Uses of Interface

Uses of JarSignerRequest in org.apache.maven.shared.jarsigner

Classes in org.apache.maven.shared.jarsigner that implement JarSignerRequest
 class AbstractJarSignerRequest
          Specifies the commons parameters used to control a jar signer invocation.
 class JarSignerSignRequest
          Specifies the parameters used to control a jar signer sign operation invocation.
 class JarSignerVerifyRequest
          Specifies the parameters used to control a jar signer verify operation invocation.

Methods in org.apache.maven.shared.jarsigner with parameters of type JarSignerRequest
 Commandline request)
protected  Commandline DefaultJarSigner.createCommandLine(JarSignerRequest request)
 JarSignerResult JarSigner.execute(JarSignerRequest request)
          Executes JarSigner tool using the parameters specified by the given invocation request.
 JarSignerResult DefaultJarSigner.execute(JarSignerRequest request)
protected  JarSignerResult DefaultJarSigner.executeCommandLine(Commandline cli, JarSignerRequest request)

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