Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.shared.filtering.DefaultMavenResourcesFiltering
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
 package org.apache.maven.shared.filtering;
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 import org.apache.maven.execution.MavenSession;
 import org.apache.maven.model.Resource;
 import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.logging.AbstractLogEnabled;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.personality.plexus.lifecycle.phase.Initializable;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.personality.plexus.lifecycle.phase.InitializationException;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.FileUtils;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.PathTool;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.ReaderFactory;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.Scanner;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.Arrays;
 import java.util.List;
  * @author Olivier Lamy
  * @plexus.component role="org.apache.maven.shared.filtering.MavenResourcesFiltering"
  * role-hint="default"
 46  50
 public class DefaultMavenResourcesFiltering
     extends AbstractLogEnabled
     implements MavenResourcesFiltering, Initializable
 51  2
     private static final String[] EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY = { };
 53  2
     private static final String[] DEFAULT_INCLUDES = { "**/**" };
     private List<String> defaultNonFilteredFileExtensions;
      * @plexus.requirement
     private BuildContext buildContext;
     // ------------------------------------------------
     //  Plexus lifecycle
     // ------------------------------------------------
     public void initialize()
         throws InitializationException
         // jpg,jpeg,gif,bmp,png
 69  50
         this.defaultNonFilteredFileExtensions = new ArrayList<String>( 5 );
 70  50
         this.defaultNonFilteredFileExtensions.add( "jpg" );
 71  50
         this.defaultNonFilteredFileExtensions.add( "jpeg" );
 72  50
         this.defaultNonFilteredFileExtensions.add( "gif" );
 73  50
         this.defaultNonFilteredFileExtensions.add( "bmp" );
 74  50
         this.defaultNonFilteredFileExtensions.add( "png" );
 75  50
      * @plexus.requirement role-hint="default"
     private MavenFileFilter mavenFileFilter;
     public void filterResources( List<Resource> resources, File outputDirectory, MavenProject mavenProject,
                                  String encoding, List<String> fileFilters, List<String> nonFilteredFileExtensions,
                                  MavenSession mavenSession )
         throws MavenFilteringException
 88  24
         MavenResourcesExecution mavenResourcesExecution =
             new MavenResourcesExecution( resources, outputDirectory, mavenProject, encoding, fileFilters,
                                          nonFilteredFileExtensions, mavenSession );
 91  24
         mavenResourcesExecution.setUseDefaultFilterWrappers( true );
 //        mavenResourcesExecution.setEscapeWindowsPaths( false );
 94  24
         filterResources( mavenResourcesExecution );
 95  24
     public void filterResources( List<Resource> resources, File outputDirectory, String encoding,
                                  List<FileUtils.FilterWrapper> filterWrappers, File resourcesBaseDirectory,
                                  List<String> nonFilteredFileExtensions )
         throws MavenFilteringException
 102  0
         MavenResourcesExecution mavenResourcesExecution =
             new MavenResourcesExecution( resources, outputDirectory, encoding, filterWrappers, resourcesBaseDirectory,
                                          nonFilteredFileExtensions );
 105  0
         filterResources( mavenResourcesExecution );
 106  0
     public boolean filteredFileExtension( String fileName, List<String> userNonFilteredFileExtensions )
 111  142
         List<String> nonFilteredFileExtensions = new ArrayList<String>( getDefaultNonFilteredFileExtensions() );
 112  142
         if ( userNonFilteredFileExtensions != null )
 114  142
             nonFilteredFileExtensions.addAll( userNonFilteredFileExtensions );
 116  142
         boolean filteredFileExtension =
             !nonFilteredFileExtensions.contains( StringUtils.lowerCase( FileUtils.extension( fileName ) ) );
 118  142
         if ( getLogger().isDebugEnabled() )
 120  0
                 "file " + fileName + " has a" + ( filteredFileExtension ? " " : " non " ) + "filtered file extension" );
 123  142
         return filteredFileExtension;
     public List<String> getDefaultNonFilteredFileExtensions()
 128  142
         if ( this.defaultNonFilteredFileExtensions == null )
 130  0
             this.defaultNonFilteredFileExtensions = new ArrayList<String>();
 132  142
         return this.defaultNonFilteredFileExtensions;
     public void filterResources( MavenResourcesExecution mavenResourcesExecution )
         throws MavenFilteringException
 138  50
         if ( mavenResourcesExecution == null )
 140  0
             throw new MavenFilteringException( "mavenResourcesExecution cannot be null" );
 143  50
         if ( mavenResourcesExecution.getResources() == null )
 145  0
             getLogger().info( "No resources configured skip copying/filtering" );
 146  0
 149  50
         if ( mavenResourcesExecution.getOutputDirectory() == null )
 151  0
             throw new MavenFilteringException( "outputDirectory cannot be null" );
 154  50
         if ( mavenResourcesExecution.isUseDefaultFilterWrappers() )
 156  50
             List<FileUtils.FilterWrapper> filterWrappers = new ArrayList<FileUtils.FilterWrapper>();
 157  50
             if ( mavenResourcesExecution.getFilterWrappers() != null )
 159  2
                 filterWrappers.addAll( mavenResourcesExecution.getFilterWrappers() );
 161  50
             filterWrappers.addAll( mavenFileFilter.getDefaultFilterWrappers( mavenResourcesExecution ) );
 162  50
             mavenResourcesExecution.setFilterWrappers( filterWrappers );
 165  50
         if ( mavenResourcesExecution.getEncoding() == null || mavenResourcesExecution.getEncoding().length() < 1 )
 167  0
             getLogger().warn( "Using platform encoding (" + ReaderFactory.FILE_ENCODING
                                   + " actually) to copy filtered resources, i.e. build is platform dependent!" );
 172  50
                 "Using '" + mavenResourcesExecution.getEncoding() + "' encoding to copy filtered resources." );
 176  50
         for ( Resource resource : mavenResourcesExecution.getResources() )
 179  54
             if ( getLogger().isDebugEnabled() )
 181  0
                 String ls = System.getProperty( "line.separator" );
 182  0
                 StringBuffer debugMessage =
                     new StringBuffer( "resource with targetPath " + resource.getTargetPath() ).append( ls );
 184  0
                 debugMessage.append( "directory " + resource.getDirectory() ).append( ls );
 185  0
                 debugMessage.append( "excludes " + ( resource.getExcludes() == null
                     ? " empty "
                     : resource.getExcludes().toString() ) ).append( ls );
 188  0
                     "includes " + ( resource.getIncludes() == null ? " empty " : resource.getIncludes().toString() ) );
 190  0
                 getLogger().debug( debugMessage.toString() );
 193  54
             String targetPath = resource.getTargetPath();
 195  54
             File resourceDirectory = new File( resource.getDirectory() );
 197  54
             if ( !resourceDirectory.isAbsolute() )
 199  0
                 resourceDirectory =
                     new File( mavenResourcesExecution.getResourcesBaseDirectory(), resourceDirectory.getPath() );
 203  54
             if ( !resourceDirectory.exists() )
 205  0
                 getLogger().info( "skip non existing resourceDirectory " + resourceDirectory.getPath() );
 206  0
             // this part is required in case the user specified "../something" as destination
             // see MNG-1345
 211  54
             File outputDirectory = mavenResourcesExecution.getOutputDirectory();
 212  54
             boolean outputExists = outputDirectory.exists();
 213  54
             if ( !outputExists && !outputDirectory.mkdirs() )
 215  0
                 throw new MavenFilteringException( "Cannot create resource output directory: " + outputDirectory );
 218  54
             boolean ignoreDelta = !outputExists || buildContext.hasDelta( mavenResourcesExecution.getFileFilters() )
                 || buildContext.hasDelta( getRelativeOutputDirectory( mavenResourcesExecution ) );
 220  54
             getLogger().debug( "ignoreDelta " + ignoreDelta );
 221  54
             Scanner scanner = buildContext.newScanner( resourceDirectory, ignoreDelta );
 223  54
             setupScanner( resource, scanner );
 225  54
 227  54
             if ( mavenResourcesExecution.isIncludeEmptyDirs() )
 231  10
                     File targetDirectory =
                         targetPath == null ? outputDirectory : new File( outputDirectory, targetPath );
 233  10
                     copyDirectoryLayout( resourceDirectory, targetDirectory, scanner );
 235  0
                 catch ( IOException e )
 237  0
                     throw new MavenFilteringException(
                         "Cannot copy directory structure from " + resourceDirectory.getPath() + " to "
                             + outputDirectory.getPath() );
 240  10
 243  54
             List<String> includedFiles = Arrays.asList( scanner.getIncludedFiles() );
 245  54
                 "Copying " + includedFiles.size() + " resource" + ( includedFiles.size() > 1 ? "s" : "" ) + (
                     targetPath == null ? "" : " to " + targetPath ) );
 249  54
             for ( String name : includedFiles )
 252  142
                 File source = new File( resourceDirectory, name );
                 //File destinationFile = new File( outputDirectory, destination );
 256  142
                 File destinationFile = getDestinationFile( outputDirectory, targetPath, name );
 258  142
                 boolean filteredExt =
                     filteredFileExtension( source.getName(), mavenResourcesExecution.getNonFilteredFileExtensions() );
 261  142
                 mavenFileFilter.copyFile( source, destinationFile, resource.isFiltering() && filteredExt,
                                           mavenResourcesExecution.isOverwrite() );
 265  142
             // deal with deleted source files
 269  54
             scanner = buildContext.newDeleteScanner( resourceDirectory );
 271  54
             setupScanner( resource, scanner );
 273  54
 275  54
             List<String> deletedFiles = Arrays.asList( scanner.getIncludedFiles() );
 277  54
             for ( String name : deletedFiles )
 279  6
                 File destinationFile = getDestinationFile( outputDirectory, targetPath, name );
 281  6
 283  6
                 buildContext.refresh( destinationFile );
 284  6
 286  54
 288  50
     private File getDestinationFile( File outputDirectory, String targetPath, String name )
 292  148
         String destination = name;
 294  148
         if ( targetPath != null )
 296  4
             destination = targetPath + "/" + name;
 299  148
         File destinationFile = new File( destination );
 300  148
         if ( !destinationFile.isAbsolute() )
 302  146
             destinationFile = new File( outputDirectory, destination );
 305  148
         if ( !destinationFile.getParentFile().exists() )
 307  26
 309  148
         return destinationFile;
     private String[] setupScanner( Resource resource, Scanner scanner )
 314  108
         String[] includes = null;
 315  108
         if ( resource.getIncludes() != null && !resource.getIncludes().isEmpty() )
 317  16
             includes = (String[]) resource.getIncludes().toArray( EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY );
 321  92
             includes = DEFAULT_INCLUDES;
 323  108
         scanner.setIncludes( includes );
 325  108
         String[] excludes = null;
 326  108
         if ( resource.getExcludes() != null && !resource.getExcludes().isEmpty() )
 328  8
             excludes = (String[]) resource.getExcludes().toArray( EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY );
 329  8
             scanner.setExcludes( excludes );
 332  108
 333  108
         return includes;
     private void copyDirectoryLayout( File sourceDirectory, File destinationDirectory, Scanner scanner )
         throws IOException
 339  10
         if ( sourceDirectory == null )
 341  0
             throw new IOException( "source directory can't be null." );
 344  10
         if ( destinationDirectory == null )
 346  0
             throw new IOException( "destination directory can't be null." );
 349  10
         if ( sourceDirectory.equals( destinationDirectory ) )
 351  0
             throw new IOException( "source and destination are the same directory." );
 354  10
         if ( !sourceDirectory.exists() )
 356  0
             throw new IOException( "Source directory doesn't exists (" + sourceDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + ")." );
 359  10
         List<String> includedDirectories = Arrays.asList( scanner.getIncludedDirectories() );
 361  10
         for ( String name : includedDirectories )
 363  18
             File source = new File( sourceDirectory, name );
 365  18
             if ( source.equals( sourceDirectory ) )
 367  10
 370  8
             File destination = new File( destinationDirectory, name );
 371  8
 372  8
 373  10
     private String getRelativeOutputDirectory( MavenResourcesExecution execution )
 377  10
         String relOutDir = execution.getOutputDirectory().getAbsolutePath();
 379  10
         if ( execution.getMavenProject() != null && execution.getMavenProject().getBasedir() != null )
 381  10
             String basedir = execution.getMavenProject().getBasedir().getAbsolutePath();
 382  10
             relOutDir = PathTool.getRelativeFilePath( basedir, relOutDir );
 383  10
             if ( relOutDir == null )
 385  0
                 relOutDir = execution.getOutputDirectory().getPath();
 389  10
                 relOutDir = relOutDir.replace( '\\', '/' );
 393  10
         return relOutDir;