Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.artifact.manager.DefaultWagonManager
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
71 %
69 %
50 %
50 %
 package org.apache.maven.artifact.manager;
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact;
 import org.apache.maven.artifact.metadata.ArtifactMetadata;
 import org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepository;
 import org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepositoryFactory;
 import org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepositoryPolicy;
 import org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.DefaultArtifactRepository;
 import org.apache.maven.wagon.ConnectionException;
 import org.apache.maven.wagon.ResourceDoesNotExistException;
 import org.apache.maven.wagon.TransferFailedException;
 import org.apache.maven.wagon.UnsupportedProtocolException;
 import org.apache.maven.wagon.Wagon;
 import org.apache.maven.wagon.authentication.AuthenticationException;
 import org.apache.maven.wagon.authentication.AuthenticationInfo;
 import org.apache.maven.wagon.authorization.AuthorizationException;
 import org.apache.maven.wagon.observers.ChecksumObserver;
 import org.apache.maven.wagon.proxy.ProxyInfo;
 import org.apache.maven.wagon.proxy.ProxyInfoProvider;
 import org.apache.maven.wagon.repository.Repository;
 import org.apache.maven.wagon.repository.RepositoryPermissions;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.PlexusConstants;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.PlexusContainer;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.component.configurator.ComponentConfigurationException;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.component.configurator.ComponentConfigurator;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.component.repository.exception.ComponentLifecycleException;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.component.repository.exception.ComponentLookupException;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.configuration.PlexusConfiguration;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.configuration.PlexusConfigurationException;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.configuration.xml.XmlPlexusConfiguration;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.context.Context;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.context.ContextException;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.logging.AbstractLogEnabled;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.personality.plexus.lifecycle.phase.Contextualizable;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.personality.plexus.lifecycle.phase.Initializable;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.personality.plexus.lifecycle.phase.InitializationException;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.FileUtils;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.IOUtil;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.Xpp3Dom;
 import java.util.Collection;
 import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.Iterator;
 import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Map;
 import java.util.Properties;
 import java.util.Set;
 76  30
 public class DefaultWagonManager
     extends AbstractLogEnabled
     implements WagonManager, Contextualizable, Initializable
     private static final String WILDCARD = "*";
     private static final String EXTERNAL_WILDCARD = "external:*";
     private static final String MAVEN_ARTIFACT_PROPERTIES = "META-INF/maven/org.apache.maven/maven-artifact/";
     private static final String WAGON_PROVIDER_CONFIGURATION = "wagonProvider";
 88  1
     private static int anonymousMirrorIdSeed = 0;
     private PlexusContainer container;
     // TODO: proxies, authentication and mirrors are via settings, and should come in via an alternate method - perhaps
     // attached to ArtifactRepository before the method is called (so AR would be composed of WR, not inherit it)
 94  30
     private Map proxies = new HashMap();
 96  30
     private Map authenticationInfoMap = new HashMap();
 98  30
     private Map serverPermissionsMap = new HashMap();
     //used LinkedMap to preserve the order.
 101  30
     private Map mirrors = new LinkedHashMap();
     /** Map( String, XmlPlexusConfiguration ) with the repository id and the wagon configuration */
 104  30
     private Map<String, XmlPlexusConfiguration> serverConfigurationMap = new HashMap<String, XmlPlexusConfiguration>();
 106  30
     private Map<String, String> serverWagonProviderMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
     private TransferListener downloadMonitor;
 110  30
     private boolean online = true;
     private ArtifactRepositoryFactory repositoryFactory;
 114  30
     private boolean interactive = true;
 116  30
     private Map<String, PlexusContainer> availableWagons = new HashMap<String, PlexusContainer>();
     private RepositoryPermissions defaultRepositoryPermissions;
     private String httpUserAgent;
 122  30
     private WagonProviderMapping providerMapping = new DefaultWagonProviderMapping();
     // TODO: this leaks the component in the public api - it is never released back to the container
     public Wagon getWagon( Repository repository )
         throws UnsupportedProtocolException, WagonConfigurationException
 128  2008
         String protocol = repository.getProtocol();
 130  2008
         if ( protocol == null )
 132  1
             throw new UnsupportedProtocolException( "The repository " + repository + " does not specify a protocol" );
 135  2007
         Wagon wagon = getWagon( protocol, repository.getId() );
 137  2006
         configureWagon( wagon, repository.getId(), protocol );
 139  2006
         return wagon;
     public Wagon getWagon( String protocol )
         throws UnsupportedProtocolException
 145  8
         return getWagon( protocol, null );
     private Wagon getWagon( String protocol, String repositoryId )
         throws UnsupportedProtocolException
 151  2033
         String hint = getWagonHint( protocol, repositoryId );
 152  2033
         PlexusContainer container = getWagonContainer( hint );
         Wagon wagon;
 157  2033
             wagon = (Wagon) container.lookup( Wagon.ROLE, hint );
 159  2
         catch ( ComponentLookupException e1 )
 161  2
             throw new UnsupportedProtocolException(
                 "Cannot find wagon which supports the requested protocol: " + protocol, e1 );
 163  2031
 165  2031
         wagon.setInteractive( interactive );
 167  2031
         return wagon;
     private String getWagonHint( String protocol, String repositoryId )
         // TODO: Implement a better way to get the hint, via settings.xml or something.
 173  2051
         String impl = null;
 175  2051
         if ( repositoryId != null && serverWagonProviderMap.containsKey( repositoryId ) )
 177  2
             impl = serverWagonProviderMap.get( repositoryId );
 178  2
             getLogger().debug( "Using Wagon implementation " + impl + " from settings for server " + repositoryId );
 182  2049
             impl = providerMapping.getWagonProvider( protocol );
 183  2049
             if ( impl != null )
 185  0
                 getLogger().debug( "Using Wagon implementation " + impl + " from default mapping for protocol " + protocol );
         String hint;
 190  2051
         if ( impl != null )
 192  2
             hint = protocol + "-" + impl;
 193  2
             PlexusContainer container = getWagonContainer( hint );
 194  2
             if ( container == null || !container.hasComponent( Wagon.ROLE, hint ) )
 196  0
                                    "Cannot find wagon for protocol-provider hint: '" + hint
                                        + "', configured for repository: '" + repositoryId + "'. Using protocol hint: '"
                                        + protocol + "' instead." );
 200  0
                 hint = protocol;
 202  2
 205  2049
             hint = protocol;
 208  2051
         return hint;
     private PlexusContainer getWagonContainer( String hint )
 213  2053
         PlexusContainer container = this.container;
 214  2053
         if ( availableWagons.containsKey( hint ) )
 216  0
             container = availableWagons.get( hint );
 219  2053
         return container;
     public void putArtifact( File source,
                              Artifact artifact,
                              ArtifactRepository deploymentRepository )
         throws TransferFailedException
 227  1
         putRemoteFile( deploymentRepository, source, deploymentRepository.pathOf( artifact ), downloadMonitor );
 228  1
     public void putArtifactMetadata( File source,
                                      ArtifactMetadata artifactMetadata,
                                      ArtifactRepository repository )
         throws TransferFailedException
 235  1
         getLogger().info( "Uploading " + artifactMetadata );
 236  1
         putRemoteFile( repository, source, repository.pathOfRemoteRepositoryMetadata( artifactMetadata ), null );
 237  1
     private void putRemoteFile( ArtifactRepository repository,
                                 File source,
                                 String remotePath,
                                 TransferListener downloadMonitor )
         throws TransferFailedException
 245  2
 247  2
         String protocol = repository.getProtocol();
         Wagon wagon;
 252  2
             wagon = getWagon( protocol, repository.getId() );
 254  2
             configureWagon( wagon, repository );
 256  0
         catch ( UnsupportedProtocolException e )
 258  0
             throw new TransferFailedException( "Unsupported Protocol: '" + protocol + "': " + e.getMessage(), e );
 259  2
 261  2
         if ( downloadMonitor != null )
 263  0
             wagon.addTransferListener( downloadMonitor );
 266  2
         Map checksums = new HashMap( 2 );
 267  2
         Map sums = new HashMap( 2 );
         // TODO: configure these on the repository
 272  2
             ChecksumObserver checksumObserver = new ChecksumObserver( "MD5" );
 273  2
             wagon.addTransferListener( checksumObserver );
 274  2
             checksums.put( "md5", checksumObserver );
 275  2
             checksumObserver = new ChecksumObserver( "SHA-1" );
 276  2
             wagon.addTransferListener( checksumObserver );
 277  2
             checksums.put( "sha1", checksumObserver );
 279  0
         catch ( NoSuchAlgorithmException e )
 281  0
             throw new TransferFailedException( "Unable to add checksum methods: " + e.getMessage(), e );
 282  2
 286  2
             Repository artifactRepository = new Repository( repository.getId(), repository.getUrl() );
 288  2
             if ( serverPermissionsMap.containsKey( repository.getId() ) )
 290  0
                 RepositoryPermissions perms = (RepositoryPermissions) serverPermissionsMap.get( repository.getId() );
 292  0
                     "adding permissions to wagon connection: " + perms.getFileMode() + " " + perms.getDirectoryMode() );
 295  0
                 artifactRepository.setPermissions( perms );
 296  0
 299  2
                 if ( defaultRepositoryPermissions != null )
 301  0
                     artifactRepository.setPermissions( defaultRepositoryPermissions );
 305  2
                     getLogger().debug( "not adding permissions to wagon connection" );
 309  2
             wagon.connect( artifactRepository, getAuthenticationInfo( repository.getId() ), new ProxyInfoProvider()
 311  2
                 public ProxyInfo getProxyInfo( String protocol )
 313  0
                     return getProxy( protocol );
 317  2
             wagon.put( source, remotePath );
 319  2
             wagon.removeTransferListener( downloadMonitor );
             // Pre-store the checksums as any future puts will overwrite them
 322  2
             for ( Iterator i = checksums.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
 324  4
                 String extension = (String);
 325  4
                 ChecksumObserver observer = (ChecksumObserver) checksums.get( extension );
 326  4
                 sums.put( extension, observer.getActualChecksum() );
 327  4
             // We do this in here so we can checksum the artifact metadata too, otherwise it could be metadata itself
 330  2
             for ( Iterator i = checksums.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
 332  4
                 String extension = (String);
                 // TODO: shouldn't need a file intermediatary - improve wagon to take a stream
 335  4
                 File temp = File.createTempFile( "maven-artifact", null );
 336  4
 337  4
                 FileUtils.fileWrite( temp.getAbsolutePath(), "UTF-8", (String) sums.get( extension ) );
 339  4
                 wagon.put( temp, remotePath + "." + extension );
 340  4
 342  0
         catch ( ConnectionException e )
 344  0
             throw new TransferFailedException( "Connection failed: " + e.getMessage(), e );
 346  0
         catch ( AuthenticationException e )
 348  0
             throw new TransferFailedException( "Authentication failed: " + e.getMessage(), e );
 350  0
         catch ( AuthorizationException e )
 352  0
             throw new TransferFailedException( "Authorization failed: " + e.getMessage(), e );
 354  0
         catch ( ResourceDoesNotExistException e )
 356  0
             throw new TransferFailedException( "Resource to deploy not found: " + e.getMessage(), e );
 358  0
         catch ( IOException e )
 360  0
             throw new TransferFailedException( "Error creating temporary file for deployment: " + e.getMessage(), e );
 364  2
             disconnectWagon( wagon );
 366  2
             releaseWagon( protocol, wagon, repository.getId() );
 367  2
 368  2
     public void getArtifact( Artifact artifact,
                              List remoteRepositories )
         throws TransferFailedException, ResourceDoesNotExistException
         // TODO [BP]: The exception handling here needs some work
 375  8
         boolean successful = false;
 376  8
         for ( Iterator iter = remoteRepositories.iterator(); iter.hasNext() && !successful; )
 378  8
             ArtifactRepository repository = (ArtifactRepository);
 382  8
                 getArtifact( artifact, repository );
 384  4
                 successful = artifact.isResolved();
 386  4
             catch ( ResourceDoesNotExistException e )
                 // This one we will eat when looking through remote repositories
                 // because we want to cycle through them all before squawking.
 391  4
                 getLogger().info( "Unable to find resource '" + artifact.getId() + "' in repository " +
                     repository.getId() + " (" + repository.getUrl() + ")" );
 394  0
             catch ( TransferFailedException e )
 396  0
                 getLogger().warn( "Unable to get resource '" + artifact.getId() + "' from repository " +
                     repository.getId() + " (" + repository.getUrl() + "): " + e.getMessage() );
 398  8
 399  8
         // if it already exists locally we were just trying to force it - ignore the update
 402  8
         if ( !successful && !artifact.getFile().exists() )
 404  4
             throw new ResourceDoesNotExistException( "Unable to download the artifact from any repository" );
 406  4
     public void getArtifact( Artifact artifact,
                              ArtifactRepository repository )
         throws TransferFailedException, ResourceDoesNotExistException
 412  15
         String remotePath = repository.pathOf( artifact );
 414  15
         ArtifactRepositoryPolicy policy = artifact.isSnapshot() ? repository.getSnapshots() : repository.getReleases();
 416  15
         if ( !policy.isEnabled() )
 418  0
             getLogger().debug( "Skipping disabled repository " + repository.getId() );
 420  15
         else if ( repository.isBlacklisted() )
 422  0
             getLogger().debug( "Skipping blacklisted repository " + repository.getId() );
 426  15
             getLogger().debug( "Trying repository " + repository.getId() );
 427  15
             getRemoteFile( getMirrorRepository( repository ), artifact.getFile(), remotePath, downloadMonitor,
                                    policy.getChecksumPolicy(), false );
 429  9
             getLogger().debug( "  Artifact resolved" );
 431  9
             artifact.setResolved( true );
 433  9
     public void getArtifactMetadata( ArtifactMetadata metadata,
                                      ArtifactRepository repository,
                                      File destination,
                                      String checksumPolicy )
         throws TransferFailedException, ResourceDoesNotExistException
 441  0
         String remotePath = repository.pathOfRemoteRepositoryMetadata( metadata );
 443  0
         getRemoteFile( getMirrorRepository( repository ), destination, remotePath, null, checksumPolicy, true );
 444  0
     public void getArtifactMetadataFromDeploymentRepository( ArtifactMetadata metadata, ArtifactRepository repository,
                                                              File destination, String checksumPolicy )
         throws TransferFailedException, ResourceDoesNotExistException
 450  1
         String remotePath = repository.pathOfRemoteRepositoryMetadata( metadata );
 452  1
         getRemoteFile( repository, destination, remotePath, null, checksumPolicy, true );
 453  1
     private void getRemoteFile( ArtifactRepository repository,
                                 File destination,
                                 String remotePath,
                                 TransferListener downloadMonitor,
                                 String checksumPolicy,
                                 boolean force )
         throws TransferFailedException, ResourceDoesNotExistException
         // TODO: better excetpions - transfer failed is not enough?
 465  16
 467  16
         String protocol = repository.getProtocol();
         Wagon wagon;
 471  16
             wagon = getWagon( protocol, repository.getId() );
 473  16
             configureWagon( wagon, repository );
 475  0
         catch ( UnsupportedProtocolException e )
 477  0
             throw new TransferFailedException( "Unsupported Protocol: '" + protocol + "': " + e.getMessage(), e );
 478  16
 480  16
         if ( downloadMonitor != null )
 482  0
             wagon.addTransferListener( downloadMonitor );
 485  16
         File temp = new File( destination + ".tmp" );
 486  16
 488  16
         boolean downloaded = false;
 492  16
             getLogger().debug( "Connecting to repository: \'" + repository.getId() + "\' with url: \'" + repository.getUrl() + "\'." );
 494  16
             wagon.connect( new Repository( repository.getId(), repository.getUrl() ),
                            getAuthenticationInfo( repository.getId() ), new ProxyInfoProvider()
 497  16
                 public ProxyInfo getProxyInfo( String protocol )
 499  0
                     return getProxy( protocol );
 503  16
             boolean firstRun = true;
 504  16
             boolean retry = true;
             // this will run at most twice. The first time, the firstRun flag is turned off, and if the retry flag
             // is set on the first run, it will be turned off and not re-set on the second try. This is because the
             // only way the retry flag can be set is if ( firstRun == true ).
 509  29
             while ( firstRun || retry )
                 // reset the retry flag.
 512  19
                 retry = false;
                 // TODO: configure on repository
 515  19
                 ChecksumObserver md5ChecksumObserver = null;
 516  19
                 ChecksumObserver sha1ChecksumObserver = null;
 519  19
                     md5ChecksumObserver = new ChecksumObserver( "MD5" );
 520  19
                     wagon.addTransferListener( md5ChecksumObserver );
 522  19
                     sha1ChecksumObserver = new ChecksumObserver( "SHA-1" );
 523  19
                     wagon.addTransferListener( sha1ChecksumObserver );
                     // This should take care of creating destination directory now on
 526  19
                     if ( destination.exists() && !force )
 530  0
                             downloaded = wagon.getIfNewer( remotePath, temp, destination.lastModified() );
 531  0
                             if ( !downloaded )
                                 // prevent additional checks of this artifact until it expires again
 534  0
                                 destination.setLastModified( System.currentTimeMillis() );
 537  0
                         catch ( UnsupportedOperationException e )
                             // older wagons throw this. Just get() instead
 540  0
                             wagon.get( remotePath, temp );
 541  0
                             downloaded = true;
 542  0
 546  19
                         wagon.get( remotePath, temp );
 547  15
                         downloaded = true;
 550  0
                 catch ( NoSuchAlgorithmException e )
 552  0
                     throw new TransferFailedException( "Unable to add checksum methods: " + e.getMessage(), e );
 556  19
                     if ( md5ChecksumObserver != null )
 558  19
                         wagon.removeTransferListener( md5ChecksumObserver );
 560  19
                     if ( sha1ChecksumObserver != null )
 562  19
                         wagon.removeTransferListener( sha1ChecksumObserver );
 566  15
                 if ( downloaded )
                     // keep the checksum files from showing up on the download monitor...
 569  15
                     if ( downloadMonitor != null )
 571  0
                         wagon.removeTransferListener( downloadMonitor );
                     // try to verify the SHA-1 checksum for this file.
 577  15
                         verifyChecksum( sha1ChecksumObserver, destination, temp, remotePath, ".sha1", wagon );
 579  2
                     catch ( ChecksumFailedException e )
                         // if we catch a ChecksumFailedException, it means the transfer/read succeeded, but the checksum
                         // doesn't match. This could be a problem with the server (ibiblio HTTP-200 error page), so we'll
                         // try this up to two times. On the second try, we'll handle it as a bona-fide error, based on the
                         // repository's checksum checking policy.
 585  2
                         if ( firstRun )
 587  1
                             getLogger().warn( "*** CHECKSUM FAILED - " + e.getMessage() + " - RETRYING" );
 588  1
                             retry = true;
 592  1
                             handleChecksumFailure( checksumPolicy, e.getMessage(), e.getCause() );
 595  10
                     catch ( ResourceDoesNotExistException sha1TryException )
 597  10
                         getLogger().debug( "SHA1 not found, trying MD5", sha1TryException );
                         // if this IS NOT a ChecksumFailedException, it was a problem with transfer/read of the checksum
                         // file...we'll try again with the MD5 checksum.
 603  10
                             verifyChecksum( md5ChecksumObserver, destination, temp, remotePath, ".md5", wagon );
 605  4
                         catch ( ChecksumFailedException e )
                             // if we also fail to verify based on the MD5 checksum, and the checksum transfer/read
                             // succeeded, then we need to determine whether to retry or handle it as a failure.
 609  4
                             if ( firstRun )
 611  2
                                 retry = true;
 615  2
                                 handleChecksumFailure( checksumPolicy, e.getMessage(), e.getCause() );
 618  4
                         catch ( ResourceDoesNotExistException md5TryException )
                             // this was a failed transfer, and we don't want to retry.
 621  4
                             handleChecksumFailure( checksumPolicy, "Error retrieving checksum file for " + remotePath,
                                 md5TryException );
 623  5
 624  4
                     // reinstate the download monitor...
 627  13
                     if ( downloadMonitor != null )
 629  0
                         wagon.addTransferListener( downloadMonitor );
                 // unset the firstRun flag, so we don't get caught in an infinite loop...
 634  13
                 firstRun = false;
 635  13
 637  0
         catch ( ConnectionException e )
 639  0
             throw new TransferFailedException( "Connection failed: " + e.getMessage(), e );
 641  0
         catch ( AuthenticationException e )
 643  0
             throw new TransferFailedException( "Authentication failed: " + e.getMessage(), e );
 645  0
         catch ( AuthorizationException e )
 647  0
             throw new TransferFailedException( "Authorization failed: " + e.getMessage(), e );
 651  16
             disconnectWagon( wagon );
 653  16
             releaseWagon( protocol, wagon, repository.getId() );
 654  10
 656  10
         if ( downloaded )
 658  10
             if ( !temp.exists() )
 660  0
                 throw new ResourceDoesNotExistException( "Downloaded file does not exist: " + temp );
             // The temporary file is named destination + ".tmp" and is done this way to ensure
             // that the temporary file is in the same file system as the destination because the
             // File.renameTo operation doesn't really work across file systems.
             // So we will attempt to do a File.renameTo for efficiency and atomicity, if this fails
             // then we will use a brute force copy and delete the temporary file.
 669  10
             if ( !temp.renameTo( destination ) )
 673  0
                     FileUtils.copyFile( temp, destination );
 675  0
 677  0
                 catch ( IOException e )
 679  0
                     throw new TransferFailedException(
                         "Error copying temporary file to the final destination: " + e.getMessage(), e );
 681  0
 684  10
     public ArtifactRepository getMirrorRepository( ArtifactRepository repository )
 688  32
         ArtifactRepository mirror = getMirror( repository );
 689  32
         if ( mirror != null )
 691  13
             String id = mirror.getId();
 692  13
             if ( id == null )
                 // TODO: this should be illegal in settings.xml
 695  0
                 id = repository.getId();
 698  13
             getLogger().debug( "Using mirror: " + mirror.getUrl() + " (id: " + id + ")" );
 700  13
             repository = repositoryFactory.createArtifactRepository( id, mirror.getUrl(),
                                                                      repository.getLayout(), repository.getSnapshots(),
                                                                      repository.getReleases() );
 704  32
         return repository;
     private void failIfNotOnline()
         throws TransferFailedException
 710  18
         if ( !isOnline() )
 712  0
             throw new TransferFailedException( "System is offline." );
 714  18
     private void handleChecksumFailure( String checksumPolicy,
                                         String message,
                                         Throwable cause )
         throws ChecksumFailedException
 721  7
         if ( ArtifactRepositoryPolicy.CHECKSUM_POLICY_FAIL.equals( checksumPolicy ) )
 723  2
             throw new ChecksumFailedException( message, cause );
 725  5
         else if ( !ArtifactRepositoryPolicy.CHECKSUM_POLICY_IGNORE.equals( checksumPolicy ) )
             // warn if it is set to anything other than ignore
 728  4
             getLogger().warn( "*** CHECKSUM FAILED - " + message + " - IGNORING" );
         // otherwise it is ignore
 731  5
     private void verifyChecksum( ChecksumObserver checksumObserver,
                                  File destination,
                                  File tempDestination,
                                  String remotePath,
                                  String checksumFileExtension,
                                  Wagon wagon )
         throws ResourceDoesNotExistException, TransferFailedException, AuthorizationException
             // grab it first, because it's about to change...
 744  25
             String actualChecksum = checksumObserver.getActualChecksum();
 746  25
             File tempChecksumFile = new File( tempDestination + checksumFileExtension + ".tmp" );
 747  25
 748  25
             wagon.get( remotePath + checksumFileExtension, tempChecksumFile );
 750  11
             String expectedChecksum = FileUtils.fileRead( tempChecksumFile, "UTF-8" );
             // remove whitespaces at the end
 753  11
             expectedChecksum = expectedChecksum.trim();
             // check for 'ALGO (name) = CHECKSUM' like used by openssl
 756  11
             if ( expectedChecksum.regionMatches( true, 0, "MD", 0, 2 )
                 || expectedChecksum.regionMatches( true, 0, "SHA", 0, 3 ) )
 759  0
                 int lastSpacePos = expectedChecksum.lastIndexOf( ' ' );
 760  0
                 expectedChecksum = expectedChecksum.substring( lastSpacePos + 1 );
 761  0
                 // remove everything after the first space (if available)
 765  11
                 int spacePos = expectedChecksum.indexOf( ' ' );
 767  11
                 if ( spacePos != -1 )
 769  0
                     expectedChecksum = expectedChecksum.substring( 0, spacePos );
 772  11
             if ( expectedChecksum.equalsIgnoreCase( actualChecksum ) )
 774  5
                 File checksumFile = new File( destination + checksumFileExtension );
 775  5
                 if ( checksumFile.exists() )
 777  2
 779  5
                 FileUtils.copyFile( tempChecksumFile, checksumFile );
 780  5
 783  6
                 throw new ChecksumFailedException( "Checksum failed on download: local = '" + actualChecksum +
                     "'; remote = '" + expectedChecksum + "'" );
 787  0
         catch ( IOException e )
 789  0
             throw new ChecksumFailedException( "Invalid checksum file", e );
 790  5
 791  5
     private void disconnectWagon( Wagon wagon )
 798  18
 800  0
         catch ( ConnectionException e )
 802  0
             getLogger().error( "Problem disconnecting from wagon - ignoring: " + e.getMessage() );
 803  18
 804  18
     private void releaseWagon( String protocol,
                                Wagon wagon, String repositoryId )
 809  18
         String hint = getWagonHint( protocol, repositoryId );
 811  18
         PlexusContainer container = getWagonContainer( hint );
 814  18
             container.release( wagon );
 816  0
         catch ( ComponentLifecycleException e )
 818  0
             getLogger().error( "Problem releasing wagon - ignoring: " + e.getMessage() );
 819  18
 820  18
     public ProxyInfo getProxy( String protocol )
 824  0
         ProxyInfo info = (ProxyInfo) proxies.get( protocol );
 826  0
         if ( info != null )
 828  0
             getLogger().debug( "Using Proxy: " + info.getHost() );
 831  0
         return info;
     public AuthenticationInfo getAuthenticationInfo( String id )
 836  18
         return (AuthenticationInfo) authenticationInfoMap.get( id );
      * This method finds a matching mirror for the selected repository. If there is an exact match, this will be used.
      * If there is no exact match, then the list of mirrors is examined to see if a pattern applies.
      * @param originalRepository See if there is a mirror for this repository.
      * @return the selected mirror or null if none are found.
     public ArtifactRepository getMirror( ArtifactRepository originalRepository )
 848  32
         ArtifactRepository selectedMirror = (ArtifactRepository) mirrors.get( originalRepository.getId() );
 849  32
         if ( null == selectedMirror )
             // Process the patterns in order. First one that matches wins.
 852  24
             Set keySet = mirrors.keySet();
 853  24
             if ( keySet != null )
 855  24
                 Iterator iter = keySet.iterator();
 856  42
                 while ( iter.hasNext() )
 858  23
                     String pattern = (String);
 859  23
                     if ( matchPattern( originalRepository, pattern ) )
 861  5
                         selectedMirror = (ArtifactRepository) mirrors.get( pattern );
 862  5
 864  18
 868  32
         return selectedMirror;
      * This method checks if the pattern matches the originalRepository.
      * Valid patterns:
      * * = everything
      * external:* = everything not on the localhost and not file based.
      * repo,repo1 = repo or repo1
      * *,!repo1 = everything except repo1
      * @param originalRepository to compare for a match.
      * @param pattern used for match. Currently only '*' is supported.
      * @return true if the repository is a match to this pattern.
     public boolean matchPattern( ArtifactRepository originalRepository, String pattern )
 885  55
         boolean result = false;
 886  55
         String originalId = originalRepository.getId();
         // simple checks first to short circuit processing below.
 889  55
         if ( WILDCARD.equals( pattern ) || pattern.equals( originalId ) )
 891  7
             result = true;
             // process the list
 896  48
             String[] repos = pattern.split( "," );
 897  106
             for ( int i = 0; i < repos.length; i++ )
 899  72
                 String repo = repos[i];
                 // see if this is a negative match
 902  72
                 if ( repo.length() > 1 && repo.startsWith( "!" ) )
 904  13
                     if ( originalId.equals( repo.substring( 1 ) ) )
                         // explicitly exclude. Set result and stop processing.
 907  5
                         result = false;
 908  5
                 // check for exact match
 912  59
                 else if ( originalId.equals( repo ) )
 914  9
                     result = true;
 915  9
                 // check for external:*
 918  50
                 else if ( EXTERNAL_WILDCARD.equals( repo ) && isExternalRepo( originalRepository ) )
 920  1
                     result = true;
                     // don't stop processing in case a future segment explicitly excludes this repo
 923  49
                 else if ( WILDCARD.equals( repo ) )
 925  8
                     result = true;
                     // don't stop processing in case a future segment explicitly excludes this repo
 930  55
         return result;
      * Checks the URL to see if this repository refers to an external repository
      * @param originalRepository
      * @return true if external.
     public boolean isExternalRepo( ArtifactRepository originalRepository )
 943  20
             URL url = new URL( originalRepository.getUrl() );
 944  18
             return !( url.getHost().equals( "localhost" ) || url.getHost().equals( "" ) || url.getProtocol().equals(
                                                                                                                               "file" ) );
 947  2
         catch ( MalformedURLException e )
             // bad url just skip it here. It should have been validated already, but the wagon lookup will deal with it
 950  2
             return false;
      * Set the proxy used for a particular protocol.
      * @param protocol the protocol (required)
      * @param host the proxy host name (required)
      * @param port the proxy port (required)
      * @param username the username for the proxy, or null if there is none
      * @param password the password for the proxy, or null if there is none
      * @param nonProxyHosts the set of hosts not to use the proxy for. Follows Java system property format:
      *            <code>*|localhost</code>.
      * @todo [BP] would be nice to configure this via plexus in some way
     public void addProxy( String protocol,
                           String host,
                           int port,
                           String username,
                           String password,
                           String nonProxyHosts )
 973  0
         ProxyInfo proxyInfo = new ProxyInfo();
 974  0
         proxyInfo.setHost( host );
 975  0
         proxyInfo.setType( protocol );
 976  0
         proxyInfo.setPort( port );
 977  0
         proxyInfo.setNonProxyHosts( nonProxyHosts );
 978  0
         proxyInfo.setUserName( username );
 979  0
         proxyInfo.setPassword( password );
 981  0
         proxies.put( protocol, proxyInfo );
 982  0
     public void contextualize( Context context )
         throws ContextException
 987  27
         container = (PlexusContainer) context.get( PlexusConstants.PLEXUS_KEY );
 988  27
     /** @todo I'd rather not be setting this explicitly. */
     public void setDownloadMonitor( TransferListener downloadMonitor )
 993  0
         this.downloadMonitor = downloadMonitor;
 994  0
     public void addAuthenticationInfo( String repositoryId,
                                        String username,
                                        String password,
                                        String privateKey,
                                        String passphrase )
 1002  0
         AuthenticationInfo authInfo = new AuthenticationInfo();
 1004  0
         authInfo.setUserName( username );
 1006  0
         authInfo.setPassword( password );
 1008  0
         authInfo.setPrivateKey( privateKey );
 1010  0
         authInfo.setPassphrase( passphrase );
 1012  0
         authenticationInfoMap.put( repositoryId, authInfo );
 1013  0
     public void addPermissionInfo( String repositoryId,
                                    String filePermissions,
                                    String directoryPermissions )
 1020  0
         RepositoryPermissions permissions = new RepositoryPermissions();
 1021  0
         boolean addPermissions = false;
 1023  0
         if ( filePermissions != null )
 1025  0
             permissions.setFileMode( filePermissions );
 1026  0
             addPermissions = true;
 1029  0
         if ( directoryPermissions != null )
 1031  0
             permissions.setDirectoryMode( directoryPermissions );
 1032  0
             addPermissions = true;
 1035  0
         if ( addPermissions )
 1037  0
             serverPermissionsMap.put( repositoryId, permissions );
 1039  0
     public void addMirror( String id,
                            String mirrorOf,
                            String url )
 1045  14
         if ( id == null )
 1047  1
             id = "mirror-" + anonymousMirrorIdSeed++;
 1048  1
             getLogger().warn( "You are using a mirror that doesn't declare an <id/> element. Using \'" + id + "\' instead:\nId: " + id + "\nmirrorOf: " + mirrorOf + "\nurl: " + url + "\n" );
 1051  14
         ArtifactRepository mirror = new DefaultArtifactRepository( id, url, null );
         //to preserve first wins, don't add repeated mirrors.
 1054  14
         if (!mirrors.containsKey( mirrorOf ))
 1056  13
             mirrors.put( mirrorOf, mirror );
 1058  14
     public void setOnline( boolean online )
 1062  0 = online;
 1063  0
     public boolean isOnline()
 1067  28
         return online;
     public void setInteractive( boolean interactive )
 1072  0
         this.interactive = interactive;
 1073  0
     @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
     public void registerWagons( Collection wagons,
                                 PlexusContainer extensionContainer )
 1079  0
         for ( Iterator<String> i = wagons.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
 1081  0
             availableWagons.put(, extensionContainer );
 1083  0
      * Applies the server configuration to the wagon
      * @param wagon      the wagon to configure
      * @param repository the repository that has the configuration
      * @throws WagonConfigurationException wraps any error given during configuration of the wagon instance
     private void configureWagon( Wagon wagon,
                                  ArtifactRepository repository )
         throws WagonConfigurationException
 1096  18
         configureWagon( wagon, repository.getId(), repository.getProtocol() );
 1097  18
     private void configureWagon( Wagon wagon, String repositoryId, String protocol )
         throws WagonConfigurationException
 1102  2024
         PlexusConfiguration config = (PlexusConfiguration) serverConfigurationMap.get( repositoryId ); 
 1103  2024
         if ( protocol.startsWith( "http" ) || protocol.startsWith( "dav" ) )
 1105  2000
             config = updateUserAgentForHttp( wagon, config );
 1108  2024
         if ( config != null )
 1110  2006
             ComponentConfigurator componentConfigurator = null;
 1113  2006
                 componentConfigurator = (ComponentConfigurator) container.lookup( ComponentConfigurator.ROLE, "wagon" );
 1114  2006
                 componentConfigurator.configureComponent( wagon, config, container.getContainerRealm() );
 1116  0
             catch ( final ComponentLookupException e )
 1118  0
                 throw new WagonConfigurationException( repositoryId,
                                                        "Unable to lookup wagon configurator. Wagon configuration cannot be applied.",
                                                        e );
 1122  0
             catch ( ComponentConfigurationException e )
 1124  0
                 throw new WagonConfigurationException( repositoryId, "Unable to apply wagon configuration.", e );
 1128  2006
                 if ( componentConfigurator != null )
 1132  2006
                         container.release( componentConfigurator );
 1134  0
                     catch ( ComponentLifecycleException e )
 1136  0
                         getLogger().error( "Problem releasing configurator - ignoring: " + e.getMessage() );
 1137  2006
 1142  2024
     // TODO: Remove this, once the maven-shade-plugin 1.2 release is out, allowing configuration of httpHeaders in the components.xml
     private PlexusConfiguration updateUserAgentForHttp( Wagon wagon, PlexusConfiguration config )
 1147  2000
         if ( config == null )
 1149  2000
             config = new XmlPlexusConfiguration( "configuration" );
 1152  2000
         if ( httpUserAgent != null )
 1156  2000
                 wagon.getClass().getMethod( "setHttpHeaders", new Class[]{ Properties.class } );
 1158  2000
                 PlexusConfiguration headerConfig = config.getChild( "httpHeaders", true );
 1159  2000
                 PlexusConfiguration[] children = headerConfig.getChildren( "property" );
 1160  2000
                 boolean found = false;
 1162  2000
                 getLogger().debug( "Checking for pre-existing User-Agent configuration." );
 1163  2000
                 for ( int i = 0; i < children.length; i++ )
 1165  0
                     PlexusConfiguration c = children[i].getChild( "name", false );
 1166  0
                     if ( c != null && "User-Agent".equals( c.getValue( null ) ) )
 1168  0
                         found = true;
 1169  0
 1173  2000
                 if ( !found )
 1175  2000
                     getLogger().debug( "Adding User-Agent configuration." );
 1176  2000
                     XmlPlexusConfiguration propertyConfig = new XmlPlexusConfiguration( "property" );
 1177  2000
                     headerConfig.addChild( propertyConfig );
 1179  2000
                     XmlPlexusConfiguration nameConfig = new XmlPlexusConfiguration( "name" );
 1180  2000
                     nameConfig.setValue( "User-Agent" );
 1181  2000
                     propertyConfig.addChild( nameConfig );
 1183  2000
                     XmlPlexusConfiguration versionConfig = new XmlPlexusConfiguration( "value" );
 1184  2000
                     versionConfig.setValue( httpUserAgent );
 1185  2000
                     propertyConfig.addChild( versionConfig );
 1186  2000
 1189  0
                     getLogger().debug( "User-Agent configuration found." );
 1192  0
             catch ( SecurityException e )
 1194  0
                 getLogger().debug( "setHttpHeaders method not accessible on wagon: " + wagon + "; skipping User-Agent configuration." );
                 // forget it. this method is public, if it exists.
 1197  0
             catch ( NoSuchMethodException e )
 1199  0
                 getLogger().debug( "setHttpHeaders method not found on wagon: " + wagon + "; skipping User-Agent configuration." );
                 // forget it.
 1201  2000
 1204  2000
         return config;
     public void addConfiguration( String repositoryId,
                                   Xpp3Dom configuration )
 1210  6
         if ( repositoryId == null || configuration == null )
 1212  0
             throw new IllegalArgumentException( "arguments can't be null" );
 1215  6
         final XmlPlexusConfiguration xmlConf = new XmlPlexusConfiguration( configuration );
 1217  11
         for ( int i = 0; i < configuration.getChildCount(); i++ )
 1219  6
             Xpp3Dom domChild = configuration.getChild( i );
 1220  6
             if ( WAGON_PROVIDER_CONFIGURATION.equals( domChild.getName() ) )
 1222  1
                 serverWagonProviderMap.put( repositoryId, domChild.getValue() );
 1223  1
                 configuration.removeChild( i );
 1224  1
 1227  5
 1230  6
         serverConfigurationMap.put( repositoryId, xmlConf );
 1231  6
     public void setDefaultRepositoryPermissions( RepositoryPermissions defaultRepositoryPermissions )
 1235  0
         this.defaultRepositoryPermissions = defaultRepositoryPermissions;
 1236  0
     // TODO: Remove this, once the maven-shade-plugin 1.2 release is out, allowing configuration of httpHeaders in the components.xml
     public void initialize()
         throws InitializationException
 1242  27
         if ( httpUserAgent == null )
 1244  27
             InputStream resourceAsStream = null;
 1247  27
                 Properties properties = new Properties();
 1248  27
                 resourceAsStream = getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream( MAVEN_ARTIFACT_PROPERTIES );
 1250  27
                 if ( resourceAsStream != null )
 1254  27
                         properties.load( resourceAsStream );
 1256  27
                         httpUserAgent =
                             "maven-artifact/" + properties.getProperty( "version" ) + " (Java "
                                 + System.getProperty( "java.version" ) + "; " + System.getProperty( "" ) + " "
                                 + System.getProperty( "os.version" ) + ")";
 1261  0
                     catch ( IOException e )
 1263  0
                                           "Failed to load Maven artifact properties from:\n" + MAVEN_ARTIFACT_PROPERTIES
                                               + "\n\nUser-Agent HTTP header may be incorrect for artifact resolution." );
 1266  27
 1271  27
                 IOUtil.close( resourceAsStream );
 1272  27
 1274  27
      * {@inheritDoc}
     public void setHttpUserAgent( String userAgent )
 1281  1
         this.httpUserAgent = userAgent;
 1282  1
      * {@inheritDoc}
     public String getHttpUserAgent()
 1289  1
         return httpUserAgent;