Package org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.output

Interface Summary
OutputConsumer Surefire output consumer that will be called from Surefire when forking tests to process the lines of the surefire header, messages, footer and test output from the forked Surefire execution.

Class Summary
FileOutputConsumerProxy Surefire output consumer proxy that writes test output to a File for each test suite.
ForkingStreamConsumer StreamConsumer that understands Surefire output made by ForkingConsoleReporter and filters it depending on configuration options
OutputConsumerProxy Surefire output consumer that will delegate to another OutputConsumer
PrintWriterOutputConsumer Surefire output consumer that writes everything to a Writer
StandardOutputConsumer Surefire output consumer that writes everything to System.out
SupressFooterOutputConsumerProxy Surefire output consumer that will take out the surefire footer
SupressHeaderOutputConsumerProxy Surefire output consumer that will take out the surefire header

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