Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.scm.providers.svn.settings.Settings
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 package org.apache.maven.scm.providers.svn.settings;
  * Class Settings.
  * @version $Revision$ $Date$
 @SuppressWarnings( "all" )
 16  0
 public class Settings
      //- Class/Member Variables -/
      *              Instructs Subversion to read configuration
      * information from the specified directory instead of the
      * default location.
     private String configDirectory;
      *              Must be <code>true</code> if svn is a cygwin
      * svn command.
 39  0
     private boolean useCygwinPath = false;
      *              The cygwin mount path.
 46  0
     private String cygwinMountPath = "/cygwin";
      *              Switch off if you do not like to use
      * <code>--non-interactive</code> e.g. on Leopard (see
      * SCM-402).
 55  0
     private boolean useNonInteractive = true;
      *              Switch on if you want to cache authentication
      * credentials (Warning: this will overwrite existing
      * authentication credentials on your working copy).
      *              If you don't change this, the command line
      * option <code>--no-auth-cache</code> is used.
 66  0
     private boolean useAuthCache = false;
      *              Switch on to use svn command line option:
      * <code>--trust-server-cert</code>.
 74  0
     private boolean trustServerCert = false;
      * Field modelEncoding.
 79  0
     private String modelEncoding = "UTF-8";
      //- Methods -/
      * Get instructs Subversion to read configuration information
      * from the specified directory instead of the default
      * location.
      * @return String
     public String getConfigDirectory()
 95  0
         return this.configDirectory;
     } //-- String getConfigDirectory()
      * Get the cygwin mount path.
      * @return String
     public String getCygwinMountPath()
 105  0
         return this.cygwinMountPath;
     } //-- String getCygwinMountPath()
      * Get the modelEncoding field.
      * @return String
     public String getModelEncoding()
 115  0
         return this.modelEncoding;
     } //-- String getModelEncoding()
      * Get switch on to use svn command line option:
      * <code>--trust-server-cert</code>.
      * @return boolean
     public boolean isTrustServerCert()
 126  0
         return this.trustServerCert;
     } //-- boolean isTrustServerCert()
      * Get switch on if you want to cache authentication
      * credentials (Warning: this will overwrite existing
      * authentication credentials on your working copy).
      *              If you don't change this, the command line
      * option <code>--no-auth-cache</code> is used.
      * @return boolean
     public boolean isUseAuthCache()
 140  0
         return this.useAuthCache;
     } //-- boolean isUseAuthCache()
      * Get must be <code>true</code> if svn is a cygwin svn
      * command.
      * @return boolean
     public boolean isUseCygwinPath()
 151  0
         return this.useCygwinPath;
     } //-- boolean isUseCygwinPath()
      * Get switch off if you do not like to use
      * <code>--non-interactive</code> e.g. on Leopard (see
      * SCM-402).
      * @return boolean
     public boolean isUseNonInteractive()
 163  0
         return this.useNonInteractive;
     } //-- boolean isUseNonInteractive()
      * Set instructs Subversion to read configuration information
      * from the specified directory instead of the default
      * location.
      * @param configDirectory
     public void setConfigDirectory( String configDirectory )
 175  0
         this.configDirectory = configDirectory;
 176  0
     } //-- void setConfigDirectory( String )
      * Set the cygwin mount path.
      * @param cygwinMountPath
     public void setCygwinMountPath( String cygwinMountPath )
 185  0
         this.cygwinMountPath = cygwinMountPath;
 186  0
     } //-- void setCygwinMountPath( String )
      * Set the modelEncoding field.
      * @param modelEncoding
     public void setModelEncoding( String modelEncoding )
 195  0
         this.modelEncoding = modelEncoding;
 196  0
     } //-- void setModelEncoding( String )
      * Set switch on to use svn command line option:
      * <code>--trust-server-cert</code>.
      * @param trustServerCert
     public void setTrustServerCert( boolean trustServerCert )
 206  0
         this.trustServerCert = trustServerCert;
 207  0
     } //-- void setTrustServerCert( boolean )
      * Set switch on if you want to cache authentication
      * credentials (Warning: this will overwrite existing
      * authentication credentials on your working copy).
      *              If you don't change this, the command line
      * option <code>--no-auth-cache</code> is used.
      * @param useAuthCache
     public void setUseAuthCache( boolean useAuthCache )
 220  0
         this.useAuthCache = useAuthCache;
 221  0
     } //-- void setUseAuthCache( boolean )
      * Set must be <code>true</code> if svn is a cygwin svn
      * command.
      * @param useCygwinPath
     public void setUseCygwinPath( boolean useCygwinPath )
 231  0
         this.useCygwinPath = useCygwinPath;
 232  0
     } //-- void setUseCygwinPath( boolean )
      * Set switch off if you do not like to use
      * <code>--non-interactive</code> e.g. on Leopard (see
      * SCM-402).
      * @param useNonInteractive
     public void setUseNonInteractive( boolean useNonInteractive )
 243  0
         this.useNonInteractive = useNonInteractive;
 244  0
     } //-- void setUseNonInteractive( boolean )