Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.scm.provider.hg.command.checkin.HgCheckInCommand
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
0 %
0 %
 package org.apache.maven.scm.provider.hg.command.checkin;
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.List;
 import org.apache.maven.scm.ScmException;
 import org.apache.maven.scm.ScmFile;
 import org.apache.maven.scm.ScmFileSet;
 import org.apache.maven.scm.ScmFileStatus;
 import org.apache.maven.scm.ScmResult;
 import org.apache.maven.scm.ScmVersion;
 import org.apache.maven.scm.command.checkin.AbstractCheckInCommand;
 import org.apache.maven.scm.command.checkin.CheckInScmResult;
 import org.apache.maven.scm.command.status.StatusScmResult;
 import org.apache.maven.scm.provider.ScmProviderRepository;
 import org.apache.maven.scm.provider.hg.HgUtils;
 import org.apache.maven.scm.provider.hg.command.HgCommandConstants;
 import org.apache.maven.scm.provider.hg.command.HgConsumer;
 import org.apache.maven.scm.provider.hg.command.status.HgStatusCommand;
 import org.apache.maven.scm.provider.hg.repository.HgScmProviderRepository;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils;
  * @author <a href="">thurner rupert</a>
  * @author Olivier Lamy
  * @version $Id: 1207290 2011-11-28 15:20:44Z olamy $
 48  0
 public class HgCheckInCommand
     extends AbstractCheckInCommand
      * {@inheritDoc}
     protected CheckInScmResult executeCheckInCommand( ScmProviderRepository repo, ScmFileSet fileSet, String message,
                                                       ScmVersion tag )
         throws ScmException
 58  0
         if ( tag != null && !StringUtils.isEmpty( tag.getName() ) )
 60  0
             throw new ScmException( "This provider can't handle tags for this operation" );
 64  0
         File workingDir = fileSet.getBasedir();
 65  0
         String branchName = HgUtils.getCurrentBranchName( getLogger(), workingDir );
 66  0
         boolean differentOutgoingBranch = repo.isPushChanges() ? HgUtils.differentOutgoingBranchFound( getLogger(), workingDir, branchName ) : false;
         // Get files that will be committed (if not specified in fileSet)
 69  0
         List<ScmFile> commitedFiles = new ArrayList<ScmFile>();
 70  0
         List<File> files = fileSet.getFileList();
 71  0
         if ( files.isEmpty() )
         { //Either commit all changes
 73  0
             HgStatusCommand statusCmd = new HgStatusCommand();
 74  0
             statusCmd.setLogger( getLogger() );
 75  0
             StatusScmResult status = statusCmd.executeStatusCommand( repo, fileSet );
 76  0
             List<ScmFile> statusFiles = status.getChangedFiles();
 77  0
             for ( ScmFile file : statusFiles )
 79  0
                 if ( file.getStatus() == ScmFileStatus.ADDED || file.getStatus() == ScmFileStatus.DELETED ||
                     file.getStatus() == ScmFileStatus.MODIFIED )
 82  0
                     commitedFiles.add( new ScmFile( file.getPath(), ScmFileStatus.CHECKED_IN ) );
 86  0
         { //Or commit spesific files
 89  0
             for ( File file : files )
 91  0
                 commitedFiles.add( new ScmFile( file.getPath(), ScmFileStatus.CHECKED_IN ) );
         // Commit to local branch
 96  0
         String[] commitCmd = new String[]{ HgCommandConstants.COMMIT_CMD, HgCommandConstants.MESSAGE_OPTION, message };
 97  0
         commitCmd = HgUtils.expandCommandLine( commitCmd, fileSet );
 98  0
         ScmResult result =
             HgUtils.execute( new HgConsumer( getLogger() ), getLogger(), fileSet.getBasedir(), commitCmd );
         // Push to parent branch if any
 102  0
         HgScmProviderRepository repository = (HgScmProviderRepository) repo;
 104  0
         if ( repo.isPushChanges() )
 107  0
             if ( !repository.getURI().equals( fileSet.getBasedir().getAbsolutePath() ) )
 109  0
                 String[] pushCmd = new String[]{ HgCommandConstants.PUSH_CMD,
                     differentOutgoingBranch ? HgCommandConstants.REVISION_OPTION + branchName : null,
                     repository.getURI() };
 113  0
                 result = HgUtils.execute( new HgConsumer( getLogger() ), getLogger(), fileSet.getBasedir(), pushCmd );
 116  0
             return new CheckInScmResult( commitedFiles, result );
 119  0
         return new CheckInScmResult( commitedFiles, result );