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1   package;
3   import java.util.Collection;
4   import junit.framework.TestCase;
6   /*
7    * Copyright 2002-2009 the original author or authors.
8    *
9    * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
10   * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
11   * You may obtain a copy of the License at
12   *
13   *
14   *
15   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
16   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
17   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
18   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
19   * limitations under the License.
20   *
21   */
23  public class RunStatisticsTest
24      extends TestCase
25  {
26      private static final String DUMMY_ERROR_SOURCE = "dummy error source";
28      private static final String DUMMY_FAILURE_SOURCE = "dummy failure source";
30      private static final String DUMMY_MESSAGE = "dummy message";
32      public void testAddErrorSourceWithThrowableMessage()
33      {
34          RuntimeException throwable = new RuntimeException( DUMMY_MESSAGE );
35          RunStatistics statistics = createRunStatisticsAndAddErrorSourceWithThrowable( throwable );
36          assertRunStatisticsHasErrorSource( statistics, DUMMY_ERROR_SOURCE + ": " + DUMMY_MESSAGE );
37      }
39      public void testAddErrorSourceWithoutStackTraceWriter()
40      {
41          RunStatistics statistics = new RunStatistics();
42          statistics.addErrorSource( DUMMY_ERROR_SOURCE, null );
43          assertRunStatisticsHasErrorSource( statistics, DUMMY_ERROR_SOURCE );
44      }
46      public void testAddErrorSourceWithoutThrowable()
47      {
48          RunStatistics statistics = createRunStatisticsAndAddErrorSourceWithThrowable( null );
49          assertRunStatisticsHasErrorSource( statistics, DUMMY_ERROR_SOURCE );
50      }
52      public void testAddErrorSourceWithThrowableWithoutMessage()
53      {
54          RuntimeException throwable = new RuntimeException();
55          RunStatistics statistics = createRunStatisticsAndAddErrorSourceWithThrowable( throwable );
56          assertRunStatisticsHasErrorSource( statistics, DUMMY_ERROR_SOURCE );
57      }
59      public void testAddFailureSourceWithThrowableMessage()
60      {
61          RuntimeException throwable = new RuntimeException( DUMMY_MESSAGE );
62          RunStatistics statistics = createRunStatisticsAndAddFailureSourceWithThrowable( throwable );
63          assertRunStatisticsHasFailureSource( statistics, DUMMY_FAILURE_SOURCE + ": " + DUMMY_MESSAGE );
64      }
66      public void testAddFailureSourceWithoutStackTraceWriter()
67      {
68          RunStatistics statistics = new RunStatistics();
69          statistics.addFailureSource( DUMMY_FAILURE_SOURCE, null );
70          assertRunStatisticsHasFailureSource( statistics, DUMMY_FAILURE_SOURCE );
71      }
73      public void testAddFailureSourceWithoutThrowable()
74      {
75          RunStatistics statistics = createRunStatisticsAndAddFailureSourceWithThrowable( null );
76          assertRunStatisticsHasFailureSource( statistics, DUMMY_FAILURE_SOURCE );
77      }
79      public void testAddFailureSourceWithThrowableWithoutMessage()
80      {
81          RuntimeException throwable = new RuntimeException();
82          RunStatistics statistics = createRunStatisticsAndAddFailureSourceWithThrowable( throwable );
83          assertRunStatisticsHasFailureSource( statistics, DUMMY_FAILURE_SOURCE );
84      }
86      private RunStatistics createRunStatisticsAndAddErrorSourceWithThrowable( Throwable throwable )
87      {
88          StackTraceWriter stackTraceWriter = new PojoStackTraceWriter( null, null, throwable );
89          RunStatistics statistics = new RunStatistics();
90          statistics.addErrorSource( DUMMY_ERROR_SOURCE, stackTraceWriter );
92          return statistics;
93      }
95      private RunStatistics createRunStatisticsAndAddFailureSourceWithThrowable( Throwable throwable )
96      {
97          StackTraceWriter stackTraceWriter = new PojoStackTraceWriter( null, null, throwable );
98          RunStatistics statistics = new RunStatistics();
99          statistics.addFailureSource( DUMMY_FAILURE_SOURCE, stackTraceWriter );
101         return statistics;
102     }
104     private void assertRunStatisticsHasErrorSource( RunStatistics statistics, String expectedErrorSource )
105     {
106         Collection errorSources = statistics.getErrorSources();
107         assertNotNull( "No error sources.", errorSources );
108         assertEquals( "Wrong number of error sources.", 1, errorSources.size() );
109         assertEquals( "Wrong error sources.", expectedErrorSource, errorSources.iterator().next() );
110     }
112     private void assertRunStatisticsHasFailureSource( RunStatistics statistics, String expectedFailureSource )
113     {
114         Collection failureSources = statistics.getFailureSources();
115         assertNotNull( "No failure sources.", failureSources );
116         assertEquals( "Wrong number of failure sources.", 1, failureSources.size() );
117         assertEquals( "Wrong failure sources.", expectedFailureSource, failureSources.iterator().next() );
118     }
119 }