Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.scm.provider.svn.repository.SvnScmProviderRepository
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
88 %
79 %
 package org.apache.maven.scm.provider.svn.repository;
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 import org.apache.maven.scm.provider.ScmProviderRepository;
 import org.apache.maven.scm.provider.ScmProviderRepositoryWithHost;
 import org.apache.maven.scm.provider.svn.SvnTagBranchUtils;
  * @author <a href="">Emmanuel Venisse</a>
  * @version $Id: 1241178 2012-02-06 21:04:41Z rfscholte $
 public class SvnScmProviderRepository
     extends ScmProviderRepositoryWithHost
     /** */
     private String url;
     private String protocol;
      * The base directory for any tags. Can be relative to the repository URL or an absolute URL.
     private String tagBase;
      * The base directory for any branches. Can be relative to the repository URL or an absolute URL.
     private String branchBase;
     public SvnScmProviderRepository( String url )
 49  68
 50  68
         parseUrl( url );
 52  68
         tagBase = SvnTagBranchUtils.resolveTagBase( url );
 54  68
         branchBase = SvnTagBranchUtils.resolveBranchBase( url );
 55  68
     public SvnScmProviderRepository( String url, String user, String password )
 59  4
         this( url );
 61  4
         setUser( user );
 63  4
         setPassword( password );
 64  4
     public String getUrl()
 68  107
         return url;
      * Returns the url/directory to be used when tagging this repository.
     public String getTagBase()
 76  37
         return tagBase;
      * Sets the url/directory to be used when tagging this repository.
      * The TagBase is a way to override the default tag location for the
      * repository.  The default tag location is automatically determined
      * for repositories in the standard subversion layout (with /tags /branches /trunk).
      * Specify this value only if the repository is using a directory other than "/tags" for tagging.
      * @param tagBase an absolute or relative url to the base directory to create tags in.
      *                URL should be in a format that svn client understands, not the scm url format.
     public void setTagBase( String tagBase )
 91  2
         this.tagBase = tagBase;
 92  2
      * Returns the url/directory to be used when tagging this repository.
     public String getBranchBase()
 99  18
         return branchBase;
      * Sets the url/directory to be used when branching this repository.
      * The BranchBase is a way to override the default branch location for the
      * repository.  The default branch location is automatically determined
      * for repositories in the standard subversion layout (with /tags /branches /trunk).
      * Specify this value only if the repository is using a directory other than "/branches" for branching.
      * @param branchBase an absolute or relative url to the base directory to create branch in.
      *                   URL should be in a format that svn client understands, not the scm url format.
     public void setBranchBase( String branchBase )
 114  3
         this.branchBase = branchBase;
 115  3
     private void setProtocol( String protocol )
 119  68
         this.protocol = protocol;
 120  68
      * Get the protocol used in this repository (file://, http://, https://,...)
      * @return the protocol
     public String getProtocol()
 129  291
         return protocol;
     private void parseUrl( String url )
 134  68
         if ( url.startsWith( "file" ) )
 136  10
             setProtocol( "file://" );
 138  58
         else if ( url.startsWith( "https" ) )
 140  5
             setProtocol( "https://" );
 142  53
         else if ( url.startsWith( "http" ) )
 144  42
             setProtocol( "http://" );
 146  11
         else if ( url.startsWith( "svn+" ) )
 148  7
             setProtocol( url.substring( 0, url.indexOf( "://" ) + 3 ) );
 150  4
         else if ( url.startsWith( "svn" ) )
 152  4
             setProtocol( "svn://" );
 155  68
         if ( getProtocol() == null )
 157  0
 160  68
         String urlPath = url.substring( getProtocol().length() );
 162  68
         int indexAt = urlPath.indexOf( '@' );
 164  68
         if ( indexAt > 0 && !getProtocol().startsWith( "svn+" ) )
 166  9
             String userPassword = urlPath.substring( 0, indexAt );
 167  9
             if ( userPassword.indexOf( ':' ) < 0 )
 169  6
                 setUser( userPassword );
 173  3
                 setUser( userPassword.substring( 0, userPassword.indexOf( ':' ) ) );
 174  3
                 setPassword( userPassword.substring( userPassword.indexOf( ':' ) + 1 ) );
 177  9
             urlPath = urlPath.substring( indexAt + 1 );
 179  9
             this.url = getProtocol() + urlPath;
 180  9
 183  59
             this.url = getProtocol() + urlPath;
 186  68
         if ( !"file://".equals( getProtocol() ) )
 188  58
             int indexSlash = urlPath.indexOf( '/' );
 190  58
             String hostPort = urlPath;
 192  58
             if ( indexSlash > 0 )
 194  46
                 hostPort = urlPath.substring( 0, indexSlash );
 197  58
             int indexColon = hostPort.indexOf( ':' );
 199  58
             if ( indexColon > 0 )
 201  4
                 setHost( hostPort.substring( 0, indexColon ) );
 202  4
                 setPort( Integer.parseInt( hostPort.substring( indexColon + 1 ) ) );
 206  54
                 setHost( hostPort );
 209  68
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public ScmProviderRepository getParent()
 214  4
         String newUrl = getUrl().substring( getProtocol().length() );
 216  10
         while ( newUrl.endsWith( "/." ) )
 218  6
             newUrl = newUrl.substring( 0, newUrl.length() - 2 );
 221  10
         while ( newUrl.endsWith( "/" ) )
 223  6
             newUrl = newUrl.substring( 0, newUrl.length() - 1 );
 226  4
         int i = newUrl.lastIndexOf( '/' );
 228  4
         if ( i < 0 )
 230  0
             return null;
 232  4
         newUrl = newUrl.substring( 0, i );
 234  4
         return new SvnScmProviderRepository( getProtocol() + newUrl, getUser(), getPassword() );
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public String getRelativePath( ScmProviderRepository ancestor )
 240  0
         if ( ancestor instanceof SvnScmProviderRepository )
 242  0
             SvnScmProviderRepository svnAncestor = (SvnScmProviderRepository) ancestor;
 244  0
             String path = getUrl().replaceFirst( svnAncestor.getUrl() + "/", "" );
 246  0
             if ( !path.equals( getUrl() ) )
 248  0
                 return path;
 251  0
         return null;
     /** {@inheritDoc} */
     public String toString()
 257  18
         return getUrl();