Uses of Interface

Packages that use ModelProblem

Uses of ModelProblem in org.apache.maven.model.building

Classes in org.apache.maven.model.building that implement ModelProblem
 class DefaultModelProblem
          Describes a problem that was encountered during model building.

Methods in org.apache.maven.model.building that return types with arguments of type ModelProblem
 List<ModelProblem> ModelProblemCollectorExt.getProblems()
          The collected problems.
 List<ModelProblem> ModelBuildingException.getProblems()
          Gets the problems that caused this exception.
 List<ModelProblem> ModelBuildingResult.getProblems()
          Gets the problems that were encountered during the model building.

Methods in org.apache.maven.model.building with parameters of type ModelProblem
static String ModelProblemUtils.formatLocation(ModelProblem problem, String projectId)
          Creates a string with all location details for the specified model problem.

Constructor parameters in org.apache.maven.model.building with type arguments of type ModelProblem
ModelBuildingException(Model model, String modelId, List<ModelProblem> problems)
          Deprecated. Use ModelBuildingException.ModelBuildingException(ModelBuildingResult) instead.

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