Maven SCM Plugin

The SCM Plugin offers vendor independent access to common scm commands by offering a set of command mappings for the configured scm. Each command is implemented as a goal.

Goals Overview

  • scm:add - command to add file
  • scm:bootstrap - command to checkout and build a project
  • scm:changelog - command to show the source code revisions
  • scm:checkin - command for commiting changes
  • scm:checkout - command for getting the source code
  • scm:diff - command for showing the difference of the working copy with the remote one
  • scm:edit - command for starting edit on the working copy
  • scm:status - command for showing the scm status of the working copy
  • scm:tag - command for tagging a certain revision
  • scm:unedit - command to stop editing the working copy
  • scm:update - command for updating the working copy with the latest changes
  • scm:validate - validates the scm information in the pom


Instructions on how to use the SCM Plugin can be found here.


To provide you with better understanding on some usages of the Maven SCM Plugin, you can take a look into the following examples:

Bootstrapping using a POM file

Other advanced scm commands