Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.SurefireStarter
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 package org.apache.maven.surefire.booter;
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 import org.apache.maven.surefire.providerapi.SurefireProvider;
 import org.apache.maven.surefire.suite.RunResult;
 import org.apache.maven.surefire.testset.TestSetFailedException;
 import org.apache.maven.surefire.util.NestedRuntimeException;
 import java.util.Properties;
  * Invokes surefire with the correct classloader setup.
  * <p/>
  * This part of the booter is always guaranteed to be in the
  * same vm as the tests will be run in.
  * @author Jason van Zyl
  * @author Brett Porter
  * @author Emmanuel Venisse
  * @author Dan Fabulich
  * @author Kristian Rosenvold
  * @version $Id$
 public class SurefireStarter
     private static final int NO_TESTS = 254;
     private final ProviderConfiguration providerConfiguration;
     private final StartupConfiguration startupConfiguration;
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     private final String SUREFIRE_TEST_CLASSPATH = "surefire.test.class.path";
     public SurefireStarter( StartupConfiguration startupConfiguration, ProviderConfiguration providerConfiguration )
 58  0
 59  0
         this.providerConfiguration = providerConfiguration;
 60  0
         this.startupConfiguration = startupConfiguration;
 61  0
     public int runSuitesInProcess( Object testSet, File surefirePropertiesFile, Properties p )
         throws SurefireExecutionException, IOException
 66  0
 67  0
         final ClasspathConfiguration classpathConfiguration = startupConfiguration.getClasspathConfiguration();
 69  0
         ClassLoader testsClassLoader = classpathConfiguration.createTestClassLoaderConditionallySystem(
             startupConfiguration.useSystemClassLoader() );
 72  0
         ClassLoader surefireClassLoader = classpathConfiguration.createSurefireClassLoader( testsClassLoader );
 74  0
         final RunResult runResult = invokeProvider( testSet, testsClassLoader, surefireClassLoader );
 75  0
         updateResultsProperties( runResult, p );
 76  0
         SystemPropertyManager.writePropertiesFile( surefirePropertiesFile, "surefire", p );
 77  0
         return processRunCount( runResult );
     public int runSuitesInProcess()
         throws SurefireExecutionException
         // The test classloader must be constructed first to avoid issues with commons-logging until we properly
         // separate the TestNG classloader
 85  0
         ClassLoader testsClassLoader = createInProcessTestClassLoader();
 87  0
         final ClasspathConfiguration classpathConfiguration = startupConfiguration.getClasspathConfiguration();
 89  0
         ClassLoader surefireClassLoader = classpathConfiguration.createSurefireClassLoader( testsClassLoader );
 91  0
         final RunResult runResult = invokeProvider( null, testsClassLoader, surefireClassLoader );
 92  0
         return processRunCount( runResult);
     private ClassLoader createInProcessTestClassLoader()
         throws SurefireExecutionException
 98  0
 99  0
         ClasspathConfiguration classpathConfiguration = startupConfiguration.getClasspathConfiguration();
 100  0
         if ( startupConfiguration.isManifestOnlyJarRequestedAndUsable() )
 102  0
             ClassLoader testsClassLoader = getClass().getClassLoader(); // ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()
             // SUREFIRE-459, trick the app under test into thinking its classpath was conventional
             // (instead of a single manifest-only jar)
 105  0
             System.setProperty( "surefire.real.class.path", System.getProperty( "java.class.path" ) );
 106  0
             classpathConfiguration.getTestClasspath().writeToSystemProperty( "java.class.path" );
 107  0
             return testsClassLoader;
 111  0
             return classpathConfiguration.createTestClassLoader();
     private void writeSurefireTestClasspathProperty()
 117  0
         ClasspathConfiguration classpathConfiguration = startupConfiguration.getClasspathConfiguration();
 118  0
         classpathConfiguration.getTestClasspath().writeToSystemProperty( SUREFIRE_TEST_CLASSPATH );
 119  0
     private static final String RESULTS_ERRORS = "errors";
     private static final String RESULTS_COMPLETED_COUNT = "completedCount";
     private static final String RESULTS_FAILURES = "failures";
     private static final String RESULTS_SKIPPED = "skipped";
     private void updateResultsProperties( RunResult runResult, Properties results )
 132  0
         results.setProperty( RESULTS_ERRORS, String.valueOf( runResult.getErrors() ) );
 133  0
         results.setProperty( RESULTS_COMPLETED_COUNT, String.valueOf( runResult.getCompletedCount() ) );
 134  0
         results.setProperty( RESULTS_FAILURES, String.valueOf( runResult.getFailures() ) );
 135  0
         results.setProperty( RESULTS_SKIPPED, String.valueOf( runResult.getSkipped() ) );
 136  0
     private RunResult invokeProvider( Object testSet, ClassLoader testsClassLoader, ClassLoader surefireClassLoader )
 140  0
         final PrintStream orgSystemOut = System.out;
 141  0
         final PrintStream orgSystemErr = System.err;
         // Note that System.out/System.err are also read in the "ReporterConfiguration" instatiation
         // in createProvider below. These are the same values as here.
 144  0
         ProviderFactory providerFactory =
             new ProviderFactory( startupConfiguration, providerConfiguration, surefireClassLoader, testsClassLoader );
 146  0
         final SurefireProvider provider = providerFactory.createProvider( );
 150  0
             return provider.invoke( testSet );
 152  0
         catch ( TestSetFailedException e )
 154  0
             throw new NestedRuntimeException( e );
 156  0
         catch ( ReporterException e )
 158  0
             throw new NestedRuntimeException( e );
 162  0
             System.setOut( orgSystemOut );
 163  0
             System.setErr( orgSystemErr );
      * Returns the process return code based on the RunResult
      * @param runCount The run result
      * @return The process result code
      * @throws SurefireExecutionException When an exception is found
     private int processRunCount( RunResult runCount )
         throws SurefireExecutionException
 178  0
         if ( runCount.getCompletedCount() == 0 && providerConfiguration.isFailIfNoTests().booleanValue() )
 180  0
             return NO_TESTS;
 183  0
         return runCount.getBooterCode();