Package org.apache.maven.scm.plugin

Class Summary
AddMojo Add a file set to the project.
BootstrapMojo Pull the project source from the configured scm and execute the configured goals.
BranchMojo Branch the project.
ChangeLogMojo Dump changelog contents to console.
CheckinMojo Commit changes to the configured scm url.
CheckLocalModificationsMojo This mojo will fail the build if there is any local modifications
CheckoutMojo Get a fresh copy of the latest source from the configured scm url.
DiffMojo Display the difference of the working copy with the latest copy in the configured scm url.
EditMojo Edit/lock a set of files.
ExportMojo Get a fresh exported copy of the latest source from the configured scm url.
HelpMojo Display help information on maven-scm-plugin.
ListMojo Get the list of project files.
RemoveMojo Mark a set of files for deletion.
StatusMojo Display the modification status of the files in the configured scm url.
TagMojo Tag the project.
UnEditMojo Unedit/unlock a set of files.
UpdateMojo Update the local working copy with the latest source from the configured scm url.
UpdateSubprojectsMojo Updates all projects in a multi project build.
ValidateMojo Validate scm connection string.

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