Class DefaultInvocationRequest

  extended by org.apache.maven.shared.invoker.DefaultInvocationRequest
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DefaultInvocationRequest
extends Object
implements InvocationRequest

Specifies the parameters used to control a Maven invocation.

$Id: 807415 2009-08-24 22:32:16Z olamy $

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.maven.shared.invoker.InvocationRequest
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 InvocationRequest activateReactor(String[] includes, String[] excludes)
          Dynamically constructs a reactor using the subdirectories of the current directory
 InvocationRequest addShellEnvironment(String name, String value)
          Adds the specified environment variable to the Maven invocation.
 String[] getActivatedReactorExcludes()
          Gets the list of subdirectory patterns to exclude from search
 String[] getActivatedReactorIncludes()
          Gets the list of subdirectory patterns to search
 File getBaseDirectory()
          Gets the path to the base directory of the POM for the Maven invocation.
 File getBaseDirectory(File defaultDirectory)
          Gets the path to the base directory of the POM for the Maven invocation.
 InvocationOutputHandler getErrorHandler(InvocationOutputHandler defaultHandler)
          Gets the handler used to capture the error output from the Maven build.
 String getFailureBehavior()
          Gets the failure mode of the Maven invocation.
 String getGlobalChecksumPolicy()
          Gets the checksum mode of the Maven invocation.
 List getGoals()
          Gets the goals for the Maven invocation.
 InputStream getInputStream(InputStream defaultStream)
          Gets the input stream used to provide input for the invoked Maven build.
 File getJavaHome()
          Gets the path to the base directory of the Java installation used to run Maven.
 File getLocalRepositoryDirectory(File defaultDirectory)
          Gets the path to the base directory of the local repository to use for the Maven invocation.
 String getMavenOpts()
          Gets the value of the MAVEN_OPTS environment variable.
 InvocationOutputHandler getOutputHandler(InvocationOutputHandler defaultHandler)
          Gets the handler used to capture the standard output from the Maven build.
 File getPomFile()
          Gets the path to the POM for the Maven invocation.
 String getPomFileName()
          Gets the (unqualified) filename of the POM for the Maven invocation.
 List getProfiles()
          Gets the profiles for the Maven invocation.
 Properties getProperties()
          Gets the system properties for the Maven invocation.
 Map getShellEnvironments()
          Gets the environment variables for the Maven invocation.
 File getUserSettingsFile()
          Gets the path to the user settings for the Maven invocation.
 boolean isActivatedReactor()
          Gets whether Maven should search subdirectories to build a dynamic reactor
 boolean isDebug()
          Gets the debug mode of the Maven invocation.
 boolean isInteractive()
          Gets the interaction mode of the Maven invocation.
 boolean isNonPluginUpdates()
          Indicates whether Maven should check for plugin updates.
 boolean isOffline()
          Gets the network mode of the Maven invocation.
 boolean isRecursive()
          Gets the recursion behavior of a reactor invocation.
 boolean isShellEnvironmentInherited()
          Indicates whether the environment variables of the current process should be propagated to the Maven invocation.
 boolean isShowErrors()
          Gets the exception output mode of the Maven invocation.
 boolean isShowVersion()
          The show version behaviour (-V option)
 boolean isUpdateSnapshots()
          Indicates whether Maven should enforce an update check for plugins and snapshots.
 InvocationRequest setBaseDirectory(File basedir)
          Sets the path to the base directory of the POM for the Maven invocation.
 InvocationRequest setDebug(boolean debug)
          Sets the debug mode of the Maven invocation.
 InvocationRequest setErrorHandler(InvocationOutputHandler errorHandler)
          Sets the handler used to capture the error output from the Maven build.
 InvocationRequest setFailureBehavior(String failureBehavior)
          Sets the failure mode of the Maven invocation.
 InvocationRequest setGlobalChecksumPolicy(String globalChecksumPolicy)
          Sets the checksum mode of the Maven invocation.
 InvocationRequest setGoals(List goals)
          Sets the goals for the Maven invocation.
 InvocationRequest setInputStream(InputStream inputStream)
          Sets the input stream used to provide input for the invoked Maven build.
 InvocationRequest setInteractive(boolean interactive)
          Sets the interaction mode of the Maven invocation.
 InvocationRequest setJavaHome(File javaHome)
          Sets the path to the base directory of the Java installation used to run Maven.
 InvocationRequest setLocalRepositoryDirectory(File localRepository)
          Sets the path to the base directory of the local repository to use for the Maven invocation.
 InvocationRequest setMavenOpts(String mavenOpts)
          Sets the value of the MAVEN_OPTS environment variable.
 InvocationRequest setNonPluginUpdates(boolean nonPluginUpdates)
          Specifies whether Maven should check for plugin updates.
 InvocationRequest setOffline(boolean offline)
          Sets the network mode of the Maven invocation.
 InvocationRequest setOutputHandler(InvocationOutputHandler outputHandler)
          Sets the handler used to capture the standard output from the Maven build.
 InvocationRequest setPomFile(File pomFile)
          Sets the path to the POM for the Maven invocation.
 InvocationRequest setPomFileName(String pomFilename)
          Sets the (unqualified) filename of the POM for the Maven invocation.
 InvocationRequest setProfiles(List profiles)
          Sets the profiles for the Maven invocation.
 InvocationRequest setProperties(Properties properties)
          Sets the system properties for the Maven invocation.
 InvocationRequest setRecursive(boolean recursive)
          Sets the recursion behavior of a reactor invocation.
 InvocationRequest setShellEnvironmentInherited(boolean shellEnvironmentInherited)
          Specifies whether the environment variables of the current process should be propagated to the Maven invocation.
 InvocationRequest setShowErrors(boolean showErrors)
          Sets the exception output mode of the Maven invocation.
 InvocationRequest setShowVersion(boolean showVersion)
          enable displaying version without stopping the build (-V cli option)
 InvocationRequest setUpdateSnapshots(boolean updateSnapshots)
          Specifies whether Maven should enforce an update check for plugins and snapshots.
 InvocationRequest setUserSettingsFile(File userSettings)
          Sets the path to the user settings for the Maven invocation.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DefaultInvocationRequest()
Method Detail


public InvocationRequest activateReactor(String[] includes,
                                         String[] excludes)
Description copied from interface: InvocationRequest
Dynamically constructs a reactor using the subdirectories of the current directory

Specified by:
activateReactor in interface InvocationRequest
includes - a list of filename patterns to include, or null, in which case the default is */pom.xml
excludes - a list of filename patterns to exclude, or null, in which case nothing is excluded
This invocation request


public File getBaseDirectory()
Description copied from interface: InvocationRequest
Gets the path to the base directory of the POM for the Maven invocation. If InvocationRequest.getPomFile() does not return null, this setting only affects the working directory for the Maven invocation.

Specified by:
getBaseDirectory in interface InvocationRequest
The path to the base directory of the POM or null if not set.


public File getBaseDirectory(File defaultDirectory)
Description copied from interface: InvocationRequest
Gets the path to the base directory of the POM for the Maven invocation. If InvocationRequest.getPomFile() does not return null, this setting only affects the working directory for the Maven invocation.

Specified by:
getBaseDirectory in interface InvocationRequest
defaultDirectory - The default base directory to use if none is configured for this request, may be null.
The path to the base directory of the POM or null if not set.


public InvocationOutputHandler getErrorHandler(InvocationOutputHandler defaultHandler)
Description copied from interface: InvocationRequest
Gets the handler used to capture the error output from the Maven build.

Specified by:
getErrorHandler in interface InvocationRequest
The error handler or null if not set.


public String getFailureBehavior()
Description copied from interface: InvocationRequest
Gets the failure mode of the Maven invocation. By default, the mode InvocationRequest.REACTOR_FAIL_FAST is used.

Specified by:
getFailureBehavior in interface InvocationRequest
The failure mode, one of InvocationRequest.REACTOR_FAIL_FAST, InvocationRequest.REACTOR_FAIL_AT_END and InvocationRequest.REACTOR_FAIL_NEVER.


public List getGoals()
Description copied from interface: InvocationRequest
Gets the goals for the Maven invocation.

Specified by:
getGoals in interface InvocationRequest
The goals for the Maven invocation or null if not set.


public InputStream getInputStream(InputStream defaultStream)
Description copied from interface: InvocationRequest
Gets the input stream used to provide input for the invoked Maven build. This is in particular useful when invoking Maven in interactive mode.

Specified by:
getInputStream in interface InvocationRequest
The input stream used to provide input for the invoked Maven build or null if not set.


public File getLocalRepositoryDirectory(File defaultDirectory)
Description copied from interface: InvocationRequest
Gets the path to the base directory of the local repository to use for the Maven invocation.

Specified by:
getLocalRepositoryDirectory in interface InvocationRequest
defaultDirectory - The default location to use if no location is configured for this request, may be null.
The path to the base directory of the local repository or null to use the location from the settings.xml.


public InvocationOutputHandler getOutputHandler(InvocationOutputHandler defaultHandler)
Description copied from interface: InvocationRequest
Gets the handler used to capture the standard output from the Maven build.

Specified by:
getOutputHandler in interface InvocationRequest
The output handler or null if not set.


public File getPomFile()
Description copied from interface: InvocationRequest
Gets the path to the POM for the Maven invocation. If no base directory is set, the parent directory of this POM will be used as the working directory for the Maven invocation.

Specified by:
getPomFile in interface InvocationRequest
The path to the POM for the Maven invocation or null if not set.


public Properties getProperties()
Description copied from interface: InvocationRequest
Gets the system properties for the Maven invocation.

Specified by:
getProperties in interface InvocationRequest
The system properties for the Maven invocation or null if not set.


public boolean isDebug()
Description copied from interface: InvocationRequest
Gets the debug mode of the Maven invocation. By default, Maven is executed in normal mode.

Specified by:
isDebug in interface InvocationRequest
true if Maven should be executed in debug mode, false if the normal mode should be used.


public boolean isInteractive()
Description copied from interface: InvocationRequest
Gets the interaction mode of the Maven invocation. By default, Maven is executed in batch mode.

Specified by:
isInteractive in interface InvocationRequest
true if Maven should be executed in interactive mode, false if the batch mode is used.


public boolean isOffline()
Description copied from interface: InvocationRequest
Gets the network mode of the Maven invocation. By default, Maven is executed in online mode.

Specified by:
isOffline in interface InvocationRequest
true if Maven should be executed in offline mode, false if the online mode is used.


public boolean isShowErrors()
Description copied from interface: InvocationRequest
Gets the exception output mode of the Maven invocation. By default, Maven will not print stack traces of build exceptions.

Specified by:
isShowErrors in interface InvocationRequest
true if Maven should print stack traces, false otherwise.


public boolean isUpdateSnapshots()
Description copied from interface: InvocationRequest
Indicates whether Maven should enforce an update check for plugins and snapshots. By default, no update check is performed.

Specified by:
isUpdateSnapshots in interface InvocationRequest
true if plugins and snapshots should be updated, false otherwise.


public boolean isRecursive()
Description copied from interface: InvocationRequest
Gets the recursion behavior of a reactor invocation. By default, Maven will recursive the build into sub modules.

Specified by:
isRecursive in interface InvocationRequest
true if sub modules should be build, false otherwise.


public InvocationRequest setRecursive(boolean recursive)
Description copied from interface: InvocationRequest
Sets the recursion behavior of a reactor invocation.

Specified by:
setRecursive in interface InvocationRequest
recursive - true if sub modules should be build, false otherwise.
This invocation request.


public InvocationRequest setBaseDirectory(File basedir)
Description copied from interface: InvocationRequest
Sets the path to the base directory of the POM for the Maven invocation. If InvocationRequest.getPomFile() does not return null, this setting only affects the working directory for the Maven invocation.

Specified by:
setBaseDirectory in interface InvocationRequest
basedir - The path to the base directory of the POM, may be null if not used.
This invocation request.


public InvocationRequest setDebug(boolean debug)
Description copied from interface: InvocationRequest
Sets the debug mode of the Maven invocation.

Specified by:
setDebug in interface InvocationRequest
debug - true if Maven should be executed in debug mode, false if the normal mode should be used.
This invocation request.


public InvocationRequest setErrorHandler(InvocationOutputHandler errorHandler)
Description copied from interface: InvocationRequest
Sets the handler used to capture the error output from the Maven build.

Specified by:
setErrorHandler in interface InvocationRequest
errorHandler - The error handler, may be null if the output is not of interest.
This invocation request.


public InvocationRequest setFailureBehavior(String failureBehavior)
Description copied from interface: InvocationRequest
Sets the failure mode of the Maven invocation.

Specified by:
setFailureBehavior in interface InvocationRequest
failureBehavior - The failure mode, must be one of InvocationRequest.REACTOR_FAIL_FAST, InvocationRequest.REACTOR_FAIL_AT_END and InvocationRequest.REACTOR_FAIL_NEVER.
This invocation request.


public InvocationRequest setGoals(List goals)
Description copied from interface: InvocationRequest
Sets the goals for the Maven invocation.

Specified by:
setGoals in interface InvocationRequest
goals - The goals for the Maven invocation, may be null to execute the POMs default goal.
This invocation request.


public InvocationRequest setInputStream(InputStream inputStream)
Description copied from interface: InvocationRequest
Sets the input stream used to provide input for the invoked Maven build. This is in particular useful when invoking Maven in interactive mode.

Specified by:
setInputStream in interface InvocationRequest
inputStream - The input stream used to provide input for the invoked Maven build, may be null if not required.
This invocation request.


public InvocationRequest setInteractive(boolean interactive)
Description copied from interface: InvocationRequest
Sets the interaction mode of the Maven invocation.

Specified by:
setInteractive in interface InvocationRequest
interactive - true if Maven should be executed in interactive mode, false if the batch mode is used.
This invocation request.


public InvocationRequest setLocalRepositoryDirectory(File localRepository)
Description copied from interface: InvocationRequest
Sets the path to the base directory of the local repository to use for the Maven invocation.

Specified by:
setLocalRepositoryDirectory in interface InvocationRequest
localRepository - The path to the base directory of the local repository, may be null.
This invocation request.


public InvocationRequest setOffline(boolean offline)
Description copied from interface: InvocationRequest
Sets the network mode of the Maven invocation.

Specified by:
setOffline in interface InvocationRequest
offline - true if Maven should be executed in offline mode, false if the online mode is used.
This invocation request.


public InvocationRequest setOutputHandler(InvocationOutputHandler outputHandler)
Description copied from interface: InvocationRequest
Sets the handler used to capture the standard output from the Maven build.

Specified by:
setOutputHandler in interface InvocationRequest
outputHandler - The output handler, may be null if the output is not of interest.
This invocation request.


public InvocationRequest setPomFile(File pomFile)
Description copied from interface: InvocationRequest
Sets the path to the POM for the Maven invocation. If no base directory is set, the parent directory of this POM will be used as the working directory for the Maven invocation.

Specified by:
setPomFile in interface InvocationRequest
pomFile - The path to the POM for the Maven invocation, may be null if not used.
This invocation request.


public InvocationRequest setProperties(Properties properties)
Description copied from interface: InvocationRequest
Sets the system properties for the Maven invocation.

Specified by:
setProperties in interface InvocationRequest
properties - The system properties for the Maven invocation, may be null if not set.
This invocation request.


public InvocationRequest setShowErrors(boolean showErrors)
Description copied from interface: InvocationRequest
Sets the exception output mode of the Maven invocation.

Specified by:
setShowErrors in interface InvocationRequest
showErrors - true if Maven should print stack traces, false otherwise.
This invocation request.


public InvocationRequest setUpdateSnapshots(boolean updateSnapshots)
Description copied from interface: InvocationRequest
Specifies whether Maven should enforce an update check for plugins and snapshots.

Specified by:
setUpdateSnapshots in interface InvocationRequest
updateSnapshots - true if plugins and snapshots should be updated, false otherwise.
This invocation request.


public boolean isShellEnvironmentInherited()
Description copied from interface: InvocationRequest
Indicates whether the environment variables of the current process should be propagated to the Maven invocation. By default, the current environment variables are inherited by the new Maven invocation.

Specified by:
isShellEnvironmentInherited in interface InvocationRequest
true if the environment variables should be propagated, false otherwise.


public InvocationRequest setShellEnvironmentInherited(boolean shellEnvironmentInherited)
Description copied from interface: InvocationRequest
Specifies whether the environment variables of the current process should be propagated to the Maven invocation.

Specified by:
setShellEnvironmentInherited in interface InvocationRequest
shellEnvironmentInherited - true if the environment variables should be propagated, false otherwise.
This invocation request.


public File getJavaHome()
Description copied from interface: InvocationRequest
Gets the path to the base directory of the Java installation used to run Maven.

Specified by:
getJavaHome in interface InvocationRequest
The path to the base directory of the Java installation used to run Maven or null to use the default Java home.


public InvocationRequest setJavaHome(File javaHome)
Description copied from interface: InvocationRequest
Sets the path to the base directory of the Java installation used to run Maven.

Specified by:
setJavaHome in interface InvocationRequest
javaHome - The path to the base directory of the Java installation used to run Maven, may be null to use the default Java home.
This invocation request.


public File getUserSettingsFile()
Description copied from interface: InvocationRequest
Gets the path to the user settings for the Maven invocation.

Specified by:
getUserSettingsFile in interface InvocationRequest
The path to the user settings for the Maven invocation or null to load the user settings from the default location.


public InvocationRequest setUserSettingsFile(File userSettings)
Description copied from interface: InvocationRequest
Sets the path to the user settings for the Maven invocation.

Specified by:
setUserSettingsFile in interface InvocationRequest
userSettings - The path to the user settings for the Maven invocation, may be null to load the user settings from the default location.
This invocation request.


public String getGlobalChecksumPolicy()
Description copied from interface: InvocationRequest
Gets the checksum mode of the Maven invocation.

Specified by:
getGlobalChecksumPolicy in interface InvocationRequest
The checksum mode, one of InvocationRequest.CHECKSUM_POLICY_WARN and InvocationRequest.CHECKSUM_POLICY_FAIL.


public InvocationRequest setGlobalChecksumPolicy(String globalChecksumPolicy)
Description copied from interface: InvocationRequest
Sets the checksum mode of the Maven invocation.

Specified by:
setGlobalChecksumPolicy in interface InvocationRequest
globalChecksumPolicy - The checksum mode, must be one of InvocationRequest.CHECKSUM_POLICY_WARN and InvocationRequest.CHECKSUM_POLICY_FAIL.
This invocation request.


public String getPomFileName()
Description copied from interface: InvocationRequest
Gets the (unqualified) filename of the POM for the Maven invocation. This setting is ignored if InvocationRequest.getPomFile() does not return null. Otherwise, the base directory is assumed to contain a POM with this name. By default, a file named pom.xml is used.

Specified by:
getPomFileName in interface InvocationRequest
The (unqualified) filename of the POM for the Maven invocation or null if not set.


public InvocationRequest setPomFileName(String pomFilename)
Description copied from interface: InvocationRequest
Sets the (unqualified) filename of the POM for the Maven invocation. This setting is ignored if InvocationRequest.getPomFile() does not return null. Otherwise, the base directory is assumed to contain a POM with this name.

Specified by:
setPomFileName in interface InvocationRequest
pomFilename - The (unqualified) filename of the POM for the Maven invocation, may be null if not used.
This invocation request.


public List getProfiles()
Description copied from interface: InvocationRequest
Gets the profiles for the Maven invocation.

Specified by:
getProfiles in interface InvocationRequest
The profiles for the Maven invocation or null if not set.


public InvocationRequest setProfiles(List profiles)
Description copied from interface: InvocationRequest
Sets the profiles for the Maven invocation.

Specified by:
setProfiles in interface InvocationRequest
profiles - The profiles for the Maven invocation, may be null to use the default profiles.
This invocation request.


public boolean isNonPluginUpdates()
Description copied from interface: InvocationRequest
Indicates whether Maven should check for plugin updates. By default, plugin updates are not suppressed.

Specified by:
isNonPluginUpdates in interface InvocationRequest
true if plugin updates should be suppressed, false otherwise.


public InvocationRequest setNonPluginUpdates(boolean nonPluginUpdates)
Description copied from interface: InvocationRequest
Specifies whether Maven should check for plugin updates.

Specified by:
setNonPluginUpdates in interface InvocationRequest
nonPluginUpdates - true if plugin updates should be suppressed, false otherwise.
This invocation request.


public InvocationRequest addShellEnvironment(String name,
                                             String value)
Description copied from interface: InvocationRequest
Adds the specified environment variable to the Maven invocation.

Specified by:
addShellEnvironment in interface InvocationRequest
name - The name of the environment variable, must not be null.
value - The value of the environment variable, must not be null.
This invocation request.


public Map getShellEnvironments()
Description copied from interface: InvocationRequest
Gets the environment variables for the Maven invocation.

Specified by:
getShellEnvironments in interface InvocationRequest
The environment variables for the Maven invocation or null if not set.


public String getMavenOpts()
Description copied from interface: InvocationRequest
Gets the value of the MAVEN_OPTS environment variable.

Specified by:
getMavenOpts in interface InvocationRequest
The value of the MAVEN_OPTS environment variable or null if not set.


public InvocationRequest setMavenOpts(String mavenOpts)
Description copied from interface: InvocationRequest
Sets the value of the MAVEN_OPTS environment variable.

Specified by:
setMavenOpts in interface InvocationRequest
mavenOpts - The value of the MAVEN_OPTS environment variable, may be null to use the default options.
This invocation request.


public boolean isActivatedReactor()
Description copied from interface: InvocationRequest
Gets whether Maven should search subdirectories to build a dynamic reactor

Specified by:
isActivatedReactor in interface InvocationRequest
true if we should search subdirectories, false otherwise


public String[] getActivatedReactorIncludes()
Description copied from interface: InvocationRequest
Gets the list of subdirectory patterns to search

Specified by:
getActivatedReactorIncludes in interface InvocationRequest
list of subdirectory patterns to search, or null in which case defaults should be used


public String[] getActivatedReactorExcludes()
Description copied from interface: InvocationRequest
Gets the list of subdirectory patterns to exclude from search

Specified by:
getActivatedReactorExcludes in interface InvocationRequest
list of subdirectory patterns to exclude search, or null in which case nothing should be excluded


public boolean isShowVersion()
Description copied from interface: InvocationRequest
The show version behaviour (-V option)

Specified by:
isShowVersion in interface InvocationRequest
The show version behaviour
See Also:


public InvocationRequest setShowVersion(boolean showVersion)
Description copied from interface: InvocationRequest
enable displaying version without stopping the build (-V cli option)

Specified by:
setShowVersion in interface InvocationRequest
showVersion - enable displaying version
This invocation request.
See Also:

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