Maven SCM Plugin
The SCM Plugin offers vendor independent access to common scm commands by offering a set of command mappings for the configured scm. Each command is implemented as a goal.
Goals Overview
- scm:add - command to add file
- scm:bootstrap - command to checkout and build a project
- scm:changelog - command to show the source code revisions
- scm:checkin - command for commiting changes
- scm:checkout - command for getting the source code
- scm:diff - command for showing the difference of the working copy with the remote one
- scm:edit - command for starting edit on the working copy
- scm:status - command for showing the scm status of the working copy
- scm:tag - command for tagging a certain revision
- scm:unedit - command to stop editing the working copy
- scm:update - command for updating the working copy with the latest changes
- scm:validate - validates the scm information in the pom
Instructions on how to use the SCM Plugin can be found here.