Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.model.Reporting
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 package org.apache.maven.model;
  * Section for management of reports and their configuration.
  * @version $Revision$ $Date$
 15  4
 public class Reporting
      //- Class/Member Variables -/
      * If true, then the default reports are not included in the
      * site generation.
      *             This includes the reports in the "Project Info"
      * menu.
     private Boolean excludeDefaultsValue;
      *             Where to store all of the generated reports. The
      * default is
      *             <code>${}/site</code>
      *             .
     private String outputDirectory;
      * Field plugins.
     private java.util.List<ReportPlugin> plugins;
      //- Methods -/
      * Method addPlugin.
      * @param reportPlugin
     public void addPlugin( ReportPlugin reportPlugin )
 60  0
         if ( !(reportPlugin instanceof ReportPlugin) )
 62  0
             throw new ClassCastException( "Reporting.addPlugins(reportPlugin) parameter must be instanceof " + ReportPlugin.class.getName() );
 64  0
         getPlugins().add( reportPlugin );
 65  0
     } //-- void addPlugin( ReportPlugin )
      * Get where to store all of the generated reports. The default
      * is
      *             <code>${}/site</code>
      *             .
      * @return String
     public String getOutputDirectory()
 77  0
         return this.outputDirectory;
     } //-- String getOutputDirectory()
      * Method getPlugins.
      * @return List
     public java.util.List<ReportPlugin> getPlugins()
 87  0
         if ( this.plugins == null )
 89  0
             this.plugins = new java.util.ArrayList<ReportPlugin>();
 92  0
         return this.plugins;
     } //-- java.util.List<ReportPlugin> getPlugins()
      * Get if true, then the default reports are not included in
      * the site generation.
      *             This includes the reports in the "Project Info"
      * menu.
      * @return Boolean
     public Boolean isExcludeDefaultsValue()
 105  0
         return this.excludeDefaultsValue;
     } //-- Boolean isExcludeDefaultsValue()
      * Method removePlugin.
      * @param reportPlugin
     public void removePlugin( ReportPlugin reportPlugin )
 115  0
         if ( !(reportPlugin instanceof ReportPlugin) )
 117  0
             throw new ClassCastException( "Reporting.removePlugins(reportPlugin) parameter must be instanceof " + ReportPlugin.class.getName() );
 119  0
         getPlugins().remove( reportPlugin );
 120  0
     } //-- void removePlugin( ReportPlugin )
      * Set if true, then the default reports are not included in
      * the site generation.
      *             This includes the reports in the "Project Info"
      * menu.
      * @param excludeDefaultsValue
     public void setExcludeDefaultsValue( Boolean excludeDefaultsValue )
 132  0
         this.excludeDefaultsValue = excludeDefaultsValue;
 133  0
     } //-- void setExcludeDefaultsValue( Boolean )
      * Set where to store all of the generated reports. The default
      * is
      *             <code>${}/site</code>
      *             .
      * @param outputDirectory
     public void setOutputDirectory( String outputDirectory )
 145  0
         this.outputDirectory = outputDirectory;
 146  0
     } //-- void setOutputDirectory( String )
      * Set the reporting plugins to use and their configuration.
      * @param plugins
     public void setPlugins( java.util.List<ReportPlugin> plugins )
 155  0
         this.plugins = plugins;
 156  0
     } //-- void setPlugins( java.util.List )
     java.util.Map reportPluginMap;
      * Reset the <code>reportPluginMap</code> field to <code>null</code>
     public void flushReportPluginMap()
 167  0
         this.reportPluginMap = null;
 168  0
      * @return a Map of plugins field with <code>ReportPlugin#getKey()</code> as key
      * @see org.apache.maven.model.ReportPlugin#getKey()
     public java.util.Map getReportPluginsAsMap()
 176  0
         if ( reportPluginMap == null )
 178  0
             reportPluginMap = new java.util.LinkedHashMap();
 179  0
             if ( getPlugins() != null )
 181  0
                 for ( java.util.Iterator it = getPlugins().iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
 183  0
                     ReportPlugin reportPlugin = (ReportPlugin);
 184  0
                     reportPluginMap.put( reportPlugin.getKey(), reportPlugin );
 185  0
 189  0
         return reportPluginMap;
     public boolean isExcludeDefaults()
 194  0
         return excludeDefaultsValue != null ? excludeDefaultsValue.booleanValue() : false;
     public void setExcludeDefaults( boolean excludeDefaults )
 199  0
         excludeDefaultsValue = excludeDefaults ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
 200  0
     public void setExcludeDefaultsValue( String excludeDefaults )
 204  0
         excludeDefaultsValue = excludeDefaults != null ? Boolean.valueOf( excludeDefaults ) : null;
 205  0