Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.surefire.junit.JUnitTestSet
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 package org.apache.maven.surefire.junit;
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 import org.apache.maven.surefire.testset.AbstractTestSet;
 import org.apache.maven.surefire.testset.TestSetFailedException;
 import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
 import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
 import java.lang.reflect.Method;
 import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
 import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;
 public final class JUnitTestSet
     extends AbstractTestSet
     public static final String TEST_CASE = "junit.framework.Test";
     public static final String TEST_RESULT = "junit.framework.TestResult";
     public static final String TEST_LISTENER = "junit.framework.TestListener";
     public static final String TEST = "junit.framework.Test";
     public static final String ADD_LISTENER_METHOD = "addListener";
     public static final String RUN_METHOD = "run";
     public static final String COUNT_TEST_CASES_METHOD = "countTestCases";
     public static final String SETUP_METHOD = "setUp";
     public static final String TEARDOWN_METHOD = "tearDown";
     private static final String TEST_SUITE = "junit.framework.TestSuite";
     private Class[] interfacesImplementedByDynamicProxy;
     private Class testResultClass;
     private Method addListenerMethod;
     private Method countTestCasesMethod;
     private Method runMethod;
 65  0
     private static final Class[] EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY = new Class[0];
 67  0
     private static final Object[] EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY = new Object[0];
     public JUnitTestSet( Class testClass )
         throws TestSetFailedException
 72  0
         super( testClass );
 74  0
 75  0
     private void processTestClass()
         throws TestSetFailedException
 82  0
             Class testClass = getTestClass();
 83  0
             ClassLoader loader = testClass.getClassLoader();
 85  0
             testResultClass = loader.loadClass( TEST_RESULT );
 87  0
             Class testListenerInterface = loader.loadClass( TEST_LISTENER );
 89  0
             Class testInterface = loader.loadClass( TEST );
             // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
             // Strategy for executing JUnit tests
             // o look for the suite method and if that is present execute that method
             //   to get the test object.
             // o look for test classes that are assignable from TestCase
             // o look for test classes that only implement the Test interface
             // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 102  0
             interfacesImplementedByDynamicProxy = new Class[1];
 104  0
             interfacesImplementedByDynamicProxy[0] = testListenerInterface;
             // The interface implemented by the dynamic proxy (TestListener), happens to be
             // the same as the param types of TestResult.addTestListener
 108  0
             Class[] addListenerParamTypes = interfacesImplementedByDynamicProxy;
 110  0
             addListenerMethod = testResultClass.getMethod( ADD_LISTENER_METHOD, addListenerParamTypes );
 112  0
             if ( testInterface.isAssignableFrom( testClass ) )//testObject.getClass() ) )
 114  0
                 countTestCasesMethod = testInterface.getMethod( COUNT_TEST_CASES_METHOD, EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY );
 116  0
                 runMethod = testInterface.getMethod( RUN_METHOD, new Class[]{testResultClass} );
 121  0
                 countTestCasesMethod = testClass.getMethod( COUNT_TEST_CASES_METHOD, EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY );
 123  0
                 runMethod = testClass.getMethod( RUN_METHOD, new Class[]{testResultClass} );
 126  0
         catch ( ClassNotFoundException e )
 128  0
             throw new TestSetFailedException( "JUnit classes not available", e );
 130  0
         catch ( NoSuchMethodException e )
 132  0
             throw new TestSetFailedException( "Class is not a JUnit TestCase", e );
 133  0
 134  0
     private static Object constructTestObject( Class testClass )
         throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, NoSuchMethodException, InstantiationException,
 140  0
         Object testObject = createInstanceFromSuiteMethod( testClass );
 142  0
         if ( testObject == null && testClass.getClassLoader().loadClass( TEST_CASE ).isAssignableFrom( testClass ) )
 144  0
             Class[] constructorParamTypes = {Class.class};
 146  0
             Constructor constructor =
                 testClass.getClassLoader().loadClass( TEST_SUITE ).getConstructor( constructorParamTypes );
 149  0
             Object[] constructorParams = {testClass};
 151  0
             testObject = constructor.newInstance( constructorParams );
 154  0
         if ( testObject == null )
 156  0
             Constructor testConstructor = getTestConstructor( testClass );
 158  0
             if ( testConstructor.getParameterTypes().length == 0 )
 160  0
                 testObject = testConstructor.newInstance( EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY );
 164  0
                 testObject = testConstructor.newInstance( new Object[]{testClass.getName()} );
 167  0
         return testObject;
     private static Object createInstanceFromSuiteMethod( Class testClass )
         throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException
 173  0
         Object testObject = null;
 176  0
             Method suiteMethod = testClass.getMethod( "suite", EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY );
 178  0
             if ( Modifier.isPublic( suiteMethod.getModifiers() ) && Modifier.isStatic( suiteMethod.getModifiers() ) )
 180  0
                 testObject = suiteMethod.invoke( null, EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY );
 183  0
         catch ( NoSuchMethodException e )
             // No suite method
 186  0
 187  0
         return testObject;
     public void execute( ReporterManager reportManager, ClassLoader loader )
         throws TestSetFailedException
 193  0
         Class testClass = getTestClass();
 197  0
             Object testObject = constructTestObject( testClass );
 199  0
             Object instanceOfTestResult = testResultClass.newInstance();
 201  0
             TestListenerInvocationHandler invocationHandler =
                 new TestListenerInvocationHandler( reportManager, instanceOfTestResult, loader );
 204  0
             Object testListener =
                 Proxy.newProxyInstance( loader, interfacesImplementedByDynamicProxy, invocationHandler );
 207  0
             Object[] addTestListenerParams = {testListener};
 209  0
             addListenerMethod.invoke( instanceOfTestResult, addTestListenerParams );
 211  0
             Object[] runParams = {instanceOfTestResult};
 213  0
             runMethod.invoke( testObject, runParams );
 215  0
         catch ( IllegalArgumentException e )
 217  0
             throw new TestSetFailedException( testClass.getName(), e );
 219  0
         catch ( InstantiationException e )
 221  0
             throw new TestSetFailedException( testClass.getName(), e );
 223  0
         catch ( IllegalAccessException e )
 225  0
             throw new TestSetFailedException( testClass.getName(), e );
 227  0
         catch ( InvocationTargetException e )
 229  0
             throw new TestSetFailedException( testClass.getName(), e.getTargetException() );
 231  0
         catch ( ClassNotFoundException e )
 233  0
             throw new TestSetFailedException( "JUnit classes not available", e );
 235  0
         catch ( NoSuchMethodException e )
 237  0
             throw new TestSetFailedException( "Class is not a JUnit TestCase", e );
 238  0
 239  0
     private static Constructor getTestConstructor( Class testClass )
         throws NoSuchMethodException
         Constructor constructor;
 247  0
             constructor = testClass.getConstructor( new Class[]{String.class} );
 249  0
         catch ( NoSuchMethodException e )
 251  0
             constructor = testClass.getConstructor( EMPTY_CLASS_ARRAY );
 252  0
 253  0
         return constructor;