Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.SurefireReflector
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 package org.apache.maven.surefire.booter;
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 import org.apache.maven.surefire.providerapi.ProviderParameters;
 import org.apache.maven.surefire.suite.RunResult;
 import org.apache.maven.surefire.testset.DirectoryScannerParameters;
 import org.apache.maven.surefire.testset.TestArtifactInfo;
 import org.apache.maven.surefire.testset.TestRequest;
 import org.apache.maven.surefire.util.ReflectionUtils;
 import org.apache.maven.surefire.util.SurefireReflectionException;
 import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
 import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler;
 import java.lang.reflect.Method;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Properties;
  * Does reflection based invocation of the surefire methods.
  * <p/>
  * This is to avoid compilications with linkage issues
  * @author Kristian Rosenvold
 public class SurefireReflector
     private final ClassLoader classLoader;
     private final Class reporterConfiguration;
     private final Class testRequest;
     private final Class testArtifactInfo;
     private final Class testArtifactInfoAware;
     private final Class directoryScannerParameters;
     private final Class directoryScannerParametersAware;
     private final Class testSuiteDefinitionAware;
     private final Class testClassLoaderAware;
     private final Class reporterConfigurationAware;
     private final Class providerPropertiesAware;
     private final Class runResult;
     private final Class booterParameters;
     public SurefireReflector( ClassLoader surefireClassLoader )
 74  0
 75  0
         this.classLoader = surefireClassLoader;
 78  0
             reporterConfiguration = surefireClassLoader.loadClass( ReporterConfiguration.class.getName() );
 79  0
             testRequest = surefireClassLoader.loadClass( TestRequest.class.getName() );
 80  0
             testArtifactInfo = surefireClassLoader.loadClass( TestArtifactInfo.class.getName() );
 81  0
             testArtifactInfoAware = surefireClassLoader.loadClass( TestArtifactInfoAware.class.getName() );
 82  0
             directoryScannerParameters = surefireClassLoader.loadClass( DirectoryScannerParameters.class.getName() );
 83  0
             directoryScannerParametersAware =
                 surefireClassLoader.loadClass( DirectoryScannerParametersAware.class.getName() );
 85  0
             testSuiteDefinitionAware = surefireClassLoader.loadClass( TestRequestAware.class.getName() );
 86  0
             testClassLoaderAware = surefireClassLoader.loadClass( SurefireClassLoadersAware.class.getName() );
 87  0
             reporterConfigurationAware = surefireClassLoader.loadClass( ReporterConfigurationAware.class.getName() );
 88  0
             providerPropertiesAware = surefireClassLoader.loadClass( ProviderPropertiesAware.class.getName() );
 89  0
             runResult = surefireClassLoader.loadClass( RunResult.class.getName() );
 90  0
             booterParameters = surefireClassLoader.loadClass( ProviderParameters.class.getName() );
 92  0
         catch ( ClassNotFoundException e )
 94  0
             throw new SurefireReflectionException( e );
 95  0
 96  0
     public Object convertIfRunResult( Object result )
 100  0
         if ( result == null || !isRunResult( result ) )
 102  0
             return result;
 104  0
         final Integer getCompletedCount1 = (Integer) ReflectionUtils.invokeGetter( result, "getCompletedCount" );
 105  0
         final Integer getErrors = (Integer) ReflectionUtils.invokeGetter( result, "getErrors" );
 106  0
         final Integer getSkipped = (Integer) ReflectionUtils.invokeGetter( result, "getSkipped" );
 107  0
         final Integer getFailures = (Integer) ReflectionUtils.invokeGetter( result, "getFailures" );
 108  0
         return new RunResult( getCompletedCount1.intValue(), getErrors.intValue(), getFailures.intValue(),
                               getSkipped.intValue() );
      * @noinspection UnusedDeclaration
     class ClassLoaderProxy
         implements InvocationHandler
         private final Object target;
          * @param delegate a target
          * @noinspection UnusedDeclaration
         public ClassLoaderProxy( Object delegate )
 127  0
 128  0
    = delegate;
 129  0
         public Object invoke( Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args )
             throws Throwable
 134  0
             Method delegateMethod = target.getClass().getMethod( method.getName(), method.getParameterTypes() );
 135  0
             return delegateMethod.invoke( target, args );
     Object createTestRequest( TestRequest suiteDefinition )
 142  0
         if ( suiteDefinition == null )
 144  0
             return null;
 146  0
         Class[] arguments = { List.class, File.class, String.class, String.class };
 147  0
         Constructor constructor = ReflectionUtils.getConstructor( this.testRequest, arguments );
 148  0
         return ReflectionUtils.newInstance( constructor, new Object[] {
             suiteDefinition.getRequestedTestMethod() } );
     Object createDirectoryScannerParameters( DirectoryScannerParameters directoryScannerParameters )
 158  0
         if ( directoryScannerParameters == null )
 160  0
             return null;
 162  0
         Class[] arguments = { File.class, List.class, List.class, Boolean.class, String.class };
 163  0
         Constructor constructor = ReflectionUtils.getConstructor( this.directoryScannerParameters, arguments );
 164  0
         return ReflectionUtils.newInstance( constructor,
                                             new Object[]{ directoryScannerParameters.getTestClassesDirectory(),
                                                 directoryScannerParameters.getRunOrder() } );
     Object createTestArtifactInfo( TestArtifactInfo testArtifactInfo )
 174  0
         if ( testArtifactInfo == null )
 176  0
             return null;
 178  0
         Class[] arguments = { String.class, String.class };
 179  0
         Constructor constructor = ReflectionUtils.getConstructor( this.testArtifactInfo, arguments );
 180  0
         return ReflectionUtils.newInstance( constructor, new Object[]{ testArtifactInfo.getVersion(),
             testArtifactInfo.getClassifier() } );
     Object createReporterConfiguration( ReporterConfiguration reporterConfiguration )
 186  0
         Constructor constructor = ReflectionUtils.getConstructor( this.reporterConfiguration,
                                                                   new Class[]{ List.class, File.class, Boolean.class,
                                                                       Integer.class } );
 189  0
         return ReflectionUtils.newInstance( constructor, new Object[]{ reporterConfiguration.getReports(),
             reporterConfiguration.getReportsDirectory(), reporterConfiguration.isTrimStackTrace(),
             reporterConfiguration.getForkTimeout() } );
     public Object createBooterConfiguration()
 196  0
         return ReflectionUtils.instantiate( classLoader, BaseProviderFactory.class.getName() );
     public Object instantiateProvider( String providerClassName, Object booterParameters )
 201  0
         return ReflectionUtils.instantiateOneArg( classLoader, providerClassName, this.booterParameters,
                                                   booterParameters );
     public void setIfDirScannerAware( Object o, DirectoryScannerParameters dirScannerParams )
 207  0
         if ( directoryScannerParametersAware.isAssignableFrom( o.getClass() ) )
 209  0
             setDirectoryScannerParameters( o, dirScannerParams );
 211  0
     public void setDirectoryScannerParameters( Object o, DirectoryScannerParameters dirScannerParams )
 215  0
         final Object param = createDirectoryScannerParameters( dirScannerParams );
 216  0
         ReflectionUtils.invokeSetter( o, "setDirectoryScannerParameters", this.directoryScannerParameters, param );
 217  0
     public void setTestSuiteDefinitionAware( Object o, TestRequest testSuiteDefinition2 )
 221  0
         if ( testSuiteDefinitionAware.isAssignableFrom( o.getClass() ) )
 223  0
             setTestSuiteDefinition( o, testSuiteDefinition2 );
 225  0
     void setTestSuiteDefinition( Object o, TestRequest testSuiteDefinition1 )
 229  0
         final Object param = createTestRequest( testSuiteDefinition1 );
 230  0
         ReflectionUtils.invokeSetter( o, "setTestRequest", this.testRequest, param );
 231  0
     public void setProviderPropertiesAware( Object o, Properties properties )
 235  0
         if ( providerPropertiesAware.isAssignableFrom( o.getClass() ) )
 237  0
             setProviderProperties( o, properties );
 239  0
     void setProviderProperties( Object o, Properties providerProperties )
 243  0
         ReflectionUtils.invokeSetter( o, "setProviderProperties", Properties.class, providerProperties );
 244  0
     public void setReporterConfigurationAware( Object o, ReporterConfiguration reporterConfiguration1 )
 248  0
         if ( reporterConfigurationAware.isAssignableFrom( o.getClass() ) )
 250  0
             setReporterConfiguration( o, reporterConfiguration1 );
 252  0
     void setReporterConfiguration( Object o, ReporterConfiguration reporterConfiguration )
 257  0
         final Object param = createReporterConfiguration( reporterConfiguration );
 258  0
         ReflectionUtils.invokeSetter( o, "setReporterConfiguration", this.reporterConfiguration, param );
 259  0
     public void setTestClassLoaderAware( Object o, ClassLoader surefireClassLoader, ClassLoader testClassLoader )
 263  0
         if ( testClassLoaderAware.isAssignableFrom( o.getClass() ) )
 265  0
             setTestClassLoader( o, surefireClassLoader, testClassLoader );
 267  0
     void setTestClassLoader( Object o, ClassLoader surefireClassLoader, ClassLoader testClassLoader )
 271  0
         final Method setter =
             ReflectionUtils.getMethod( o, "setClassLoaders", new Class[]{ ClassLoader.class, ClassLoader.class } );
 273  0
         ReflectionUtils.invokeMethodWithArray( o, setter, new Object[]{ surefireClassLoader, testClassLoader } );
 274  0
     public void setTestArtifactInfoAware( Object o, TestArtifactInfo testArtifactInfo1 )
 278  0
         if ( testArtifactInfoAware.isAssignableFrom( o.getClass() ) )
 280  0
             setTestArtifactInfo( o, testArtifactInfo1 );
 282  0
     void setTestArtifactInfo( Object o, TestArtifactInfo testArtifactInfo )
 286  0
         final Object param = createTestArtifactInfo( testArtifactInfo );
 287  0
         ReflectionUtils.invokeSetter( o, "setTestArtifactInfo", this.testArtifactInfo, param );
 288  0
     private boolean isRunResult( Object o )
 292  0
         return runResult.isAssignableFrom( o.getClass() );