Class MulticastingReporter

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
Reporter, RunReporter

public class MulticastingReporter
extends Object
implements RunReporter, Reporter

A reporter that broadcasts to other reporters

Kristian Rosenvold

Constructor Summary
MulticastingReporter(List target)
Method Summary
 void reset()
          Restores the instance of the reporter, making the instance re-usable for a subsequent run in the same thread.
 void runCompleted()
          Indicates the end of the entire test run Only called on the first provider, and just by the ReporterFactory
 void runStarting()
          Indicates the start of the entire test run.
 void testError(ReportEntry report)
          Event fired when a test ended with an error (non anticipated problem)
 void testError(ReportEntry report, String stdOut, String stdErr)
          Event fired when a test ended with an error (non anticipated problem)
 void testFailed(ReportEntry report)
          Event fired when a test ended with a failure (anticipated problem)
 void testFailed(ReportEntry report, String stdOut, String stdErr)
          Event fired when a test ended with a failure (anticipated problem)
 void testSetCompleted(ReportEntry report)
          Indicates end of a given test-set
 void testSetStarting(ReportEntry report)
          Indicates the start of a given test-set
 void testSkipped(ReportEntry report)
 void testStarting(ReportEntry report)
          Event fired when a test is about to start
 void testSucceeded(ReportEntry report)
          Event fired when a test ended successfully
 void writeDetailMessage(String message)
          Writes a detailed message that will not necessarily be displayed in all channels.
 void writeFooter(String footer)
 void writeMessage(String message)
          Writes a message that will be displayed in all free-text format reporters.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public MulticastingReporter(List target)
Method Detail


public void testSetStarting(ReportEntry report)
                     throws ReporterException
Description copied from interface: Reporter
Indicates the start of a given test-set

Specified by:
testSetStarting in interface Reporter
report - the report entry describing the testset
ReporterException - When reporting fails


public void testSetCompleted(ReportEntry report)
Description copied from interface: Reporter
Indicates end of a given test-set

Specified by:
testSetCompleted in interface Reporter
report - the report entry describing the testset


public void runStarting()
Description copied from interface: RunReporter
Indicates the start of the entire test run. Only called on the first provider, and just by the ReporterFactory

Specified by:
runStarting in interface RunReporter


public void runCompleted()
Description copied from interface: RunReporter
Indicates the end of the entire test run Only called on the first provider, and just by the ReporterFactory

Specified by:
runCompleted in interface RunReporter


public void testStarting(ReportEntry report)
Description copied from interface: Reporter
Event fired when a test is about to start

Specified by:
testStarting in interface Reporter
report - The report entry to log for


public void testSucceeded(ReportEntry report)
Description copied from interface: Reporter
Event fired when a test ended successfully

Specified by:
testSucceeded in interface Reporter
report - The report entry to log for


public void testError(ReportEntry report,
                      String stdOut,
                      String stdErr)
Description copied from interface: Reporter
Event fired when a test ended with an error (non anticipated problem)

Specified by:
testError in interface Reporter
report - The report entry to log for
stdOut - standard output from the test case
stdErr - error output from the test case


public void testFailed(ReportEntry report,
                       String stdOut,
                       String stdErr)
Description copied from interface: Reporter
Event fired when a test ended with a failure (anticipated problem)

Specified by:
testFailed in interface Reporter
report - The report entry to log for
stdOut - standard output from the test case
stdErr - error output from the test case


public void testSkipped(ReportEntry report)
Specified by:
testSkipped in interface Reporter


public void writeDetailMessage(String message)
Description copied from interface: Reporter
Writes a detailed message that will not necessarily be displayed in all channels. This is controlled by reportFormat attribute on the plugin.

Specified by:
writeDetailMessage in interface Reporter
message - The message to write


public void writeMessage(String message)
Description copied from interface: Reporter
Writes a message that will be displayed in all free-text format reporters. These messages will be output regardless, as opposed to #writeDetailMessage, which is controlled by reportFormat.

Specified by:
writeMessage in interface Reporter
message - The message to write.


public void writeFooter(String footer)
Specified by:
writeFooter in interface Reporter


public void reset()
Description copied from interface: Reporter
Restores the instance of the reporter, making the instance re-usable for a subsequent run in the same thread.

Specified by:
reset in interface Reporter


public void testError(ReportEntry report)
Description copied from interface: Reporter
Event fired when a test ended with an error (non anticipated problem)

Specified by:
testError in interface Reporter
report - The report entry to log for


public void testFailed(ReportEntry report)
Description copied from interface: Reporter
Event fired when a test ended with a failure (anticipated problem)

Specified by:
testFailed in interface Reporter
report - The report entry to log for

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