Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.settings.Repository
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 package org.apache.maven.settings;
  *         Repository contains the information needed for
  * establishing
  *         connections with remote repoistory
  *       .
  * @version $Revision$ $Date$
 19  0
 public class Repository
     extends RepositoryBase
      //- Class/Member Variables -/
      *             How to handle downloading of releases from this
      * repository
      *           .
     private RepositoryPolicy releases;
      *             How to handle downloading of snapshots from this
      * repository
      *           .
     private RepositoryPolicy snapshots;
      //- Methods -/
      * Get how to handle downloading of releases from this
      * repository.
      * @return RepositoryPolicy
     public RepositoryPolicy getReleases()
 57  0
         return this.releases;
     } //-- RepositoryPolicy getReleases()
      * Get how to handle downloading of snapshots from this
      * repository.
      * @return RepositoryPolicy
     public RepositoryPolicy getSnapshots()
 68  0
         return this.snapshots;
     } //-- RepositoryPolicy getSnapshots()
      * Set how to handle downloading of releases from this
      * repository.
      * @param releases
     public void setReleases( RepositoryPolicy releases )
 79  0
         this.releases = releases;
 80  0
     } //-- void setReleases( RepositoryPolicy )
      * Set how to handle downloading of snapshots from this
      * repository.
      * @param snapshots
     public void setSnapshots( RepositoryPolicy snapshots )
 90  0
         this.snapshots = snapshots;
 91  0
     } //-- void setSnapshots( RepositoryPolicy )
      * @see org.apache.maven.settings.RepositoryBase#equals(java.lang.Object)
     public boolean equals( Object obj )
 100  0
         return super.equals( obj );