Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.scm.ChangeFile
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
72 %
62 %
 package org.apache.maven.scm;
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
  * A set of information about revisions of a file as returned by CVS's log
  * command
  * @author <a href="">dIon Gillard </a>
  * @author <a href="">Emmanuel Venisse</a>
  * @version $Id: 1294391 2012-02-27 23:16:22Z hboutemy $
 public class ChangeFile
     implements Serializable
     private static final long serialVersionUID = 6294855290542668753L;
      * the name of the file relative to the project directory.
     private String name;
      * the latest revision of the file.
     private String revision;
      * edit type on the file
      * note: perhaps we should use a different type, ideally enum? this one seems to target quite different usecases ...
      * @since 1.7
     private ScmFileStatus action;
      * the name before copying or moving
      * @since 1.7
     private String originalName;
      * the revision from which we {@link ScmFileStatus copied} or {@link ScmFileStatus moved} this file or directory
      * @since 1.7
     private String originalRevision;
      * Constructor for the ChangeFile object without all details available
      * @param name file name
     public ChangeFile( String name )
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 73  4
         setName( name );
 74  4
      * Constructor for the ChangeFile object
      * @param name file name
      * @param rev  latest revision of the file
     public ChangeFile( String name, String rev )
 83  2
 84  2
         setName( name );
 86  2
         setRevision( rev );
 87  2
      * Gets the name attribute of the ChangeLogFile object.
      * @return the file name
     public String getName()
 96  14
         return name;
      * Setter for property name.
      * @param name New value of property name.
     public void setName( String name )
 106  6 = name;
 107  6
     public String getOriginalName()
 111  6
         return originalName;
     public void setOriginalName( String originalName )
 117  0
         this.originalName = originalName;
 118  0
     public String getOriginalRevision()
 122  6
         return originalRevision;
     public void setOriginalRevision( String originalRevision )
 127  0
         this.originalRevision = originalRevision;
 128  0
      * Gets the revision attribute of the ChangeLogFile object.
      * @return the latest revision of the file
     public String getRevision()
 137  11
         return revision;
      * Setter for property revision.
      * @param revision New value of property revision.
     public void setRevision( String revision )
 147  2
         this.revision = revision;
 148  2
     public ScmFileStatus getAction()
 152  6
         return action;
     public void setAction( ScmFileStatus action )
 157  0
         this.action = action;
 158  0
      * Provide a version of the object as a string for debugging purposes
      * @return a {@link String}made up of the properties of the object
     public String toString()
 167  4
         StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(  );
 169  4
         if ( getAction() != null )
 171  0
             buffer.append( "[" ).append( getAction() ).append( "]:" );
 174  4
         buffer.append( getName() );
 175  4
         if ( getRevision() != null )
 177  2
             buffer.append( ", " ).append( getRevision() );
 180  4
         if ( getOriginalName() != null )
 182  0
             buffer.append( ", originalName=" ).append( getOriginalName() );
 185  4
         if ( getOriginalRevision() != null )
 187  0
             buffer.append( ", originalRevision=" ).append( getOriginalRevision() );
 190  4
         return buffer.toString();