Uses of Class

Packages that use SurefireVerifierTestClass

Uses of SurefireVerifierTestClass in org.apache.maven.surefire.its

Subclasses of SurefireVerifierTestClass in org.apache.maven.surefire.its
 class AbstractTestSingleMethod
          Test project using -Dtest=mtClass#myMethod
 class AsbtractTestMethodPattern
          Test project using -Dtest=mtClass#myMethod
 class CheckTestNgReportTestIT
          Test surefire-report on TestNG test
 class CheckTestNgSuiteXmlSingleIT
          Use -Dtest to run a single TestNG test, overriding the suite XML parameter.
 class ForkConsoleOutputIT
          Asserts proper behaviour of console output when forking SUREFIRE-639 SUREFIRE-651
 class JUnit44HamcrestIT
          Test project using JUnit4.4 (including Hamcrest extensions)
 class JUnit44TestMethodPatternIT
          Test project using -Dtest=mtClass#myMethod
 class JUnit44TestSingleMethodIT
          Test project using -Dtest=mtClass#myMethod
 class Junit47concurrencyIT
          Basic suite test using all known versions of JUnit 4.x
 class JUnit48TestMethodPatternIT
          Test project using -Dtest=mtClass#myMethod
 class JUnit48TestSingleMethodIT
          Test project using -Dtest=mtClass#myMethod
 class JUnit4ForkAlwaysStaticInitPollutionIT
          Test JUnit 4 tests marked with "Ignore" attribute
 class Junit4IgnoreIT
          Test JUnit 4 tests marked with "Ignore" attribute
 class JUnit4RunListenerIT
          JUnit4 RunListener Integration Test.
 class Junit4VersionsIT
          Basic suite test using all known versions of JUnit 4.x
 class JUnitDepIT
          Test project using JUnit4.4 -dep.
 class NoRunnableTestsInClassIT
          SUREFIRE-621 Asserts proper test counts when running junit 3 tests in parallel
 class PlainOldJavaClasspathIT
          Test useManifestOnlyJar option
 class ReportersIT
          Asserts proper behaviour of console output when forking SUREFIRE-679
 class Surefire146ForkPerTestNoSetupIT
          Test Surefire-146 (forkMode=pertest fails to call setUp)
 class Surefire162CharsetProviderIT
          Test charset provider (SUREFIRE-162)
 class Surefire224WellFormedXmlFailuresIT
          Test Surefire-224 (XML test reports are not well-formed when failure message contains quotes)
 class Surefire257NotRerunningTestsIT
          Test Surefire-257 Verifies that surefire does not re-run tests in site build
 class Surefire260TestWithIdenticalNamesIT
          Test Surefire-570 Multiple report directories
 class Surefire376TestNgAfterSuiteFailure
          Test Surefire-376 (TestNG @AfterSuite failures are ignored)
 class Surefire377TestNgAndJUnitTogetherIT
          SUREFIRE-377 (When JUnit and TestNG tests are in same project, only one set gets run).
 class Surefire408ManualProviderSelectionIT
          SUREFIRE-613 Asserts proper test counts when running in parallel
 class Surefire42NotExtendingTestCaseIT
          Test JUnit test that contains inner classes
 class Surefire44InnerClassTestIT
          Test JUnit test that contains inner classes
 class Surefire500PuzzlingErrorIT
          SUREFIRE-500 Asserts correct error handling for the "odd" surefire-500 (and 625) issues.
 class Surefire510TestClassPathForkModesIT
          SUREFIRE-621 Asserts proper test counts when running junit 3 tests in parallel
 class Surefire570MultipleReportDirectoriesIT
          Test Surefire-570 Multiple report directories
 class Surefire613TestCountInParallelIT
          SUREFIRE-613 Asserts proper test counts when running in parallel
 class Surefire621TestCountingJunit3InParallelIT
          SUREFIRE-621 Asserts proper test counts when running junit 3 tests in parallel
 class Surefire628ConsoleOutputBeforeAndAfterClassIT
          SUREFIRE-621 Asserts that console output always goes somewhere ;)
 class Surefire634UnsettableSystemPropertiesWarningIT
          SUREFIRE-634 Verifies error message on unsettable system properties
 class Surefire673MockitoIT
          SUREFIRE-673 Asserts that a given mockito build works as it should (classloader problem in 2.7)
 class Surefire674BuildFailingWhenErrorsIT
          SUREFIRE-674 Asserts that the build fails when tests have errors
 class Surefire685CommaSeparatedIncludesIT
          SUREFIRE-685 Asserts that only the specified tests are run with comma separated includes
 class Surefire697NiceSummaryIT
          SUREFIRE-697 Asserts proper truncation of long exception messages Some say testing this is a bit over the top.
 class Surefire705ParallelForkTimeoutIT
 class SystemPropertiesTestIT
          Test system properties
 class TestNgParallelWithAnnotations
          Test that TestNG's @Test(threadPoolSize = n, invocationCount=n) causes tests to be run in parallel.
 class TestNgTestMethodPatternAfterIT
          Test project using -Dtest=mtClass#myMethod*
 class TestNgTestMethodPatternBeforeIT
          Test project using -Dtest=mtClass#myMethod*
 class TestNgTestMethodPatternIT
          Test project using -Dtest=mtClass#myMethod*
 class TestNgTestSingleMethod5149IT
          Test project using -Dtest=mtClass#myMethod
 class TestNgTestSingleMethodIT
          Test project using -Dtest=mtClass#myMethod
 class TimeoutForkedTestIT
 class UseIsolatedClassLoaderIT
          Test useSystemClassLoader option

Methods in org.apache.maven.surefire.its that return SurefireVerifierTestClass
protected  SurefireVerifierTestClass SurefireVerifierTestClass.addGoal(String goal)

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