Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.surefire.testset.PojoTestSet
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
 package org.apache.maven.surefire.testset;
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 import org.apache.maven.surefire.Surefire;
 import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
 import java.lang.reflect.Method;
 import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
 import java.text.MessageFormat;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.ResourceBundle;
 public class PojoTestSet
     extends AbstractTestSet
 38  0
     private ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle( Surefire.SUREFIRE_BUNDLE_NAME );
     private static final String TEST_METHOD_PREFIX = "test";
 42  0
     private static final Object[] EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY = new Object[0];
     private Object testObject;
     protected List testMethods;
     public PojoTestSet( Class testClass )
         throws TestSetFailedException
 51  0
         super( testClass );
 55  0
             testObject = testClass.newInstance();
 57  0
         catch ( InstantiationException e )
 59  0
             throw new TestSetFailedException( "Unable to instantiate POJO '" + testClass + "'", e );
 61  0
         catch ( IllegalAccessException e )
 63  0
             throw new TestSetFailedException( "Unable to instantiate POJO '" + testClass + "'", e );
 64  0
 65  0
     public void execute( ReporterManager reportManager, ClassLoader loader )
         throws TestSetFailedException
 70  0
         if ( reportManager == null )
 72  0
             throw new NullPointerException( "reportManager is null" );
 75  0
         executeTestMethods( reportManager );
 76  0
     protected void executeTestMethods( ReporterManager reportManager )
 80  0
         if ( reportManager == null )
 82  0
             throw new NullPointerException( "reportManager is null" );
 85  0
         if ( testMethods == null )
 87  0
 90  0
         boolean abort = false;
 92  0
         for ( int i = 0; i < testMethods.size() && !abort; ++i )
 94  0
             abort = executeTestMethod( (Method) testMethods.get( i ), EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY, reportManager );
 96  0
      * @noinspection CatchGenericClass,OverlyBroadCatchBlock,MethodWithMultipleReturnPoints
     protected boolean executeTestMethod( Method method, Object[] args, ReporterManager reportManager )
 103  0
         if ( method == null || args == null || reportManager == null )
 105  0
             throw new NullPointerException();
 108  0
         String userFriendlyMethodName = method.getName() + '(';
 110  0
         if ( args.length != 0 )
 112  0
             userFriendlyMethodName += "Reporter";
 115  0
         userFriendlyMethodName += ')';
 117  0
         ReportEntry report = new ReportEntry( testObject.getClass().getName(), getTestName( userFriendlyMethodName ),
                                               getName() );
 120  0
         reportManager.testStarting( report );
 124  0
 126  0
         catch ( Exception e )
             // Treat any exception from setUpFixture as a failure of the test.
 129  0
             String rawString = bundle.getString( "setupFixtureFailed" );
 131  0
             MessageFormat msgFmt = new MessageFormat( rawString );
 133  0
             Object[] stringArgs = {method.getName()};
 135  0
             String stringToPrint = msgFmt.format( stringArgs );
 137  0
             report = new ReportEntry( testObject.getClass().getName(), getTestName( userFriendlyMethodName ),
                                       stringToPrint, new PojoStackTraceWriter( testObject.getClass().getName(),
                                                                                method.getName(), e ) );
 141  0
             reportManager.testFailed( report );
             // A return value of true indicates to this class's executeTestMethods
             // method that it should abort and not attempt to execute
             // any other test methods. The other caller of this method,
             // TestRerunner.rerun, ignores this return value, because it is
             // only running one test.
 148  0
             return true;
 149  0
         // Make sure that tearDownFixture
 154  0
             method.invoke( testObject, args );
 156  0
             report = new ReportEntry( testObject.getClass().getName(), getTestName( userFriendlyMethodName ),
                                       getName() );
 159  0
             reportManager.testSucceeded( report );
 161  0
         catch ( InvocationTargetException ite )
 163  0
             Throwable t = ite.getTargetException();
 165  0
             String msg = t.getMessage();
 167  0
             if ( msg == null )
 169  0
                 msg = t.toString();
 172  0
             report = new ReportEntry( testObject.getClass().getName(), getTestName( userFriendlyMethodName ), msg,
                 new PojoStackTraceWriter( testObject.getClass().getName(), method.getName(), t ) );
 175  0
             reportManager.testFailed( report );
             // Don't return  here, because tearDownFixture should be called even
             // if the test method throws an exception.
 179  0
         catch ( Throwable t )
 181  0
             String msg = t.getMessage();
 183  0
             if ( msg == null )
 185  0
                 msg = t.toString();
 188  0
             report = new ReportEntry( testObject.getClass().getName(), getTestName( userFriendlyMethodName ), msg,
                 new PojoStackTraceWriter( testObject.getClass().getName(), method.getName(), t ) );
 191  0
             reportManager.testFailed( report );
             // Don't return  here, because tearDownFixture should be called even
             // if the test method throws an exception.
 194  0
 198  0
 200  0
         catch ( Throwable t )
             // Treat any exception from tearDownFixture as a failure of the test.
 203  0
             String rawString = bundle.getString( "cleanupFixtureFailed" );
 205  0
             MessageFormat msgFmt = new MessageFormat( rawString );
 207  0
             Object[] stringArgs = {method.getName()};
 209  0
             String stringToPrint = msgFmt.format( stringArgs );
 211  0
             report = new ReportEntry( testObject.getClass().getName(), getTestName( userFriendlyMethodName ),
                                       stringToPrint, new PojoStackTraceWriter( testObject.getClass().getName(),
                                                                                method.getName(), t ) );
 215  0
             reportManager.testFailed( report );
             // A return value of true indicates to this class's executeTestMethods
             // method that it should abort and not attempt to execute
             // any other test methods. The other caller of this method,
             // TestRerunner.rerun, ignores this return value, because it is
             // only running one test.
 222  0
             return true;
 223  0
         // A return value of false indicates to this class's executeTestMethods
         // method that it should keep plowing ahead and invoke more test methods.
         // The other caller of this method,
         // TestRerunner.rerun, ignores this return value, because it is
         // only running one test.
 230  0
         return false;
     public String getTestName( String testMethodName )
 235  0
         if ( testMethodName == null )
 237  0
             throw new NullPointerException( "testMethodName is null" );
 240  0
         return getTestClass().getName() + "." + testMethodName;
     public void setUpFixture()
 245  0
     public void tearDownFixture()
 249  0
     private void discoverTestMethods()
 253  0
         if ( testMethods == null )
 255  0
             testMethods = new ArrayList();
 257  0
             Method[] methods = getTestClass().getMethods();
 259  0
             for ( int i = 0; i < methods.length; ++i )
 261  0
                 Method m = methods[i];
 263  0
                 if ( isValidTestMethod( m ) )
 265  0
                     String simpleName = m.getName();
                     // name must have 5 or more chars
 268  0
                     if ( simpleName.length() > 4 )
 270  0
                         String firstFour = simpleName.substring( 0, 4 );
                         // name must start with "test"
 273  0
                         if ( firstFour.equals( TEST_METHOD_PREFIX ) )
 275  0
                             testMethods.add( m );
 281  0
     private static boolean isValidTestMethod( Method m )
 285  0
         boolean isInstanceMethod = !Modifier.isStatic( m.getModifiers() );
 287  0
         boolean returnsVoid = m.getReturnType().equals( void.class );
 289  0
         boolean hasNoParams = m.getParameterTypes().length == 0;
 291  0
         return isInstanceMethod && returnsVoid && hasNoParams;