus</code> from the specified xml element.
      * @param multistatusElement
      * @return new <code>MultiStatus</code> instance.
      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given document is <code>null</code>
      * or does not provide the required element.
     public static MultiStatus createFromXml( Element multistatusElement )
 188  20
         if ( !DomUtil.matches( multistatusElement, XML_MULTISTATUS, NAMESPACE ) )
 190  0
             throw new IllegalArgumentException( "DAV:multistatus element expected." );
 193  20
         MultiStatus multistatus = new MultiStatus();
 195  20
         ElementIterator it = DomUtil.getChildren( multistatusElement, XML_RESPONSE, NAMESPACE );
 196  66
         while ( it.hasNext() )
 198  46
             Element respElem = it.nextElement();
 199  46
             MultiStatusResponse response = MultiStatusResponse.createFromXml( respElem );
 200  46
             multistatus.addResponse( response );
 201  46
         // optional response description on the multistatus element
 204  20
         multistatus.setResponseDescription( DomUtil.getChildText( multistatusElement, XML_RESPONSEDESCRIPTION,
                                                                   NAMESPACE ) );
 206  20
         return multistatus;