Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.SurefireBooter
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
 package org.apache.maven.surefire.booter;
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
 import java.lang.reflect.Method;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.Collections;
 import java.util.Enumeration;
 import java.util.Iterator;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Map;
 import java.util.Properties;
 import java.util.SortedMap;
 import java.util.TreeMap;
 import org.apache.maven.surefire.Surefire;
 import org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.output.FileOutputConsumerProxy;
 import org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.output.ForkingStreamConsumer;
 import org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.output.OutputConsumer;
 import org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.output.StandardOutputConsumer;
 import org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.output.SupressFooterOutputConsumerProxy;
 import org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.output.SupressHeaderOutputConsumerProxy;
 import org.apache.maven.surefire.testset.TestSetFailedException;
 import org.apache.maven.surefire.util.NestedRuntimeException;
 import org.apache.maven.surefire.util.UrlUtils;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.IOUtil;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.cli.CommandLineException;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.cli.CommandLineUtils;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.cli.Commandline;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.cli.StreamConsumer;
  * @author Jason van Zyl
  * @author Emmanuel Venisse
  * @version $Id: 980568 2010-07-29 20:56:29Z krosenvold $
 public class SurefireBooter
     private static final String TEST_SUITE_PROPERTY_PREFIX = "testSuite.";
     private static final String REPORT_PROPERTY_PREFIX = "report.";
     private static final String PARAMS_SUFIX = ".params";
     private static final String TYPES_SUFIX = ".types";
 72  0
     private List reports = new ArrayList();
 74  0
     private List classPathUrls = new ArrayList();
 76  0
     private List surefireClassPathUrls = new ArrayList();
 78  0
     private List surefireBootClassPathUrls = new ArrayList();
 80  0
     private List testSuites = new ArrayList();
 82  0
     private boolean failIfNoTests = false;
 84  0
     private int forkedProcessTimeoutInSeconds = 0;
 86  0
     private boolean redirectTestOutputToFile = false;
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     private ForkConfiguration forkConfiguration;
     public static final int TESTS_SUCCEEDED_EXIT_CODE = 0;
     public static final int TESTS_FAILED_EXIT_CODE = 255;
     public static final int NO_TESTS_EXIT_CODE = 254;
     private static Method assertionStatusMethod;
      * @deprecated because the IsolatedClassLoader is really isolated - no parent.
 105  0
     private boolean childDelegation = true;
     private File reportsDirectory;
      * This field is set to true if it's running from main. It's used to help decide what classloader to use.
     private final boolean isForked;
      * Whether to enable assertions or not (can be affected by the fork arguments, and the ability to do so based on the
      * JVM).
     private boolean enableAssertions;
 124  4
             assertionStatusMethod =
 125  32
                 ClassLoader.class.getMethod( "setDefaultAssertionStatus", new Class[] { boolean.class } );
 127  0
         catch ( NoSuchMethodException e )
 129  0
             assertionStatusMethod = null;
 130  4
 131  4
     public SurefireBooter()
 134  0
 135  0
         isForked = false;
 136  0
     private SurefireBooter( boolean isForked )
 139  0
 140  0
         this.isForked = isForked;
 141  0
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     // Accessors
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     public void addReport( String report )
 149  0
         addReport( report, null );
 150  0
     public void addReport( String report, Object[] constructorParams )
 154  0
         reports.add( new Object[] { report, constructorParams } );
 155  0
     public void addTestSuite( String suiteClassName, Object[] constructorParams )
 159  0
         testSuites.add( new Object[] { suiteClassName, constructorParams } );
 160  0
     public void addClassPathUrl( String path )
 164  0
         if ( !classPathUrls.contains( path ) )
 166  0
             classPathUrls.add( path );
 168  0
     public void addSurefireClassPathUrl( String path )
 172  0
         if ( !surefireClassPathUrls.contains( path ) )
 174  0
             surefireClassPathUrls.add( path );
 176  0
     public void addSurefireBootClassPathUrl( String path )
 180  0
         if ( !surefireBootClassPathUrls.contains( path ) )
 182  0
             surefireBootClassPathUrls.add( path );
 184  0
      * Setting this to true will cause a failure if there are no tests to run
      * @param redirectTestOutputToFile
     public void setFailIfNoTests( boolean failIfNoTests )
 193  0
         this.failIfNoTests = failIfNoTests;
 194  0
      * When forking, setting this to true will make the test output to be saved in a file instead of showing it on the
      * standard output
      * @param redirectTestOutputToFile
     public void setRedirectTestOutputToFile( boolean redirectTestOutputToFile )
 204  0
         this.redirectTestOutputToFile = redirectTestOutputToFile;
 205  0
      * Set the directory where reports will be saved
      * @param reportsDirectory the directory
     public void setReportsDirectory( File reportsDirectory )
 214  0
         this.reportsDirectory = reportsDirectory;
 215  0
      * Get the directory where reports will be saved
     public File getReportsDirectory()
 222  0
         return reportsDirectory;
     public void setForkConfiguration( ForkConfiguration forkConfiguration )
 227  0
         this.forkConfiguration = forkConfiguration;
 228  0
     public boolean isForking()
 232  0
         return forkConfiguration.isForking();
     public int run()
         throws SurefireBooterForkException, SurefireExecutionException
         int result;
 240  0
         if (  ForkConfiguration.FORK_NEVER.equals( forkConfiguration.getForkMode() ) )
 242  0
             result = runSuitesInProcess();
 244  0
         else if ( ForkConfiguration.FORK_ONCE.equals( forkConfiguration.getForkMode() ) )
 246  0
             result = runSuitesForkOnce();
 248  0
         else if ( ForkConfiguration.FORK_ALWAYS.equals( forkConfiguration.getForkMode() ) )
 250  0
             result = runSuitesForkPerTestSet();
 254  0
             throw new SurefireExecutionException( "Unknown forkmode: " + forkConfiguration.getForkMode(), null );
 256  0
         return result;
     private int runSuitesInProcess( String testSet, Properties results )
         throws SurefireExecutionException
 262  0
         if ( testSuites.size() != 1 )
 264  0
             throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot only specify testSet for single test suites" );
         // TODO: replace with plexus
         // noinspection CatchGenericClass,OverlyBroadCatchBlock
 270  0
         ClassLoader oldContextClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
 273  0
             ClassLoader testsClassLoader =
                 useSystemClassLoader() ? ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader() : createClassLoader( classPathUrls, null,
                                                                                                  childDelegation );
             // TODO: assertions = true shouldn't be required for this CL if we had proper separation (see TestNG)
 278  0
             ClassLoader surefireClassLoader = createClassLoader( surefireClassPathUrls, testsClassLoader );
 280  0
             Class surefireClass = surefireClassLoader.loadClass( Surefire.class.getName() );
 282  0
             Object surefire = surefireClass.newInstance();
 284  0
             Method run =
                 surefireClass.getMethod( "run", new Class[] { List.class, Object[].class, String.class,
                     ClassLoader.class, ClassLoader.class, Properties.class, Boolean.class } );
 288  0
             Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader( testsClassLoader );
 290  0
             Integer result =
                 (Integer) run.invoke( surefire, new Object[] { reports, testSuites.get( 0 ), testSet,
                     surefireClassLoader, testsClassLoader, results, new Boolean( failIfNoTests ) } );
 294  0
             return result.intValue();
 296  0
         catch ( InvocationTargetException e )
 298  0
             throw new SurefireExecutionException( e.getTargetException().getMessage(), e.getTargetException() );
 300  0
         catch ( Exception e )
 302  0
             throw new SurefireExecutionException( "Unable to instantiate and execute Surefire", e );
 306  0
             Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader( oldContextClassLoader );
     private int runSuitesInProcess()
         throws SurefireExecutionException
         // TODO: replace with plexus
         // noinspection CatchGenericClass,OverlyBroadCatchBlock
 316  0
         ClassLoader oldContextClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
             // The test classloader must be constructed first to avoid issues with commons-logging until we properly
             // separate the TestNG classloader
             ClassLoader testsClassLoader;
 323  0
             String testClassPath = getTestClassPathAsString();
 324  0
             System.setProperty( "surefire.test.class.path", testClassPath );
 325  0
             if ( useManifestOnlyJar() )
 327  0
                 testsClassLoader = getClass().getClassLoader(); // ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader()
                 // SUREFIRE-459, trick the app under test into thinking its classpath was conventional
                 // (instead of a single manifest-only jar) 
 330  0
                 System.setProperty( "surefire.real.class.path", System.getProperty( "java.class.path" ) );
 331  0
                 System.setProperty( "java.class.path", testClassPath );
 335  0
                 testsClassLoader = createClassLoader( classPathUrls, null, childDelegation );
 338  0
             ClassLoader surefireClassLoader = createClassLoader( surefireClassPathUrls, testsClassLoader );
 340  0
             Class surefireClass = surefireClassLoader.loadClass( Surefire.class.getName() );
 342  0
             Object surefire = surefireClass.newInstance();
 344  0
             Method run =
                 surefireClass.getMethod( "run", new Class[] { List.class, List.class, ClassLoader.class,
                     ClassLoader.class, Boolean.class } );
 348  0
             Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader( testsClassLoader );
 350  0
             Integer result =
                 (Integer) run.invoke( surefire, new Object[] { reports, testSuites, surefireClassLoader,
                     testsClassLoader, new Boolean( failIfNoTests ) } );
 354  0
             return result.intValue();
 356  0
         catch ( InvocationTargetException e )
 358  0
             throw new SurefireExecutionException( e.getTargetException().getMessage(), e.getTargetException() );
 360  0
         catch ( Exception e )
 362  0
             throw new SurefireExecutionException( "Unable to instantiate and execute Surefire", e );
 366  0
             Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader( oldContextClassLoader );
     private String getTestClassPathAsString()
 374  0
         StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
 375  0
         for ( int i = 0; i < classPathUrls.size(); i++ )
 377  0
             sb.append( classPathUrls.get( i ) ).append( File.pathSeparatorChar );
 379  0
         return sb.toString();
     private int runSuitesForkOnce()
         throws SurefireBooterForkException
 385  0
         return forkSuites( testSuites, true, true );
     private int runSuitesForkPerTestSet()
         throws SurefireBooterForkException
         ClassLoader testsClassLoader;
         ClassLoader surefireClassLoader;
 395  0
             testsClassLoader = createClassLoader( classPathUrls, null, false );
             // TODO: assertions = true shouldn't be required if we had proper separation (see TestNG)
 397  0
             surefireClassLoader = createClassLoader( surefireClassPathUrls, testsClassLoader, false );
 399  0
         catch ( MalformedURLException e )
 401  0
             throw new SurefireBooterForkException( "Unable to create classloader to find test suites", e );
 402  0
 404  0
         int globalResult = 0;
 406  0
         boolean showHeading = true;
 407  0
         Properties properties = new Properties();
 408  0
         for ( Iterator i = testSuites.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
 410  0
             Object[] testSuite = (Object[]);
 412  0
             Map testSets = getTestSets( testSuite, testsClassLoader, surefireClassLoader );
 414  0
             for ( Iterator j = testSets.keySet().iterator(); j.hasNext(); )
 416  0
                 Object testSet =;
 417  0
                 boolean showFooter = !j.hasNext() && !i.hasNext();
 418  0
                 int result = forkSuite( testSuite, testSet, showHeading, showFooter, properties );
 419  0
                 if ( result > globalResult )
 421  0
                     globalResult = result;
 423  0
                 showHeading = false;
 424  0
 425  0
 427  0
         return globalResult;
     private Map getTestSets( Object[] testSuite, ClassLoader testsClassLoader, ClassLoader surefireClassLoader )
         throws SurefireBooterForkException
 433  0
         String className = (String) testSuite[0];
 435  0
         Object[] params = (Object[]) testSuite[1];
         Object suite;
 440  0
             suite = Surefire.instantiateObject( className, params, surefireClassLoader );
 442  0
         catch ( TestSetFailedException e )
 444  0
             throw new SurefireBooterForkException( e.getMessage(), e.getCause() );
 446  0
         catch ( ClassNotFoundException e )
 448  0
             throw new SurefireBooterForkException( "Unable to find class for test suite '" + className + "'", e );
 450  0
         catch ( NoSuchMethodException e )
 452  0
             throw new SurefireBooterForkException( "Unable to find appropriate constructor for test suite '"
                 + className + "': " + e.getMessage(), e );
 454  0
         Map testSets;
 459  0
             Method m = suite.getClass().getMethod( "locateTestSets", new Class[] { ClassLoader.class } );
 461  0
             testSets = (Map) m.invoke( suite, new Object[] { testsClassLoader } );
 463  0
         catch ( IllegalAccessException e )
 465  0
             throw new SurefireBooterForkException( "Error obtaining test sets", e );
 467  0
         catch ( NoSuchMethodException e )
 469  0
             throw new SurefireBooterForkException( "Error obtaining test sets", e );
 471  0
         catch ( InvocationTargetException e )
 473  0
             throw new SurefireBooterForkException( e.getTargetException().getMessage(), e.getTargetException() );
 474  0
 475  0
         return testSets;
     private int forkSuites( List testSuites, boolean showHeading, boolean showFooter )
         throws SurefireBooterForkException
 481  0
         Properties properties = new Properties();
 483  0
         setForkProperties( testSuites, properties );
 485  0
         return fork( properties, showHeading, showFooter );
     private int forkSuite( Object[] testSuite, Object testSet, boolean showHeading, boolean showFooter,
                                Properties properties )
         throws SurefireBooterForkException
 492  0
         setForkProperties( Collections.singletonList( testSuite ), properties );
 494  0
         if ( testSet instanceof String )
 496  0
             properties.setProperty( "testSet", (String) testSet );
 499  0
         return fork( properties, showHeading, showFooter );
     private void setForkProperties( List testSuites, Properties properties )
 504  0
         addPropertiesForTypeHolder( reports, properties, REPORT_PROPERTY_PREFIX );
 505  0
         addPropertiesForTypeHolder( testSuites, properties, TEST_SUITE_PROPERTY_PREFIX );
 507  0
         for ( int i = 0; i < classPathUrls.size(); i++ )
 509  0
             String url = (String) classPathUrls.get( i );
 510  0
             properties.setProperty( "classPathUrl." + i, url );
 513  0
         for ( int i = 0; i < surefireClassPathUrls.size(); i++ )
 515  0
             String url = (String) surefireClassPathUrls.get( i );
 516  0
             properties.setProperty( "surefireClassPathUrl." + i, url );
 519  0
         properties.setProperty( "childDelegation", String.valueOf( childDelegation ) );
 520  0
         properties.setProperty( "enableAssertions", String.valueOf( enableAssertions ) );
 521  0
         properties.setProperty( "useSystemClassLoader", String.valueOf( useSystemClassLoader() ) );
 522  0
         properties.setProperty( "useManifestOnlyJar", String.valueOf( useManifestOnlyJar() ) );
 523  0
         properties.setProperty( "failIfNoTests", String.valueOf( failIfNoTests ) );
 524  0
     private File writePropertiesFile( String name, Properties properties )
         throws IOException
 529  0
         File file = File.createTempFile( name, "tmp" );
 530  0
         if ( !forkConfiguration.isDebug() )
 532  0
 535  0
         writePropertiesFile( file, name, properties );
 537  0
         return file;
     private void writePropertiesFile( File file, String name, Properties properties )
         throws IOException
 543  0
         FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream( file );
 547  0
    out, name );
 551  0
             IOUtil.close( out );
 552  0
 553  0
     private void addPropertiesForTypeHolder( List typeHolderList, Properties properties, String propertyPrefix )
 557  0
         for ( int i = 0; i < typeHolderList.size(); i++ )
 559  0
             Object[] report = (Object[]) typeHolderList.get( i );
 561  0
             String className = (String) report[0];
 562  0
             Object[] params = (Object[]) report[1];
 564  0
             properties.setProperty( propertyPrefix + i, className );
 566  0
             if ( params != null )
 568  0
                 String paramProperty = convert( params[0] );
 569  0
                 String typeProperty = params[0].getClass().getName();
 570  0
                 for ( int j = 1; j < params.length; j++ )
 572  0
                     paramProperty += "|";
 573  0
                     typeProperty += "|";
 574  0
                     if ( params[j] != null )
 576  0
                         paramProperty += convert( params[j] );
 577  0
                         typeProperty += params[j].getClass().getName();
 580  0
                 properties.setProperty( propertyPrefix + i + PARAMS_SUFIX, paramProperty );
 581  0
                 properties.setProperty( propertyPrefix + i + TYPES_SUFIX, typeProperty );
 584  0
     private static String convert( Object param )
 588  40
         if ( param instanceof File[] )
 590  4
             File[] files = (File[]) param;
 591  4
             return "[" + StringUtils.join( files, "," ) + "]";
 593  36
         else if ( param instanceof Properties )
 595  12
             ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
 598  12
                 ( (Properties) param ).store( baos, "" );
 599  12
                 return new String( baos.toByteArray(), "8859_1" );
 601  0
             catch ( Exception e )
 603  0
                 throw new RuntimeException ( "bug in property conversion", e );
 608  24
             return param.toString();
     private boolean useSystemClassLoader()
 614  0
         return forkConfiguration.isUseSystemClassLoader() && ( isForked || forkConfiguration.isForking() );
     private boolean useManifestOnlyJar()
 619  0
         return forkConfiguration.isUseSystemClassLoader() && forkConfiguration.isUseManifestOnlyJar();
     private int fork( Properties properties, boolean showHeading, boolean showFooter )
         throws SurefireBooterForkException
         File surefireProperties;
 626  0
         File systemProperties = null;
 629  0
             surefireProperties = writePropertiesFile( "surefire", properties );
 630  0
             if ( forkConfiguration.getSystemProperties() != null )
 632  0
                 systemProperties = writePropertiesFile( "surefire", forkConfiguration.getSystemProperties() );
 635  0
         catch ( IOException e )
 637  0
             throw new SurefireBooterForkException( "Error creating properties files for forking", e );
 638  0
 640  0
         List bootClasspath = new ArrayList( surefireBootClassPathUrls.size() + classPathUrls.size() );
 642  0
         bootClasspath.addAll( surefireBootClassPathUrls );
 644  0
         if ( useSystemClassLoader() )
 646  0
             bootClasspath.addAll( classPathUrls );
 649  0
         Commandline cli = forkConfiguration.createCommandLine( bootClasspath, useManifestOnlyJar() );
 651  0
         cli.createArg().setFile( surefireProperties );
 653  0
         if ( systemProperties != null )
 655  0
             cli.createArg().setFile( systemProperties );
 659  0
         ForkingStreamConsumer out = getForkingStreamConsumer( showHeading, showFooter, redirectTestOutputToFile );
         StreamConsumer err;
 663  0
         if ( redirectTestOutputToFile )
 665  0
             err = out;
 669  0
             err = getForkingStreamConsumer( showHeading, showFooter, redirectTestOutputToFile );
 672  0
         if ( forkConfiguration.isDebug() )
 674  0
             System.out.println( "Forking command line: " + cli );
         int returnCode;
 681  0
             returnCode = CommandLineUtils.executeCommandLine( cli, out, err, forkedProcessTimeoutInSeconds );
 683  0
         catch ( CommandLineException e )
 685  0
             throw new SurefireBooterForkException( "Error while executing forked tests.", e );
 686  0
 688  0
         if ( redirectTestOutputToFile )
             // ensure the FileOutputConsumerProxy flushes/closes the output file
 693  0
 695  0
             catch ( Exception e )
                 // the FileOutputConsumerProxy might throw an IllegalStateException but that's not of interest now
 698  0
 701  0
         if ( surefireProperties != null && surefireProperties.exists() )
 703  0
             FileInputStream inStream = null;
 706  0
                 inStream = new FileInputStream( surefireProperties );
 708  0
                 properties.load( inStream );
 710  0
             catch ( FileNotFoundException e )
 712  0
                 throw new SurefireBooterForkException( "Unable to reload properties file from forked process", e );
 714  0
             catch ( IOException e )
 716  0
                 throw new SurefireBooterForkException( "Unable to reload properties file from forked process", e );
 720  0
                 IOUtil.close( inStream );
 721  0
 724  0
         return returnCode;
     private ClassLoader createClassLoader( List classPathUrls, ClassLoader parent )
         throws MalformedURLException
 730  0
         return createClassLoader( classPathUrls, parent, false );
     private ClassLoader createClassLoader( List classPathUrls, ClassLoader parent, boolean childDelegation )
         throws MalformedURLException
 736  0
         List urls = new ArrayList();
 738  0
         for ( Iterator i = classPathUrls.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
 740  0
             String url = (String);
 742  0
             if ( url != null )
 744  0
                 File f = new File( url );
 745  0
                 urls.add( UrlUtils.getURL( f ) );
 747  0
 749  0
         IsolatedClassLoader classLoader = new IsolatedClassLoader( parent, childDelegation );
 750  0
         if ( assertionStatusMethod != null )
 754  0
                 Object[] args = new Object[] { enableAssertions ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE };
 755  0
                 if ( parent != null )
 757  0
                     assertionStatusMethod.invoke( parent, args );
 759  0
                 assertionStatusMethod.invoke( classLoader, args );
 761  0
             catch ( IllegalAccessException e )
 763  0
                 throw new NestedRuntimeException( "Unable to access the assertion enablement method", e );
 765  0
             catch ( InvocationTargetException e )
 767  0
                 throw new NestedRuntimeException( "Unable to invoke the assertion enablement method", e );
 768  0
 770  0
         for ( Iterator iter = urls.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
 772  0
             URL url = (URL);
 773  0
             classLoader.addURL( url );
 774  0
 775  0
         return classLoader;
     private static List processStringList( String stringList )
 780  8
         String sl = stringList;
 782  8
         if ( sl.startsWith( "[" ) && sl.endsWith( "]" ) )
 784  8
             sl = sl.substring( 1, sl.length() - 1 );
 787  8
         List list = new ArrayList();
 789  8
         String[] stringArray = StringUtils.split( sl, "," );
 791  12
         for ( int i = 0; i < stringArray.length; i++ )
 793  4
             list.add( stringArray[i].trim() );
 795  8
         return list;
     private static Properties loadProperties( File file )
         throws IOException
 801  0
         Properties p = new Properties();
 803  0
         if ( file != null && file.exists() )
 805  0
             FileInputStream inStream = new FileInputStream( file );
 808  0
                 p.load( inStream );
 812  0
                 IOUtil.close( inStream );
 813  0
 816  0
         return p;
     private static void setSystemProperties( File file )
         throws IOException
 822  0
         Properties p = loadProperties( file );
 824  0
         for ( Iterator i = p.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
 826  0
             String key = (String);
 828  0
             System.setProperty( key, p.getProperty( key ) );
 829  0
 830  0
     private static Object[] constructParamObjects( String paramProperty, String typeProperty )
 834  40
         Object[] paramObjects = null;
 835  40
         if ( paramProperty != null )
             // bit of a glitch that it need sto be done twice to do an odd number of vertical bars (eg |||, |||||).
 838  40
             String[] params =
                 StringUtils.split( StringUtils.replace( StringUtils.replace( paramProperty, "||", "| |" ),
                                                         "||", "| |" ), "|" );
 841  40
             String[] types =
                 StringUtils.split( StringUtils.replace( StringUtils.replace( typeProperty, "||", "| |" ),
                                                         "||", "| |" ), "|" );
 845  40
             paramObjects = new Object[params.length];
 847  80
             for ( int i = 0; i < types.length; i++ )
 849  40
                 if ( types[i].trim().length() == 0 )
 851  0
                     params[i] = null;
 853  40
                 else if ( types[i].equals( String.class.getName() ) )
 855  4
                     paramObjects[i] = params[i];
 857  36
                 else if ( types[i].equals( File.class.getName() ) )
 859  4
                     paramObjects[i] = new File( params[i] );
 861  32
                 else if ( types[i].equals( File[].class.getName() ) )
 863  4
                     List stringList = processStringList( params[i] );
 864  4
                     File[] fileList = new File[stringList.size()];
 865  8
                     for ( int j = 0; j < stringList.size(); j++ )
 867  4
                         fileList[j] = new File( (String) stringList.get( j ) );
 869  4
                     paramObjects[i] = fileList;
 870  4
 871  28
                 else if ( types[i].equals( ArrayList.class.getName() ) )
 873  4
                     paramObjects[i] = processStringList( params[i] );
 875  24
                 else if ( types[i].equals( Boolean.class.getName() ) )
 877  8
                     paramObjects[i] = Boolean.valueOf( params[i] );
 879  16
                 else if ( types[i].equals( Integer.class.getName() ) )
 881  4
                     paramObjects[i] = Integer.valueOf( params[i] );
 883  12
                 else if ( types[i].equals( Properties.class.getName() ) )
 885  12
                     final Properties result = new Properties();
 886  12
                     final String value = params[i];
 889  12
                         ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream( value.getBytes( "8859_1" ) );
 890  12
                         result.load( bais );
 892  0
                     catch ( Exception e )
 894  0
                         throw new RuntimeException( "bug in property conversion", e );
 895  12
 896  12
                     paramObjects[i] = result;
 897  12
                     // TODO: could attempt to construct with a String constructor if needed
 901  0
                     throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unknown parameter type: " + types[i] );
 905  40
         return paramObjects;
      * This method is invoked when Surefire is forked - this method parses and organizes the arguments passed to it and
      * then calls the Surefire class' run method. <p/> The system exit code will be 1 if an exception is thrown.
      * @param args
     public static void main( String[] args )
         throws Throwable
         // noinspection CatchGenericClass,OverlyBroadCatchBlock
 920  0
             if ( args.length > 1 )
 922  0
                 setSystemProperties( new File( args[1] ) );
 925  0
             File surefirePropertiesFile = new File( args[0] );
 926  0
             Properties p = loadProperties( surefirePropertiesFile );
 928  0
             SortedMap classPathUrls = new TreeMap();
 930  0
             SortedMap surefireClassPathUrls = new TreeMap();
 932  0
             SurefireBooter surefireBooter = new SurefireBooter( true );
 934  0
             ForkConfiguration forkConfiguration = new ForkConfiguration();
 935  0
             forkConfiguration.setForkMode( "never" );
 936  0
             surefireBooter.setForkConfiguration( forkConfiguration );
 938  0
             for ( Enumeration e = p.propertyNames(); e.hasMoreElements(); )
 940  0
                 String name = (String) e.nextElement();
 942  0
                 if ( name.startsWith( REPORT_PROPERTY_PREFIX ) && !name.endsWith( PARAMS_SUFIX )
                                 && !name.endsWith( TYPES_SUFIX ) )
 945  0
                     String className = p.getProperty( name );
 947  0
                     String params = p.getProperty( name + PARAMS_SUFIX );
 948  0
                     String types = p.getProperty( name + TYPES_SUFIX );
 949  0
                     surefireBooter.addReport( className, constructParamObjects( params, types ) );
 950  0
 951  0
                 else if ( name.startsWith( TEST_SUITE_PROPERTY_PREFIX ) && !name.endsWith( PARAMS_SUFIX )
                                 && !name.endsWith( TYPES_SUFIX ) )
 954  0
                     String className = p.getProperty( name );
 956  0
                     String params = p.getProperty( name + PARAMS_SUFIX );
 957  0
                     String types = p.getProperty( name + TYPES_SUFIX );
 958  0
                     surefireBooter.addTestSuite( className, constructParamObjects( params, types ) );
 959  0
 960  0
                 else if ( name.startsWith( "classPathUrl." ) )
 962  0
                     classPathUrls.put( Integer.valueOf( name.substring( name.indexOf( '.' ) + 1 ) ),
                                        p.getProperty( name ) );
 965  0
                 else if ( name.startsWith( "surefireClassPathUrl." ) )
 967  0
                     surefireClassPathUrls.put( Integer.valueOf( name.substring( name.indexOf( '.' ) + 1 ) ),
                                                p.getProperty( name ) );
 970  0
                 else if ( name.startsWith( "surefireBootClassPathUrl." ) )
 972  0
                     surefireBooter.addSurefireBootClassPathUrl( p.getProperty( name ) );
 974  0
                 else if ( "childDelegation".equals( name ) )
 976  0
                     surefireBooter.childDelegation =
                         Boolean.valueOf( p.getProperty( "childDelegation" ) ).booleanValue();
 979  0
                 else if ( "enableAssertions".equals( name ) )
 981  0
                     surefireBooter.enableAssertions =
                         Boolean.valueOf( p.getProperty( "enableAssertions" ) ).booleanValue();
 984  0
                 else if ( "useSystemClassLoader".equals( name ) )
 986  0
                     boolean value = Boolean.valueOf( p.getProperty( "useSystemClassLoader" ) ).booleanValue();
 987  0
                     surefireBooter.forkConfiguration.setUseSystemClassLoader( value );
 988  0
 989  0
                 else if ( "useManifestOnlyJar".equals( name ) )
 991  0
                     boolean value = Boolean.valueOf( p.getProperty( "useManifestOnlyJar" ) ).booleanValue();
 992  0
                     surefireBooter.forkConfiguration.setUseManifestOnlyJar( value );
 993  0
 994  0
                 else if ( "failIfNoTests".equals( name ) )
 996  0
                     boolean value = Boolean.valueOf( p.getProperty( "failIfNoTests" ) ).booleanValue();
 997  0
                     surefireBooter.setFailIfNoTests( value );
 999  0
 1001  0
             for ( Iterator cpi = classPathUrls.keySet().iterator(); cpi.hasNext(); )
 1003  0
                 String url = (String) classPathUrls.get( );
 1004  0
                 surefireBooter.addClassPathUrl( url );
 1005  0
 1007  0
             for ( Iterator scpi = surefireClassPathUrls.keySet().iterator(); scpi.hasNext(); )
 1009  0
                 String url = (String) surefireClassPathUrls.get( );
 1010  0
                 surefireBooter.addSurefireClassPathUrl( url );
 1011  0
 1013  0
             String testSet = p.getProperty( "testSet" );
             int result;
 1015  0
             if ( testSet != null )
 1017  0
                 result = surefireBooter.runSuitesInProcess( testSet, p );
 1021  0
                 result = surefireBooter.runSuitesInProcess();
 1024  0
             surefireBooter.writePropertiesFile( surefirePropertiesFile, "surefire", p );
             // noinspection CallToSystemExit
 1027  0
             System.exit( result );
 1029  0
         catch ( Throwable t )
             // Just throwing does getMessage() and a local trace - we want to call printStackTrace for a full trace
             // noinspection UseOfSystemOutOrSystemErr
 1033  0
             t.printStackTrace( System.err );
             // noinspection ProhibitedExceptionThrown,CallToSystemExit
 1035  0
             System.exit( 1 );
 1036  0
 1037  0
     public void setChildDelegation( boolean childDelegation )
 1041  0
         this.childDelegation = childDelegation;
 1042  0
     private ForkingStreamConsumer getForkingStreamConsumer( boolean showHeading, boolean showFooter,
                                                      boolean redirectTestOutputToFile )
 1047  0
         OutputConsumer outputConsumer = new StandardOutputConsumer();
 1049  0
         if ( redirectTestOutputToFile )
 1051  0
             outputConsumer = new FileOutputConsumerProxy( outputConsumer, getReportsDirectory() );
 1054  0
         if ( !showHeading )
 1056  0
             outputConsumer = new SupressHeaderOutputConsumerProxy( outputConsumer );
 1058  0
         if ( !showFooter )
 1060  0
             outputConsumer = new SupressFooterOutputConsumerProxy( outputConsumer );
 1063  0
         return new ForkingStreamConsumer( outputConsumer );
     public void setEnableAssertions( boolean enableAssertions )
 1068  0
         this.enableAssertions = enableAssertions;
 1069  0
     public void setForkedProcessTimeoutInSeconds( int forkedProcessTimeoutInSeconds )
 1073  0
         this.forkedProcessTimeoutInSeconds = forkedProcessTimeoutInSeconds;
 1074  0