Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.shared.utils.xml.XMLEncode
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 package org.apache.maven.shared.utils.xml;
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
  * Collection of XML encoding/decoding helpers. <br>
  * This is all about the special characters &amp; and &lt;, and for attributes
  * &quot; and &apos;. These must be encoded/decoded from/to XML.
 28  0
 final class XMLEncode
     private final static int CDATA_BLOCK_THRESHOLD_LENGTH = 12;
     private final static char DEFAULT_QUOTE_CHAR = '"';
      * Checks if this text purely consists of the white space characters
      * ' ',  TAB, NEWLINE.
     public static boolean isWhiteSpace( String text )
 40  0
         for( int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++ )
 42  0
             char c = text.charAt( i );
 43  0
             if (!Character.isWhitespace( c )) {
 44  0
                 return false;
 47  0
         return true;
      * Makes any text fit into XML attributes.
     public static String xmlEncodeTextForAttribute( String text, char quoteChar )
 55  19
         if( text == null )
 57  0
             return null;
 59  19
         return xmlEncodeTextAsPCDATA( text, true, quoteChar );
      * Encodes text as XML in the most suitable way, either CDATA block or PCDATA.
     public static String xmlEncodeText( String text )
 67  21
         if( text == null )
 69  0
             return null;
 71  21
         if( !needsEncoding( text ) )
 73  19
             return text;
             // only encode as cdata if is is longer than CDATA block overhead:
 78  2
             if( text.length() > CDATA_BLOCK_THRESHOLD_LENGTH )
 80  0
                 String cdata = xmlEncodeTextAsCDATABlock( text );
 81  0
                 if( cdata != null )
 83  0
                     return cdata;
         // if every thing else fails, do it the save way...
 88  2
         return xmlEncodeTextAsPCDATA( text );
      * Encodes any text as PCDATA.
     public static String xmlEncodeTextAsPCDATA( String text )
 96  2
         if( text == null )
 98  0
             return null;
 100  2
         return xmlEncodeTextAsPCDATA( text, false );
      * Encodes any text as PCDATA.
      * @param forAttribute if you want
      *                     quotes and apostrophes specially treated for attributes
     public static String xmlEncodeTextAsPCDATA( String text, boolean forAttribute )
 111  2
         return xmlEncodeTextAsPCDATA( text, forAttribute, DEFAULT_QUOTE_CHAR );
      * Encodes any text as PCDATA.
      * @param forAttribute if you want
      *                     quotes and apostrophes specially treated for attributes
      * @param quoteChar    if this is for attributes this <code>char</code> is used to quote the attribute value
     public static String xmlEncodeTextAsPCDATA( String text, boolean forAttribute, char quoteChar )
 123  21
         if( text == null )
 125  0
             return null;
         char c;
 128  21
         StringBuilder n = new StringBuilder( text.length() * 2 );
 129  156
         for( int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++ )
 131  135
             c = text.charAt( i );
 132  135
             switch( c )
                 case '&':
 135  0
                     n.append( "&amp;" );
 136  0
                 case '<':
 138  5
                     n.append( "&lt;" );
 139  5
                 case '>': // FIX for sourceforge bug #802520 ("]]>" needs encoding)
 141  5
                     n.append( "&gt;" );
 142  5
                 case '"':
 144  4
                     if( forAttribute )
 146  0
                         n.append( "&quot;" );
 150  4
                         n.append( c );
 152  4
                 case '\'':
 154  0
                     if( forAttribute )
 156  0
                         n.append( "&apos;" );
 160  0
                         n.append( c );
 162  0
                 case '\r':
 164  2
                     if ( forAttribute )
 166  2
                         if ( i == text.length() || text.charAt( i + 1 ) != '\n')
 168  1
                             n.append( "&#13;" );
 173  0
                         n.append( c );
                     // but skip the \r in \r\n
 178  0
                 case '\n':
 180  2
                     if ( forAttribute )
 182  2
                         n.append( "&#10;" );
 188  117
                     n.append( c );
 194  21
         if( forAttribute )
 196  19
             n.append( quoteChar );
 197  19
             n.insert( 0, quoteChar );
 200  21
         return n.toString();
      * Returns string as CDATA block if possible, otherwise null.
     public static String xmlEncodeTextAsCDATABlock( String text )
 208  0
         if( text == null )
 210  0
             return null;
 212  0
         if( isCompatibleWithCDATABlock( text ) )
 214  0
             return "<![CDATA[" + text + "]]>";
 218  0
             return null;
      * Checks if this text needs encoding in order to be represented in XML.
     public static boolean needsEncoding( String text )
 227  21
         return needsEncoding( text, false );
      * Checks if this text needs encoding in order to be represented in XML.
      * <p/>
      * Set <code>checkForAttr</code> if you want to check for storability in
      * an attribute.
     public static boolean needsEncoding( String data, boolean checkForAttr )
 238  21
         if( data == null )
 240  0
             return false;
         char c;
 243  238
         for( int i = 0; i < data.length(); i++ )
 245  219
             c = data.charAt( i );
 246  219
             if( c == '&' || c == '<' || (checkForAttr && (c == '"' || c == '\'')) )
 248  2
                 return true;
 251  19
         return false;
      * Can this text be stored into a CDATA block?
     public static boolean isCompatibleWithCDATABlock( String text )
 259  0
         return text != null && (!text.contains("]]>"));
      * Make CDATA out of possibly encoded PCDATA. <br>
      * E.g. make '&amp;' out of '&amp;amp;'
     public static String xmlDecodeTextToCDATA( String pcdata )
 268  0
         if( pcdata == null )
 270  0
             return null;
         char c, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5;
 273  0
         StringBuilder n = new StringBuilder( pcdata.length() );
 274  0
         for( int i = 0; i < pcdata.length(); i++ )
 276  0
             c = pcdata.charAt( i );
 277  0
             if( c == '&' )
 279  0
                 c1 = lookAhead( 1, i, pcdata );
 280  0
                 c2 = lookAhead( 2, i, pcdata );
 281  0
                 c3 = lookAhead( 3, i, pcdata );
 282  0
                 c4 = lookAhead( 4, i, pcdata );
 283  0
                 c5 = lookAhead( 5, i, pcdata );
 285  0
                 if( c1 == 'a' && c2 == 'm' && c3 == 'p' && c4 == ';' )
 287  0
                     n.append( "&" );
 288  0
                     i += 4;
 290  0
                 else if( c1 == 'l' && c2 == 't' && c3 == ';' )
 292  0
                     n.append( "<" );
 293  0
                     i += 3;
 295  0
                 else if( c1 == 'g' && c2 == 't' && c3 == ';' )
 297  0
                     n.append( ">" );
 298  0
                     i += 3;
 300  0
                 else if( c1 == 'q' && c2 == 'u' && c3 == 'o' && c4 == 't' && c5 == ';' )
 302  0
                     n.append( "\"" );
 303  0
                     i += 5;
 305  0
                 else if( c1 == 'a' && c2 == 'p' && c3 == 'o' && c4 == 's' && c5 == ';' )
 307  0
                     n.append( "'" );
 308  0
                     i += 5;
 312  0
                     n.append( "&" );
 317  0
                 n.append( c );
 320  0
         return n.toString();
     private static char lookAhead( int la, int offset, String data )
 327  0
             return data.charAt( offset + la );
 329  0
         catch( StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e )
 331  0
             return 0x0;
     // combine multiple checks in one methods for speed
     private static boolean contains( String text, char[] chars )
 338  0
         if( text == null || chars == null || chars.length == 0 )
 340  0
             return false;
 342  0
         for( int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++ )
 344  0
             char c = text.charAt( i );
 345  0
             for (char aChar : chars) {
 346  0
                 if (aChar == c) {
 347  0
                     return true;
 351  0
         return false;